A comment on the gout earlier this week: In the past I purchased an unbelievably sugary blueberry drink (Bare Naked’s Blue Machine) and it would eliminate the symptoms after about a day. That is, in the three times in the past I recall having gout, that stuff eliminated it by the following evening.
This time, not wanting the extra sugar, and still wanting to not introduce new food ingredients faster than one a week, I ate about a quarter cup to a cup of blueberries three or four times a day for two days and by the morning of day three, I was entirely gout free. (Blueberries were last week’s food, I don’t seem to have had any skin reactions from it, but maybe I should switch to one new food every two weeks…)
I’m not sure if I would have been further ahead with the juice to end it a day sooner or if I’m better off not having consumed the extra sugar and other ingredients.
So, as for the cause of gout: breaking down purines produces uric acid as a by product and this can build up around the joints in the form of crystals. The purines in the sardines were the culprit. If I consume sardines, I get gout. I can eat bacon without an issue, but the purines in sardines are just too high. I’ll try eating them again after a multi-week stint of pure carno.
updated: 2023-07-07 13:28:45
generated: 2024-07-08