
What I'm playing, and why and how I'm playing it

I'm playing Lisergia by Cezar Capacle. It looks really nice and dreamy. It's a "drifter" game in which there's no objective other than to wander around and have experiences.

Well, there is one thing that could be construed as an objective. And that is, each time you conclude an experience, you can collect a "corrolary" for your totem. There are 36 slots on the token. So here's an objective for the game: I can decide to end at any time, or I can end after collecting 36 corrolaries. I'm thinking my character might be trapped in Lisergia, and needs to collect them all to escape. Or something. We'll see.


I'm going to play it with a character made from Abenteuerspiel by Terribly Beautiful because I wanted a little bit more structure around character creation, and I wanted to try out the magic system and the stress die mechanic, because I think they're interesting.

I don't expect to be thrilled with the pessimistic forged-in-the-dark style dice roles. I expect Lisergia to be less dangerous and more dreamy. I might adopt some kind of adaptation of Cthulhu Dark's system of "you never fail, but you may not always get what you want."


I plan to use different oracles and generators to create content including the Womb that is built into Lisergia, and also Mythic Game Master Emulator, Ask the Stars from Bastionland, and more.

