1. Capitalism is anti-Human
1a. Humans are reduced to "wage-slaves"
1b. Capitalists minimize compensation to the wage-slaves in the name of "Profit"
1c. **Productivity** is maximization of Capitalist Profit per Human Labor-Hour
1d. Productivity reduces Human Labor to Profit-Optimized but unsatisfying activity
2. Capitalism seeks Monopolistic Consolidation
2a. One Consolidationist/Monopolist "Capitalist" to Rule Them/It All
2b. **OR** One Consolidationist/Monopolist Oligarchy to Rule Them/It All
2c. The Ultimate *Planned Economy* (see Hayek and Ayn Rand for fun)
2d. Capitalism approaches its end-game and has no idea what to do
3. "Labor" (all but the 0.001%) is Dumbed Down (Ivanov and others)
3a. De-schooling (reduced/bowdlerized content)
3b. Spectacle ("TV", "games", Movies, Commercial Arts, SportsBall)
3c. Intensive surveillance and propaganda
3d. "Drugs - legal and otherwise
4. "Labor" (#3) is not Stoopid
4a. Making Ends Meet is a real problem, propaganda doesn't fix it
4b. Community/Family is three dimensional and "In Your Face"
4c. Aspirations are supra-"cultural" (Success, Dignity, Fulfillment)