The number of pages and domains known to TLGS at 2024-07-07 23:39:25. These figures are updated every 6Hrs or so.
377219 : pages 2391 : domains
The distribution of file types withing TLGS's index at 2024-07-07 23:39:25. These figures are updated every 6Hrs or so.
319107 : text/gemini 23470 : image/jpeg 12177 : image/png 6795 : text/plain 2487 : application/octet-stream 1754 : application/json 1634 : image/svg+xml 1228 : application/zip 1175 : application/pdf 956 : image/gif 896 : text/xml 746 : application/atom+xml 693 : <gemini-request-info> 568 : audio/mpeg 445 : text/html 384 : text/markdown 333 : application/javascript 259 : application/xml 256 : image/webp 227 : application/lagrange-fontpack+zip 201 : audio/ogg 170 : video/mp4 149 : application/gzip 120 : application/epub+zip 61 : text/x-lilypond 57 : text/x-python 57 : application/pgp-signature 54 : application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text 54 : application/pgp-keys 34 : audio/flac 31 : audio/midi 28 : application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation 26 : application/font-woff 24 : text/x-rust 22 : video/webm 21 : audio/x-mpegurl 19 : application/x-sh 17 : application/java-archive 17 : text/vtt 17 : text/csv 16 : text/x-csrc 16 : application/postscript 16 : text/css 14 : application/x-compressed-tar 14 : application/gpub+zip 13 : text/x-c 13 : application/rss+xml 12 : audio/wav 12 : audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin 11 : video/quicktime 10 : application/x-tar 10 : audio/wave 10 : video/x-matroska 9 : image/vnd.djvu 9 : application/x-freearc 8 : application/vnd.lotus-organizer 8 : application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet 8 : application/ 8 : text/x-sh 8 : application/x-lzh-compressed 7 : image/avif 7 : audio/mid 6 : application/x-bzip2 6 : text/plain 6 : application/x-shellscript 6 : video/ogg 6 : application/x-xcf 6 : image/x-qoi 5 : application/x-mspublisher 5 : image/x-photoshop 5 : image/x-icon 5 : application/x-gzip 5 : application/vnd.exstream-package 4 : text/x-go 4 : text/atom+xml 4 : application/font-sfnt 4 : application/ 4 : text/gembox 3 : text/x-diff 3 : text/x-patch 3 : text/tab-separated-values 3 : application/x-gameboy-rom 3 : text/rss+xml 3 : text/org-mode 3 : application/ 3 : image/jxl 3 : message/rfc822 3 : audio/mpegurl 3 : text/javascript 3 : image/x-ms-bmp 3 : application/x-7z-compressed 3 : application/pgp-encrypted 3 : font/ttf 3 : application/tar 2 : application/x-msdownload 2 : application/vnd.lotus-screencam 2 : application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet-template 2 : application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet 2 : application/vnd.rar 2 : application/vnd.sun.xml.impress 2 : application/x-awk 2 : application/x-compressed 2 : application/x-executable 2 : application/x-tcl 2 : application/x-xz 2 : audio/x-flac 2 : audio/x-wav 2 : image/ 2 : image/x-3ds 2 : application/gpg-keys 2 : text/x-opml+xml 2 : application 2 : text/x-shellscript 2 : text/x-tcl 2 : text/x-tex 1 : image/bmp 1 : application/ogg 1 : audio/unknown\011e 1 : audio/sp-midi 1 : application/ 1 : text/org 1 : application/x-xpinstall 1 : <empty string> 1 : application/x-x509-ca-cert 1 : application/x-tex 1 : text/rtf 1 : application/x-subrip 1 : application/x-sqlite3 1 : application/x-rar-compressed 1 : application/x-python-code 1 : application/x-perl 1 : application/x-msdos-program 1 : text/x-hare 1 : text/x-haskell 1 : application/x-mobipocket-ebook 1 : text/x-lisp 1 : application/ 1 : application/ 1 : application/x-lha 1 : text/x-perl 1 : application/ 1 : application/x-latex 1 : application/x-gtar-compressed 1 : video/x-mng 1 : video/x-msvideo 1 : audio/x-pn-realaudio 1 : text/x-toml 1 : text/x-vcard 1 : 24-05-10T19:04:27.759577 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2024-05-11T08:36:35.243399 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2024-05-11T08:36:35.248932 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2024-05-13T07:58:36.801483 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2024-05-13T07:58:36.809144 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2024-05-13T09:12:14.132493 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2024-05-13T09:12:14.137817 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2024-05-13T09:24:50.461351 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2024-05-13T09:24:50.469238 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2024-05-15T08:17:45.374412 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2024-05-15T08:17:45.383651 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2024-05-16T00:41:29.835279 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2024-05-16T00:41:29.836695 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2024-05-16T11:43:40.230851 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2024-05-16T11:43:40.238246 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2024-05-17T08:25:07.816751 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2024-05-17T08:25:07.818159 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2024-05-17T08:25:07.823567 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as twtxt 2024-05-17T23:10:19.410585 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2024-05-17T23:10:19.420466 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2024-05-18T21:31:23.739886 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2024-05-18T21:31:23.747241 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2024-05-18T21:56:37.836942 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2024-05-18T21:56:37.842123 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2024-05-19T07:20:41.537159 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2024-05-19T07:20:41.542441 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2024-05-20T06:51:34.430901 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2024-05-20T06:51:34.432755 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2024-05-20T06:51:34.436348 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as twtxt 2024-05-21T07:15:16.433077 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2024-05-21T07:15:16.434561 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2024-05-21T07:31:55.454355 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2024-05-21T07:31:55.459562 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2024-05-21T10:41:00.559687 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2024-05-21T10:41:00.569585 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2024-05-21T10:57:51.546941 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2024-05-21T10:57:51.556548 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2024-05-27T09:40:54.935564 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2024-05-27T09:40:54.943141 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2024-05-28T07:27:37.415966 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2024-05-28T07:27:37.422057 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2024-06-01T19:33:50.765250 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2024-06-01T19:33:50.771665 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2024-06-02T06:52:58.156278 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2024-06-02T06:52:58.162468 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2024-06-02T10:58:37.895873 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2024-06-02T10:58:37.902731 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2024-06-02T20:47:17.969564 INFO: following redirect from 'gemini://' to 'gemini://'. 2024-06-02T20:47:18.042692 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2024-06-02T20:47:18.044315 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 1 : application/vnd.sealed.ppt 1 : image/x-xcf 1 : model/prc 1 : multipart/related 1 : application/oxps 1 : application/pkix-cert