Fronde is an opinionated static website generator for Org[1]. It helps you convert Org mode files into websites, giving you full control over the publication process.
See the ./NEWS.gmi[1] file.
Fronde is a Ruby gem[1]. You need a working Ruby environment to use it. We recommend that you use RVM[2] and a specific gemset. However fronde works with a global ruby installation too.
rvm get latest rvm install ruby-3.2.2 rvm use ruby-3.2.2@fronde --create gem install fronde
Now you're ready to create your first fronde website.
mkdir mywebite cd mywebsite fronde init -t "My first fronde website" fronde build fronde preview
Fronde is proudly following the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct[1].
[1] Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
You can fetch the yaml files directly from the source code tree[1] and send your changes as a pull request (see bellow) or by email, as you prefer.
The canonical repository is located at[1]. A mirror also exists on Framagit[2] and Github[3].
Merge requests and issues are accepted both on framagit and github, or by mail to the main author.
[1] (HTTPS)
You can help me a lot by giving me some tip, either through Liberapay[1] or Paypal[2]. Thank you very much!
Please refer to the ./DOCUMENTATION.gmi[1] file.
📝 Étienne Deparis with GNU/Emacs 29.4 (Org mode 9.7.6)