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Hello there! My name's Joe, and online I go by Doge(OfDisaster). I am a 3rd-year Computer Science and Engineering student.
Two of my biggest interests revolve around the computer: programming and video games. However, I also enjoy listening to music and photography.
If I'm not doing schoolwork, I'm usually coding or doing other Computer Science related things. Right now, I mostly just have one main project: a Discord bot called COLOR*IZ. In brief, it allows regular users to assign their own custom colors - without needing an admin to make dedicated color roles beforehand.
For everything related to coding, I use GNU Emacs. Frankly, it's amazing. The amount of stuff it can do is mind-boggling, and I don't even use probably half of that! "Feature creep," you say? Maybe. However, it is the best operating system, but could use a nice text editor.
In all seriousness, its customizability is outstanding. With sites like MELPA, you can find packages for nearly anything. From games to git porcelains - like Magit. Magit… That's gotta be the coolest thing I've seen recently. I started (and did) all my git stuff on the commandline, but doing it right in Emacs is just so nice. If you use Emacs and haven't used it, I highly recommend it.
If you haven't heard of Emacs before, I highly suggest checking it out. It may not be as fancy as Visual Studio, but in my opinion it is much easier to use and customize. And best of all: it's FOSS. I'm a big believer in FOSS. Not only is it cheaper than alternatives, it can often be better - both privacy-wise and performance / features.
Some games I enjoy playing:
To be filled…