A Gemini client API for Ruby

Net::Gemini provides a rich library which can be used to build Gemini user-agents. Net::Gemini is designed to work closely with URI.

the same documentation on Rubydoc (HTTPS)

ruby-net-text git repository (HTTPS)

ruby-net-text on Rubygems (HTTPS)

Simple Examples

All examples assume you have loaded Net::Gemini with:

require 'net/gemini'

This will also require 'uri' so you don't need to require it separately.

The Net::Gemini methods in the following sections do not persist connections.


uri = URI('gemini://example.com/index.html?count=10')
Net::Gemini.get(uri) # => String

GET with Dynamic Parameters

uri = URI('gemini://example.com/index.html')
params = { :limit => 10, :page => 3 }
uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(params)

res = Net::Gemini.get_response(uri)
puts res.body if res.body_permitted?

Response Data

res = Net::Gemini.get_response(URI('gemini://exemple.com/home'))

# Status
puts res.status # => '20'
puts res.meta   # => 'text/gemini; charset=UTF-8; lang=en'

# Headers
puts res.header.inspect
# => { status: '20', meta: 'text/gemini; charset=UTF-8',
        mimetype: 'text/gemini', lang: 'en',
        charset: 'utf-8', format: nil }

The lang, charset and format headers will only be provided in case of `text/*` mimetype, and only if body for 2* status codes.

# Body
puts res.body if res.body_permitted?
puts res.body(reflow_at: 85)

Following Redirection

The #fetch method, contrary to the #request one will try to automatically resolves redirection, leading you to the final destination.

u = URI('gemini://exemple.com/redirect')
res = Net::Gemini.start(u.host, u.port) do |g|
puts "#{res.status} - #{res.meta}" # => '30 final/dest'
puts res.uri.to_s                  # => 'gemini://exemple.com/redirect'

u = URI('gemini://exemple.com/redirect')
res = Net::Gemini.start(u.host, u.port) do |g|
puts "#{res.status} - #{res.meta}" # => '20 - text/gemini;'
puts res.uri.to_s                  # => 'gemini://exemple.com/final/dest'



📝 Étienne Deparis with GNU/Emacs 29.4 (Org mode 9.7.6)

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