Chess Over Gemini


Announcement on 2024-06-04: Chess Over Gemini will be retired around 2024-08-31. User registration and new invitations will be disabled around 2024-06-30. More information can be found at the link below.

Announcement: Upcoming Closure of Chess Over Gemini

Welcome to Chess Over Gemini!

Here you can play chess with other Gemini users. Chess matches are played asynchronously; the two players do not need to be online at the same time.

You will need a client certificate to play. You can then access a personalized home page via the link below, where you can manage all your matches and invitations in one place. You will need to visit the personal page at least once before playing in order to create player data.

Visit Your Personal Homepage


Current Matches

The ten most recent public matches (by last update time) are listed here. Follow any link to view the current state of the match, or to play if you are a player.

Upon victory, resignation or draw, a match will move to the completed section immediately. Matches otherwise expire 60 days after the last move.

There are no current matches.



The ten most recent invitations (by creation time) are listed here. Follow any link to view or accept an invitation.

Unanswered invitations expire after 30 days.

You can use the Atom feed below to be updated when new invitations are posted or accepted.

Invitations Atom Feed

Public Invitation by Celtux (DBF01741) (White)

Private Invitation by Celtux (DBF01741) (White)

Public Invitation by Anonymous (A80ED9E0) (Black)

View All Invitations


Completed Matches

The ten most recent matches (by completion time) are listed here. Follow any link to view a completed match.

Completed matches do not expire, unless both players from the match delete their player data.

Deleted User (1) vs falcao (AE72D678)

Rook-E (3873D1A3) vs bumpsh (1EDB5E82)

Deleted User (1) vs EGG_CREAM (8AD77B8F)

Deleted User (1) vs S19N (02825965)

Deleted User (1) vs epiii2 (6998D4CC)

Deleted User (1) vs cominixo (48530266)

Deleted User (1) vs johano (6CB773D9)

Deleted User (1) vs Anonymous (7CFD458B)

Anonymous (71FEFF80) vs johano (6CB773D9)

johano (6CB773D9) vs Averphos (11848CE6)

View All Completed Matches



[Last updated: 2024-07-08]