


an old story with cultural significance.

incoming references

ARRIVAL AT TERRA - what remains?

BIBLE - It's been hurting lately. Painful.

COUNTING - a proper counting system

DAY 1 - learning about a new world

FAITO - a song I guess

FIRST NIGHT - what's wrong Yuki? Now that we're together alone you are getting cold feet?

FORGOTTEN WORLD - Dreams are memories from the deep

FRINDAR - a proper date system

INDEX - hierachical view of every page as relates to its host.

INVENTING MAGIC - What is magic?

IS THIS OK - your situation, is it what you really want?

JANE AUSTEN - How big is it?

JLANDC - homestuck fanfic

KEHTOA MYTHOS - Everything pertaining to the surviving legacy of the kehtoans

KEHTOAN - a brief about nIxtrian kehtoan writing

MADOKA - a happy magical girl

MOVING - Cutting myself down

SOMETHING OBVIOUS - is it obvious? Or just something I know? Or something I think I know...?

STAND ALONE - learning how to breathe