Muintir Gabriels amalgamation has proved very successful, 26 Apr

Muintir Gabriels was established to ensure ladies' football at adult

level was maintained for players in the Ballydehob, Schull, Goleen, and

the greater Durrus hinterland.

Muintir Gabriels amalgamation has proved very successful

The Muintir Gabriels squad and mentors celebrate winning the West Cork

LGFA Division 3 trophy after they defeated O'Donovan Rossa in the


    

John Bohane

THE Muintir Gabriels junior ladies' football team has enjoyed much

success since they were established in 2018 following an amalgamation

between Muintir Bháire and Gabriel Rangers.

Back in 2018, both the Muintir Bháire (Durrus, Kilcrohane and Ahakista)

and Gabriel Rangers (Balllydehob/Schull) ladies’ teams were under

growing pressure to field teams due to the declining number of players

both clubs possessed at adult female level.

After initial talks were held between representatives from both clubs,

the decision was eventually made to amalgamate the two clubs.

This proved a logical decision as the parishes themselves border each

other making it the most sensible choice to save the junior teams.

Muintir Gabriels was subsequently established to ensure ladies'

football at adult level was maintained for players in the Ballydehob,

Schull, Goleen, and the greater Durrus hinterland.

Muintir Gabriels have thrived since they were established and they are

now fielding at both junior and U18 level.

Denise Collins who is part of the management team for the amalgamated

junior team first got involved with Gabriel Rangers when her kids

started playing underage football. She is enjoying being part of the

management team for Muintir Gabriels.

“I am the chief cook and bottle washer but I am not the coach. I was

always involved with Gabriel Rangers. I started years ago with them

when my own kids were underage and I went up the grades with them. I am

just involved with the Muintir Gabriels junior team now,” she said.

The Muintir Gabriels junior football team pictured with their coaches

Joe O'Driscoll and Fergus Minihane. The Muintir Gabriels junior

football team pictured with their coaches Joe O'Driscoll and Fergus


“The adult teams amalgamated because neither team could field a team on

their own,” said Ms Collins.

“Doreen Pyburn from Muintir Bháire contacted our club and we got

together and negotiated. It made perfect sense for a number of reasons.

The girls just got on so well together and they are a very tight bunch.

It made a lot of sense to amalgamate. We went ahead and did it.

"It has worked out perfectly. It has been very seamless and the

communication is very good. You can have amalgamations where they don’t

work and there is trouble, but the girls get on great."

"We now field at both junior and U18 level. The U18 team has been

amalgamated over three years. The junior team is amalgamated over five


The club official said that the playing numbers for Gabriels at junior

level have ‘dwindled’ in recent years which necessitated the


“Gabriel Rangers won an All-Ireland title in 2003 which is a long time

ago. After that, you are competing at a higher grade. We have won a few

counties at U21 level. It has been tough going, but we always fielded a

team. We still both have our own clubs and underage teams.

“We both have our own U12, U14, and U16 teams, but then the numbers

dwindled which necessitated an amalgamation at U18 and junior level.

The two Ward sisters are involved in coaching this team. Jane and Cathy

from Muintir Bháire and they are helped by their first cousin from

Schull Anna Ward,” she added.

Ms Collins said Muintir Gabriels have enjoyed some notable success

since they were established back in 2018. They have also achieved their

main goal of keeping ladies' football ‘going’ for their vast


“We have reached a few finals. We reached a county league final. We won

a West Cork final. We have been competitive and it has been an

enjoyable journey. It has kept ladies' football going in this part of

West Cork. We cover a big area. We have girls from Goleen, Ballydehob,

Schull and Durrus.”

Maintaining an adult football team in their locality also ensures that

their current underage players have an aim and a goal to reach as they

progress through the various underage grades said Ms Collins.

“It was also vital to keep an adult team going for the underage players

as they have something to aspire for."

"They can progress all the way up through the ranks and play adult

football with the club which is vital. It gives them an aim.”

Mutual co-operation is always vital when two clubs amalgamate to field

teams in a specific grade. Ms Collins said Muintir Gabriels alternate

hosting training sessions and matches, while their jerseys were

designed by the players.

“We do a night in Ballydehob every Wednesday night and we train every

Friday night in Durrus. They are no floodlights in Durrus, so during

the winter time, we might do two nights a week in Ballydehob. When we

have matches at home we alternate between the two pitches.

"It keeps everyone happy and it makes sense. The two bunches of girls

sat down together and designed a jersey. It has maroon and it has navy

in it. We are sponsored by Gavin McCarthy Tractors in Schull.”

The club official said the current junior team is comprised of players

from a wide variety of ages and it offers a great ‘social’ outlet for

the players.

“We cover a wide range of ages. We have girls from U16 level and we

have women with three children who play for us. Anyone who wants to

come and play for the junior team is more than welcome. We are always

delighted to welcome on board new members and players. It is a great

social outlet.

"There is a huge social aspect to it. It gets people out and about and

mixing. It helps with fitness levels and the players love it.”

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