This should be up most of the time. Due to how I set things up, thanks plan9[1], the gemini server is running on a different[2] machine than the http[3] server[4], and due to the dependancies between them, I have to start it manually. Well I guess I could make a clever cron job that runs every hour and checks to see if the gemini server is up, then launches it if it's not. But knowing me I'd set that up wrong.
DIRECTORY - Some of the things I like best on here
F 00101 SOME GEMINI FIXES - Some Gemini Fixes
F 00102 SLOW GEMINI - Gemini was slow
F 00104 MINOR GEMINI CHANGES - Some slight modifications to how gemini pages are built
HOME - Welcome to Cybersavior(7)
INDEX - hierachical view of every page as relates to its host.