



#beginnings - everything is a sequence of beginnings

#myth - an old story with cultural significance.

#purple - mystery, strangeness, twilight, death

#safe - probably not harmful. Maybe.


what remains?

There is some serious questioning going on now. It's Ar3544 myugii[1] has been hit by some kind of crystalization of time. She can't move forward as she is. It's somewhat problematic but temuorin[2] relies on her for quite a bit so we need some work around. Euphoria[3] has stated she want's to take over myugii's primary role as key holder for now, while we work towards trying to solve the problem.

[1] myugii

[2] temuorin

[3] Euphoria


The crystalization was unable to be reversed, so instead, in desperation, we destroyed the crystal to recover Myugii's soulgem[4] and used the shell of jakarutu[5] as host to the newly reformed Myugii. Since then things have progressed quite quickly. Helion[6] has established a forward operating base on gemini[7] and it is there that current efforts are directed. For better or for worse. Time will tell.

[4] soulgem

[5] jakarutu

[6] Helion

[7] gemini

incoming references

INDEX - hierachical view of every page as relates to its host.

MYUGII FANNAN - Hunting her shadow.