GEMINI - good protocol, bad content
HTTP - just use a small sane subset please.
i just need to get a first draft right now. Filling this out sanely is un nessessary
ALIVE OR DEAD - sexy girlfriend culture
CYBER ACT 0 - a painful memory
DAY 1 - learning about a new world
DBUS - how I learnt to stop worrying and just install dbus
F 00100 REBOOT - Adding audio.
F 00101 SOME GEMINI FIXES - Some Gemini Fixes
F 00102 SLOW GEMINI - Gemini was slow
HELION - Blade that cuts through time
INDEX - hierachical view of every page as relates to its host.
INSPIRATION - How to get out of a low point? Idk
JAKARUTU - The cast off. Water stealers.
LISP - notes on anatomy of lisp chapter 1
MATTHEW SOBEL - just a disappointment
MIRA - Meikyo soul mirror. Shiki slinging device.
MYUGII FANNAN - Hunting her shadow.
NEEDS A NAME - some discussion about naming things
NEWCERT - Process we use for renewing certificates
PLANIX - some talk from before jumping into plan9
PYTHON - The wise man built his house upon the rock
QUEEN OF G - Cutting myself down
REBOOT - Progress report Oct 2023
RED QUEEN HYPOTHESIS - Excerpt from Daemon by Daniel Suarez