


probably not harmful. Maybe.

incoming references

ABOUT - This visual novel is a mind

ADHD - tripolar manic mode


ARRIVAL AT TERRA - what remains?


BIBLE - It's been hurting lately. Painful.

BINDINGS - How do I play this game?

BOOKMARKS - The Bookmarks is a curated list of websites.

CATHEDRAL - a psychological hack

CHANGE IN THE AIR - so pointless this feeling.

CHEEK - canabalism

CHILD LIKE WONDER - how to make something new


CODE - making lights blink

COLLAPSE - We live in a time of social, economic and ecological unravelling. All around us are signs that our way of living is already passing into history.

CONFRONTATION - Cyber couldn't help feeling outclassed

CONSULTING - boutique threads at low price

COUNTING - a proper counting system

CRYSTAL - pokemon crystal clear 2.4.4

DAY 1 - learning about a new world

DAY TRIP - Cutting myself down

DBUS - how I learnt to stop worrying and just install dbus

DEATH - Death? Is that a kind of food?

DENPA WEBRING - Denpa Webring

DIME - pocket change

DIRECTORY - Some of the things I like best on here

DREAMS - Visions of alternative unrealized potentialites

EGO - privlige

ETHICS - just here for the food.

EUPHORIA - holding keys

EXAUSTED - how to work with others?

F 00100 REBOOT - Adding audio.

F 00101 SOME GEMINI FIXES - Some Gemini Fixes

F 00102 SLOW GEMINI - Gemini was slow

F 00103 A HAPPY UPDATE - Some new texts added

F 00104 MINOR GEMINI CHANGES - Some slight modifications to how gemini pages are built

F 00105 KNIVES - a random post about my history with knives

F 00110 EUSHULLY HONJOZOU DAIOH - some talk about some games I like

F 00111 MORE STUFF - another random update

FAITO - a song I guess

FEELING IMPORTANT - a childish sense of protag

FLORIN MUSE - Black Desert fanfic

FORGOTTEN WORLD - Dreams are memories from the deep

FRINDAR - a proper date system

FUN CO POP - toy story apocolypse

GNAWING - Thoughts about nutrek.

HAEDOPHILIA - Shit I'm doing just for fun

HAVING AN IDEA - how to not think polarizewise

HELION - Blade that cuts through time

HOME - Welcome to Cybersavior(7)

INDEX - hierachical view of every page as relates to its host.

INSPIRATION - How to get out of a low point? Idk

INVENTING MAGIC - What is magic?

IS THIS OK - your situation, is it what you really want?

JAKARUTU - The cast off. Water stealers.

JANE AUSTEN - How big is it?

JLANDC - homestuck fanfic

KAMIDORI - some talk about some games I like

KEHTOA MYTHOS - Everything pertaining to the surviving legacy of the kehtoans

KEHTOAN - a brief about nIxtrian kehtoan writing

KINIFICATION - kin ni nare

KNIVES - Just keep sharpening

LAMENT - On effort

LAND OF THE PEOPLE - eyes on the floor, never cross the horizon

LICENSE - License

LISP - notes on anatomy of lisp chapter 1

MADE IN ABYSS - it's painful

MADOKA - a happy magical girl

MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER - Some musings about video games

MATTHEW SOBEL - just a disappointment

MESA - What even is mesa

META - regarding this place, it's utility and construction.

MINIMALISM - What level of minimalism is desireable

MIRA - Meikyo soul mirror. Shiki slinging device.

MOVING - Cutting myself down

MUSIC - Audio Portal

MY HERO - An endevor to make my hero acedemia watchable

MYUGII FANNAN - Hunting her shadow.

NAMES - on picking a name

NANIDEATH - a futile attempt of selfactualization

NEEDS A NAME - some discussion about naming things

NEOCITIES - an asethetic of creation without profit motive.

NEW MERCH - Popular consumerist culture

NEWCERT - Process we use for renewing certificates

NEWYORK - dreamspace wip

NICHIJOU - anime analysis

NOTHING TO SAY - Drug testing

OLDGATE - times change. Information lost

ORG - emacs orgmode

OSCEAN - All will return whence it came, the oscean.

OSTRACIZATION - The group had left her behind

PANANIMEISM - no matter where you go, anime is all connected

PERDITION - who are children of perdition?

PLANIX - some talk from before jumping into plan9

PYTHON - The wise man built his house upon the rock

QUEEN OF G - Cutting myself down

REBOOT - Progress report Oct 2023

RED QUEEN HYPOTHESIS - Excerpt from Daemon by Daniel Suarez

RENEWABLES - Appeasement

SAPLING - plant... Animal... What's the difference?

SEE - anime analysis


SOMETHING I FOUND - a pile of cash

SOMETHING SEXY - toxic views on attraction

SPITE - uue have said before that it's for "The future" as if such a thing exists.

STACK - Imagine that software development becomes so complex and expensive that no software is being written anymore, only apps designed in devtools.

STARTING ANYWAY - Popular culture


SURETY - I had been anthropomorphizing

TBZ - a sorta Jaele act 0.

TEMUORIN - In service of LAW

TIME TO START - The time to start was long ago

TOTORO - A responce to my ex wife

VOID GAZING - void linux

WALMART ONE - corperate futures

WHAT HAPPENED - lvl. 88888888


WOODWORK - thoughts after watching a bunch of woodcrafttube

WORKS - things made

WRITING - Hub for primarily written works

YOLOKUNSIMP ACT0 - keeping up with these bitches as always work.