


#anime - a japanese colloquialism

#black - completeness, singularity, silence, ego death

#depression - the default condition in an unchanging world.

#money - mana/MP

#myth - an old story with cultural significance.

#safe - probably not harmful. Maybe.


Cutting myself down


[1] moving.mp3 [audio]

I'm tired.

We recently bought a new place to live. It's not a big place, nothing that is special, but it is a place that will be ours, rather than the basement of my parent's place. It is fine. There are some minor annoyances about it, but nothing really worth complaining about. There has been a lot of anxiety about the whole process; it's nice to be done with the paperwork. Not that I was too involved with that to begin with. Second hand anxiety I suppose.

But now that it's "ours" there comes the process of actually moving the shit over there. It's a bit annoying because some of the stuff has to happen at the very end, so breaking everything down all at once isn't really an option.

Like, to take my desk down, first I need to relocate a bunch of computer shit. But I don't want to take all the computer stuff down, because first we need the internet to stay on until the last day, since it's used for ...work… but second, If i take my computers down now, they will have to stay down until the internet comes up at the new place, and since i use my computers for core infrastructure i don't want to be without all that for an indefinite period of time.

ideally at least. but it seems like i should still take the computers down before the last day. as annoying as that might be.

breaking down the desk will take an annoying amount of time so it's better to do it sooner than later.

There are a few shelves I've been chipping away at. on the whole the room doesn't seem that much emptier despite a full van load having been removed. but when examining the shelves there are notable blanks where previously they were filled with books and other things.

Books are heavy, so it's been some tedium to find smaller boxes to fill with books. We have a habit of ordering things from amazon, and also a habit of not disposing of the boxes as things come, so there is no shortage of box, but smaller ones suitable for books are a little more hard to come by.

<time lapse>

You know what sucks more than moving? getting sick while moving.

Probably has to do with the change in environment. The air is a bit drier, and we keep the temperature a bit colder. Then there's all the dust from all the packing and unpacking. Who knows what extremophile undiscovered virus or fungus was disturbed and entered my unprepared biosphere? The good news (as should be clear since you know the site is running as usual if you are reading this) my network is back up and running. It was pretty easy to get things back up thanks to my second router with all the static ip definitions based on mac addresses. Just had to plug the devices in and boot them up. Then a quick EDit of Temuorin to know about my change of address and boom, site is back to the live version rather than the backup. But this being sick has really killed my momentum. There are still piles of boxes in the living room/kitchen that haven't been touched. That's also not to mention the fact that the place we are leaving is still in quite a disordered state. Been meaning to get back there to clean everything up, but can hardly find the energy to sit, let alone gather up garbage, sweep, mop, etc.

I really hate being sick. I mean, no one likes being sick obviously. For some reason when I get sick lately my paranoid thoughts go into overdrive. I start seeing time stretch and compress. The amount of time I'm miserable being the whole of all existence, and the good times are just a shadow of a neutron in a mitochondria in one of my cells.

So it finally happened. More than 5 years of off and on pestering have finally worked. I've been living with my roommate for several years now, and one of the things we both have enjoyed a lot has been watching anime together. However there are certain kinds of anime she has had huge problems with watching in the past. She easily dismissed older looking shows, basically anything cell shaded was an instant turn off. She never liked anything with giant robots. She doesn't like slow paced shows, or shows where most of the show is just characters talking. Monogatari, was a miss. She couldn't stand all the incessant wordplay. To be fair if you don't enjoy that kind of high level tropic banter then monogatari is really not a very good show. Of course if you do enjoy it, then there is hardly anything better in the space. I introduced her to Tengen-Toppa Gurren-Lagann some time early into our time together. She enjoyed it, right up until episode 8. I tried to tell her it gets better, it's only just started, etc. But no. The show was over as far as she was concerned. sigh. But it was still a win. Gurren lagann proved that she could like mecha anime, and more especially of the hotblooded variety. She enjoyed kill-la-kill of course, which isn't exactly mecha, but it'd also be wrong to say it's not mecha. The next barrier was cel animation. She was a bit hypocritical about this tho. She liked a few older shows even before we met, ranma½, card captor sakura, azumanga daioh. But there were sticking points. Eventually got my hands on a torrent collection of all the Ryo-ohki tenshi muyo series, and wanted to see how it looked on my CRT tv, since I had been stuck watching it on my small monitor. So I started watching it on the tv while she was there, and she quickly got over how "old" the character designs looked and started to get into the show. We watched the first 6 episode OVA, and even Proton Idiot Adventure. But even so. No matter how many times I mentioned GaoGaiGar she dismissed the show out of hand. "What's it about?" "well, it's a childrens giant robot show, but it's like really good" "oh, no. nope. not a chance." "ok, but like... you don't get it. It's REALLY good" "do the robots transform?" "yes" "NOPE". sigh.

Now, part of this is my fault. My tastes are different than hers after all. But I figured she would like it. She just had to take the chance to watch some of it to know if she would. Well. I decided to watch it by myself again. It has been years since I last saw the show, and recently it came up in conversation online, and it had been annoying me that no one ever talks about it considering how awesome it really is. So anyway. I got a few episodes in and we decided to eat together while watching stuff today, and I told her that I just wanted to keep watching gaogaigar, because I was on an episode where they introduce some new characters I really like. She finally acquiesced.

<insert continuation of gaogaigar plot line>

it's been like 4 months since we've moved in and everything was settling into a basic rhythm. But something happened recently and no we don't have income and are tottering on defaulting on the loan and that's like pretty serious and there doesn't seem to be any light at the moment and it is deeply concerning. not really sure what else to say about it. I don't really have any solution to this situation. My roommate is trying to find a new source of income on her end but to say we are running out of time is a bit of an understatement. She always managed her finances herself and didn't change anything when she decided to get this place, she just operated like losing her income was not going to ever happen. so when it did she didn't have much in the way of savings to give us a buffer.

anyway this is depressing and more importantly it's not terribly interesting.

<time lapse>

She got a new job. so that's good. We finished gaogaigar. She liked the first half of the show best, when it is basically a monster of the week type show. She likes the design of gaogaigar a lot, so much so that we got a model kit for it. Basically a gunpla. Took forever to build which was fun. If there were other kinds of model kits like it that weren't just gundam robots it might be a fun way to spend time. There are a few gundam robots that i don't hate at least but none in real or perfect grade. maybe death scythe? eh. We only did the gaogaigar real grade, so there is still the goldymarg one to do, gotta give gaogaigar his goldion hammer after all.

Apparently I never posted this. or anything else in this folder yet... woops... I guess I should do that.


incoming references

F 00111 MORE STUFF - another random update

INDEX - hierachical view of every page as relates to its host.