




not to be consumed

incoming references

ALIVE OR DEAD - sexy girlfriend culture

CREAM LEMON - Some thoughts on hentai.

CYBER ACT 0 - a painful memory

FIRST NIGHT - what's wrong Yuki? Now that we're together alone you are getting cold feet?

HEAVY - heavy

HEAVY01 - leaving the world of status quo

IN THE DATA MINES - Cultural relativity

INAS - possesed by demons

INDEX - hierachical view of every page as relates to its host.

LITE - I wrote the start of this lite novel thing in a day, and at least one of those narratives is going somewhere tabun

LOST REALITIES - a dream of dubious canon

MARY - Cultural relativity

MIDORI LOOP - falling in an abyss

MORA - about sex

MUSHITORI - catching bugs

RIDE OF VALK - some bullshit about porn probably

RIN - a strange anime with a lot to unpack

SOMETHING OBVIOUS - is it obvious? Or just something I know? Or something I think I know...?

STAND ALONE - learning how to breathe

TABOO - lvl. 88888888

WORLDEGG - forward propogation

YOLO DREAM - ___reality broken___ this fragment is a dead timeline.