terminalTest.c (527B)
1 #! /usr/bin/env sheepy 2 #include "libsheepyObject.h" 3 int main(int ARGC, char** ARGV) { 4 initLibsheepy(ARGV[0]); 5 6 puts(BLD"Bold"RST); 7 puts(FNT"Faint"RST); 8 puts(UDL"Underline"RST); 9 puts(INV"Inverse"RST); 10 puts(COC"Conceal/hidden"RST" Conceal/hidden"); 11 puts(CRD"Crossed"RST); 12 puts("\x1B[3mItalic"RST); 13 puts("\x1B[5mBlink"RST); 14 15 printf("%k%KRGB color - cyan with grey background" RST "," BLD CYN" standard bold cyan"RST " the 2 texts should be different", 0x99EEFF, 0x666666);; 16 17 } 18 // vim: set expandtab ts=2 sw=2: