Today I noticed that the "reply" link to a reply is a link to a new-reply-to-be, which got me wondering if there are ever collisions between separate people replying to the same reply at roughly the same time, or if perhaps there's some server-side fancy-schmancy to prevent that?
I noticed that because I earlier to day I'd noted the reply id at the end when I replied to a reply, and was surprised that going to that link after replying brought me to *my* reply instead of the reply I was replying to.
Bartender, a Ketel One martini straight up, two olives, to get me through my now tangled fingers.
I'D reply to this w/ knowledgable Sysadmin conjecture, but I remember burning through brain cells trying to figure out how UniqueID stuff worked in .htaccess when I was fussing with one of the hangups that caused me to hang THAT up. Of course, having replIeD with that, means that the replies word, and therefore need not be taken for granted.
~bartender, a(nother) Diet Pepsi as the red eye wore off, and I seem to be a damn barfly these days. I'm like Norm, but less drunk. Not that this is an RPG stance. Which Inquiry is now fluenty knowledgable of both their existence, and also the vanguard author of the Merriam-Webster Dictionary definition of the term :P