Had a meltdown - stressors and woes in life. Thos are situation. Committeed (voluntary) to a psyche ward 120 mi north of here. Now, emerged a refocused man!
Keeping up on a few things, changing what I can, trying to change what I can't, force-feeding chage to thing I need to change :D
So I be here.
The display, huge and magnificent. A flash drive arrived, ready to boot OpenSUSE on my HP14 laptop and also Acer gaming laptop. More on that as it comes along.
~loghead page will be updated on Ctrl-c. Trying to get ahold of some folks from when I'm *AFK* and check on them.
Hi ~bartender. A diet pepsi if I may? I'll flip on the jukebox in the meantime. American Pie (the song bye bye Miss American Pie) whatever it is called, that's my jam right now
until soon...
You were missed!