Midnight Pub

'Tis Wednesday again already....


Suddenly so much to read, so little time.

It just figures this place gets busy just as - per the renowned ~tffb patron - Away From Keyboard gets even busier. Who did that song "Torn" from back in 90's times? Bingo.

(Well, not "Bingo" too literally, because I don't really know the lyrics, don't know what it's really about, just know I loved the tune overall.)

Turns out hole-digging wabbits are no easier than cats to herd - much more difficult, actually, given all the dirt and other assorted sediment in the way...

I think we're about to have our first above 90F degree day in the Away From Keyboard locale. We've managed to escape turning on the central air so much as once this year, but today I can imagine my wife bringing that budget-glorious streak to an end.

I need to get back 'n busy with a bed I started assembling a few days ago. We want a certain kind of rug under it sticking out just so far, which I can finally cut to desired dimension now that I have the main pieces assembled. But once assembled, there'll be no rug manipulation possible, 'cuz it's gonna be a heavy fucker for being the kind that has drawers under the mattress, and etc. We'll also need to get the placement in the room correct before final assembly, because I can imagine the rug bunching up in places if we try to slide it.

Away From Keyboard Life in a nutshell: nothing ever works the way you wished it could. Gotta be wrinkles. Gotta be bunching. Gotta be nicked up surface that used to be so gloriously smooth. Gotta have a will of her own.

And all the rest of Murphy's (of "Law" fame) cross-bred clan....

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