
date: 2024-05-31T19:30:46Z

update: 2024-06-18T03:21:40Z


tilde30, June 1-30 2024

Tilde 30 is a event that involves picking a project or series of related activities and doing them over the course of thirty days. The main premise is to set weekly milestones or goals to complete them. More details:


Townies can also see a list of what people will be doing in the "tilde30!" thread on bbj, the town bulletin board. Thanks to ~elly for organising the event.


My tilde30 mini-project will be a static gallery gemerator. Given a folder of images and metadata text files, write a CLI utility to generate static pages for a simple web gallery.


Week 1: learn enough of a programming language to make mischief

Week 2: model config settings, parse sample config and image information

Week 3: write logic to source thumbnails, generate HTML from a template

Week 4: template sample gallery theme

Stretch goal: add HTML/CSS to the forforthcoming stats feature in Katalogo. Katalogo is a webring server by ~durrendal. Timing will depend on feature progress and remaining time. Templating can be done more effectively when the backend returns the sample data to be displayed.



When last checked several years ago, most web gallery generators were either written in PHP, content management systems that handled embedding multimedia, or application servers that would not be easily made publicly accessible outside of ~town. Static HTML pages were less resource-intensive and could adequately display small image collections. The closest static site generators with a gallery component were Sigal and Nikola. Sigal was centered around generating gallery pages and image thumbnails, configuration and theming were straightforward, though it did not handle adding other pages that were not part of a gallery. Nikola had a gallery view alongside regular pages and other features, but the image lightbox view did not support multi-paragraph captions. My fix at the time was to combine the gallery built through Sigal with a shell script to output extra text-only pages, both sharing the same HTML theme. The arrangement worked, if clunkily.

Sigal — Simple Static Gallery Generator

Nikola — Static Site Generator

One or two months ago, someone asked in ~town chat if there was a gallery generator installed. By then had written a single-page generator that could serve as a gallery feature or subsite, but the idea of producing the gallery applet that should have existed years ago lingered. In twenty-nine days, the folly of this idea will be revealed.

znic: 1-page webzine generator


The sections below will be updated through the month.

Start: 2024-06-01

Week 1: 2024-06-08

Week 2: 2024-06-15

Week 3: 2024-06-22

Week 4: 2024-06-29

End: 2024-06-30


Day 0


Day 1

# Check Helix's language server detection and grammar support.
# Enable Go in the use-grammars list in ~/.config/helix/languages.toml.
hx --health go
hx --grammar fetch
hx --grammar build

# Install Go compiler and language server.
apk add go gopls

Go by Example

Screenshot of the Helix editor with two vertical panes, the left containing sample code and a gopls tooltip about the `Println()` function spanning both panes, and a gemtext file open on the right

Week 1

1. Maximum size: images are the maximum size at the longer side. An image in landscape would be 200px in width and less in height, and an image in portrait a height of 200px, less in width. A square image would have a width and height of 200px.

2. Minimum size: images are the minimum size at the shorter side. An image in landscape would be 100px in height and more in width, and an image in portrait a width of 100px, more in height. A square image would have a width and height of 100px.

3. Width: images have the same width. An image in landscape would be 200px wide, less in height, and an image in portrait would be 200px wide, more in height. A square image would have a width and height of 200px.

4. Height: images have the same height. An image in landscape would be 100px high and wider than 100px, and an image in portrait would be 100px high, and narrower than 100px. A square image would have a width and height of 100px.

5. None: images are sized at a percentage of the original image regardless of set width and height. The current default is 50% of the original image dimensions, e.g. a 600 x 800px source image yields a new 300 x 400px image.

A plain HTML page with 2 rows of 6 square thumbnails resized from illustrations

Lesson recap:

Advantages to JSON as []byte instead of string

1. Unsorted: the spec does not include sorted maps as a requirement to allow for different types of maps in implementation. Avoid using maps alone for menus or scenarios where the elements' order of appearance is important. Use with a slice if needing a sorted collection.

2. Not concurrency-safe on its own: use with a synchronisation library to read and write to them at the same time.

Go maps in action

image/draw (standard library)


# Generate a go.mod file.
go mod init [module]

# Fetch the package.
go get golang.org/x/image/draw

# Add import path to source.
import "golang.org/x/image/draw"

1. Variadic arguments (`func foo(param ...string)` syntax), which allow for empty slices including not passing a value. Depending on use case, it can act like an optional parameter and is fine as long as the function only acts on the same number of elements as present in the slice. It may yield unexpected results (additional elements are ignored) or leave cruft unchecked if more elements are passed in than the function handles, as the compiler would not warn of a mismatch.

2. Place default values in a struct and convert the function to a method on the struct.

3. Pass in a placeholder value and reset it to a default value inside the function.

4. Write function variants for different sets of arguments.

Default value in Go's method

Proposal: add limits to variadic definition

Why does Go not support overloading of methods and operators?

golang/go os: add CopyFS

3 ways to copy files in Go

Week 2

1. `image`: functions for calculating image crop size and resizing.

2. `template`: functions to generate gallery pages.

3. `util`: a mix of supplementary functions unavailable in the standard library, e.g. multiple substring replacement for strings, boilerplate for copying files, sorted file lists.

Lesson recap:

strings.Title (deprecated)


`# command-line-arguments ./main.go:8:2: undefined: [function]`, change the run command to include all Go files in the current directory: `go run . [args]`

Week 3

Lesson recap:

cmd/vet: don't complain about int to string conversion