Midnight Pub

The Fault in our Bars




Sitting at bar's edge, I fancy a gambling machine, one to pump dollar bills into and make ~bartender rich, and on lucky days me richer. No such device is here, so black coffee gets drank with enthusiasm instead. Some avoid caffeine after noontime, I lather up espresso until past midnight and still REM sleep like I built a house before breakfast.

The AC keeps Midnight cool. Summer in this neck of the woods. Hotter daily. Bringing nice sights. Here, too. The afternoon light - an orange glow in the back of the room. Letting in another evening sky with pastel shades and a desert/apocalyptic ambiance. A brightened pool table below in its rays. Curling and pungent cig smoke dance in the glow - it could be a calm living room, or the remains of an establishment post fire. Pleasing all the same.

Hot coffee substitutes chills from an overzealous AC. I don't mind.

Leaning back with ease and indifference, I think of the tasks before me. Day to day things. Inhaling deep. Awaiting a patron or two to come around.

Smudge. Pets. Cigs. And sips.

Another bartender. Another

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~inquiry wrote (thread):

You need to get out more, sir! ;-)