building veilidchat



it was kind of straight forward.

veilid git

veilidchat git

first thing you need is to have the veilidchat and veilid repos both in the same dir like:

mkdir ~/src
cd ~/src
git clone
git clone

then run the in veilidchat.

I did this /after/ doing a whole new build of veilid-server and veilid-cli, so doing that might be required. I dunno.

cd ~/src/veilidchat/

it will call into the that's in the veilid/ repo and on my box (debian sid) pip complained about not wanting to bork the system

I was able to comment out the pip line and it, blisfully unaware that part of it had been commented out, continued without error.

ran at some point.

some errors during build attempts told me to install stuff and add that stuff to my $PATH

specifically flutter.

it gives a link to download it.

did this shit. NOT the snap shit.


you know what. fragment IDs are a thing. I can link directly to it.

and error message also told me to do:

export PATH="$PATH":"$HOME/.pub-cache/bin"

one line that wasn't in the README that I guessed at (having never used flutter)

flutter build

that gave me a set of choices for what type of thing to build, so I went with

flutter build linux

got an error about missing gtk3 something or another. that got fixed with

apt-get install libgtk-3-dev

I probably should have been keeping track as I was going what I was doing. This is probably close enough for now though.

at the end of flutter build linux, it tried to install the veilidchat binary to /usr/local/veilidchat and a flutter library to /usr/local/lib/

trying to sudo the flutter build linux just made stuff break more, so I can changed ownershit of /usr/local and /usr/local/lib to my user so it could install them.

then changed the permissions back after it installed them.

it runs.

pics or it didn't happen