nothing in particular

I changed the hours during which I wake and sleep to be earlier so I would have fewer distractions during the most productive time of day for me (the morning) and now I have many tasks that need to be completed before I can begin work. It’s destroying the very productivity that I had hoped to cultivate. This morning I thought I had to wake up early for a lesson, but found that I didn’t have one scheduled today. Instead of feeling like I woke up for no reason, I’m delighted to have the extra free time. Time to go fight with Neovim some more.

I like the Telescope plugin for Neovim. Among the many things it provides, it also provides a live grep and it’s amazing. It uses ripgrep behind the scenes and it’s great for finding a random note. I also like the integration of TreeSitter for syntax highlighting. It makes it easy to manage the available syntax highlighters. Turns out I really like code-specific highlights embedded in my Markdown notes. This is something regular Vim does, too, but I like this method of fetching syntax highlighters to back it. I’m also starting to like the live preview for search and replace via :%s that updates with each key press. A minor touch, but I’m liking the way scrolling is handled in output messages, too. Instead of scrolling the UI off the top of the screen, messages move upwards from the bottom of the screen to obscure the bottom lines of the document. More often than not, obscuring the bottom of the screen is the less jarring or less inconvenient way to operate.

I do not like the way the completion module, cmp pops up text all the time. It tries to do completion as you type, and I want it out of my face. I tried searching on this, but I’m finding it difficult to understand the ways people have corrected the issue. It’s frustrating enough that if I can’t figure it out, I might just drop Neovim.







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updated: 2023-09-30 06:21:53

generated: 2024-06-17