The singular Lua beef is I don't like that code blocks can begin with a variety of things like:
while true do -- do something end for i,v in ipairs(some_table) do -- do something end local function tmo(argument) -- do something end
That makes it difficult for me to jump back and forth from the beginning of such a block to the end.
I mean, perhaps someone has augmented vim so that one can make such a jump easily the way one can with curly braces, but I did some searching for a such a couple times and came up empty. I'd try writing such myself, but there are a bunch of cases to cover, and suspect it's a gnarly enough problem for me to consider it more trouble than its worth.
And yet every time I need to be able to do that, it's a considerable amount of trouble.
computers speak Pig Latin to me, hence why I do not learn programming languages. I like computer science, but melding my brain to GoLang, C, Lua or anything else seems like a lot of hyper specific learning with zero reward long or short term. Sysadmin is as far as I'll go with fussing with computers, can get plenty done there, kill plenty of time.
Props to all who partake