< Humping right along



well what's the singular Lua beef?

On Python, everyone who ever bought a PC says "check out Python!", then I do and I realize I don't want to delve deep at it is an interpretted language, and I haven't learned any languages yet, but I swore I'd start with a non-interpreted one, like C or whatever

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~inquiry wrote (thread):

The singular Lua beef is I don't like that code blocks can begin with a variety of things like:

while true do
  -- do something

for i,v in ipairs(some_table) do
  -- do something

local function tmo(argument)
  -- do something

That makes it difficult for me to jump back and forth from the beginning of such a block to the end.

I mean, perhaps someone has augmented vim so that one can make such a jump easily the way one can with curly braces, but I did some searching for a such a couple times and came up empty. I'd try writing such myself, but there are a bunch of cases to cover, and suspect it's a gnarly enough problem for me to consider it more trouble than its worth.

And yet every time I need to be able to do that, it's a considerable amount of trouble.