馃懡 marginalia

Antenna is down. I was thinking about this when I brought marginalia.nu down the other day because of a storm, does gemini need a downdetector, or some way of communicating outages? (obviously if your server is down you can't host it yourself)

2 years ago 路 馃憤 kevinsan


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4 Replies

馃懡 defunct

I think jan6 brought this up on irc yesterday. the issue with centralization. a tool like antenna is great for discovery IMHO, it's quite bad for being the reliable source of input of stuff you'll want to read. this is a pattern I find comes from the web, you rely too much on the uptime on external services (it's an observation on myself and others, and I want to change my behavior). just my 2 cents 路 2 years ago

馃懡 bacardi55

FWIW, I've built a simple "is it down for everyone or just me" equivalent for capsule that may be useful:

gemini://houston.gmi.bacardi55.io/ 路 2 years ago


馃懡 marginalia

I think it would also be useful for owners to be able to leave a message someplace 'hey, several ferrets got into my computer, I'll have it up in 72 hours probably' 路 2 years ago

馃懡 kevinsan

This could be built into the various crawlers that currently operate - e.g. a 'known-bad sites' list, so that any site owner can check periodically. 路 2 years ago