๐Ÿ‘ฝ maxheadroom

I experience some difficulties reading the docs at hashnix.club. (I use Kristall). It looks like hashnix is a mixed space where markdown is also a thing. Thats fine with me, yet it's a bit of a mindbender how to navigate this with kristall

5 months ago


๐Ÿ‘‹ Join Station

2 Replies

๐Ÿ‘ฝ maxheadroom

@userfxnet, At this point in time Kristall is the most practical way to use gemini as it has an appimage, once the gemini clients are available in the repositories it will be interesting to see how that changes the landscape ยท 5 months ago

๐Ÿ‘ฝ userfxnet

Hmm I didn't consider the issues therein with rendering docs over other clients (I primarily use lagrange) so I'll go ahead and publish converted pages for you. Alternately, you should still be able to DL the file and open it in a program of your choice?

With that out, the page is being redesigned to be minimized to simpler description. tho it'll be some time til that's finally updated, and I'll keep posted for when that'll be.

You should also be able to view the page via gopher or html, as we provide gopher, gemini, and webspace hosting.

Drop an email to flipperzero@hashnix.club if you're interested in an account/shell access. ยท 5 months ago