Complexity vs simplicity. Complexity is when all kinds of nonsense makes a mess of reality. Simplicity is usually fact based, AKA 'the truth'. Todays world is dominated by a complex mess that most people fail to figure out. The problem is that they don't seem to realize that all that complecity is caused by basic marketing tricks. Lies, half truths, or twisted ways to make something look logical while it's not.
4 months ago ยท ๐ danrl
@danrl I came to the same conclusion. Yet I also see that many people, most people, fall for the promise of conveniance. It's so conveniant to have: a smartphone, digital money, automatic payments, a rented car, etc. etc. their lives are bloated with bullshit and they neve have enough conveniance. They even feel sad when someone else has a newer bullshit device then the one they bought 4 weeks ago. So they conveniantly rush to the store the conveniantly stand in line only to make the other feel inconveniant. All these bullshit devices are nothing but overpriced status symbols. But try to tell that to a banking slave... ยท 4 months ago
this! if i figured one thing out over the years it is that a good life is simple. not easy, but simple. ยท 4 months ago