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馃棧 Followers 23 路 Following 0 路 Logs 80 路 Docked 2 years ago
Dang it, a good friend of mine got a stroke this night and died... see you in valhall brother :'(
馃挰 10 Replies 路 0 Thumbs 路 2 years ago
Whaaaat's up my fellow capsuleers? My foot is working better from day to day, i can almost walk normal. And again, i try to quit smoking..
馃挰 0 Replies 路 2 Thumbs 路 2 years ago
I'm such a dumbass.. while sleeping i damaged my right foot so fscking hard that i can't even walk. Hurts like hell, i have to go up/downstairs on my fat ass cos i can't do a single step xD
馃挰 4 Replies 路 0 Thumbs 路 2 years ago
Mankind is so fscking stupid... complaining about a 9 mrd $ space telescope but not for 2 billion military budget... Imagine what we could have done with all that money if we just stopped killing each other... I think i have to wait for my mothership to take me home, they left me on the wrong planet. We wanted to search for intelligent lifeforms...
馃挰 0 Replies 路 6 Thumbs 路 2 years ago
Anyone of you into lockpicking? I can open all training
馃挰 2 Replies 路 1 Thumb 路 2 years ago
Working with my dad today, the old man knew everything better than me, result: a bar crashed and half of the garden house landed on me... for the sake of Odin just a few bruises, nothing really bad, but could kick him in the ass for is said that goddamn fscking thing will not hold the torque... ahhh young boy, i know all better, that will work just fine....
馃挰 4 Replies 路 0 Thumbs 路 2 years ago
It is your funeral, what will be your playlist on the graveyard? AC/DC - Highway to hell Combichrist - Never Surrender
馃挰 4 Replies 路 0 Thumbs 路 2 years ago
Hey, who of you is into old school cartoons? For myself I enjoy watching Bravestarr, He-Man, Starcom, Defenders. Ulyssses etc... it remembers me when i was in an age where everything was so easy... being in my 40s i wish i could be 10 years old again for some days...
馃挰 1 Reply 路 3 Thumbs 路 2 years ago
Folks, I have to say, i love the geminispace, for there are no such idiots you encounter in the www.. here you meet only people who are interested in a technical manner using the internet... no youtube9gagtiktokdumbasses who spare my time with their fscking mimimi i need chai-latte for living and your cat is killing birds!!11
馃挰 3 Replies 路 0 Thumbs 路 2 years ago
What are you afraid of? What is your fear? For me, it is deep water, it panics me... i mean... danger is real, fear is a choice, climbing a tree, you can fall off, thats the danger, the fear of falling off, it is your choice...
馃挰 0 Replies 路 3 Thumbs 路 2 years ago
Do you consider yourself wealthy?
馃挰 9 Replies 路 1 Thumb 路 2 years ago
Dear capsuleers, tell me, what is your minimum EDC you take with you when you leave home? My essential gear is a pocketknife/multitool, flashlight, keys, money, replacement glasses (i have really bad eyes), cellphone, lighter and tobacco.
馃挰 10 Replies 路 3 Thumbs 路 2 years ago
Hey folks, let's forget a moment this shitty world with useless war, killerviruses of death and all that stupid stuff. Some smalltalk, tell me about your favourite kind of music, movies, drinks and hobbies.
馃挰 7 Replies 路 4 Thumbs 路 2 years ago
Here I am, the grabber of the 2000 post milestone!! yeeeehaaa
馃挰 1 Reply 路 3 Thumbs 路 2 years ago
Hey folks, i am a bit confused, station was offline, but i can see posts were made in that time? Did anyone else encounter this issues?
馃挰 3 Replies 路 0 Thumbs 路 2 years ago
My dear fellow capsuleers, is anyone of you into military theory? Like von Clausewitz, Sunzi, von Dach or Musashi? Regarding to them, that russian strike makes no sense at all. The Iwan is just going insane, despite all common tactics of warfare. Any ideas?
馃挰 5 Replies 路 1 Thumb 路 2 years ago
My fellow capsuleers, tell me, what is your OS of choice? Linux, Windows, BSD, OSX or some other strange kinda software?
馃挰 12 Replies 路 1 Thumb 路 2 years ago
As i think here are a bunch of nerds hanging out and playing PnP games, you know the TV show Vox Machina? Just discovered today and had alot of fun which, it's like a cartoon show of your PnP party playing. Puking elves, big i f*ck you all barbarians and i sing you a song about this all bard.
馃挰 1 Reply 路 0 Thumbs 路 2 years ago
My fellow capsuleers, i need a bit of help. I've installed deedum on my phone, but how do i export my identity from Lagrange to deedum? Maybe i'm a bit dumb.. but in the name of the omnissiah, how do i do this?
馃挰 3 Replies 路 0 Thumbs 路 2 years ago
Still new to gemini, this is just a test, sorry for the inconviniece.