馃懡 mathpunk

One of these days someone is going to invent earbuds that don't fall out of your ears or headphones that don't hurt to wear for more than 20 minutes and whoever does so will become filthy stinking rich. Until then, we can only dream...

7 months ago 路 馃憤 arubes, virtueisdead


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4 Replies

馃懡 virtueisdead

as far as earbuds you, just use sports earbuds! the ones with the little hook that goes around your ear! i bought them because i intended to primarily use them while im biking and ive never had them fall out even once! they were literally only like 30 dollars at wallmart, they sound pretty dang alright, and thats coming from a audio engineer who generally refuses to use bluetooth audio on my speakers because i can hear the compression 路 6 months ago

馃懡 jose

@kelbotinspace, is that what Dennis Quaid did to Martin Short in Innerspace? 路 7 months ago

馃懡 kelbotinspace

Have you tried the bone conducting headphones? 路 7 months ago

馃懡 fripster

Try AKG K-72. Not expensive, good sound, and you will be able to wear for hours and hours as it is definitely not irritating to wear it. 路 7 months ago