[2022-08-01T07:13:18Z] Hi [2022-08-01T09:13:45Z] Hi [2022-08-01T12:19:33Z] Hum how do you update git package ? [2022-08-01T12:20:12Z] I mean, I have neovim (git) installed but when I do `kiss u` it seems that everything is up to date [2022-08-01T12:21:20Z] I can do `kiss b $(kiss l | grep "git-1" | cut -d" " -f1 | xargs)` but I will rebuild everything even if there's no update [2022-08-01T12:21:55Z] s/I will/it'll/ [2022-08-01T12:22:12Z] That's the only way [2022-08-01T12:22:15Z] manually updated [2022-08-01T12:25:57Z] That's sad [2022-08-01T13:24:07Z] noocsharp: https://voidlinux.org/packages/?arch=x86_64&q=wayclip [2022-08-01T19:25:49Z] can variables exported by a kiss hook be read by KISS to be forwarded to the build? [2022-08-01T19:28:46Z] no, unfortunately, since the hook is executed rather than sourced. you'll need to have the hook insert the exports into the build file [2022-08-01T19:30:50Z] wouldn't that overwrite the existing build file? [2022-08-01T19:30:51Z] or do you mean to have to insert the variables manually into the build files? [2022-08-01T19:32:24Z] yes. I make a backup of the original to /tmp and then restore it upon build failure or completion [2022-08-01T19:32:25Z] https://git.owenrafferty.com/bin/file/kh.html [2022-08-01T19:33:14Z] interesting [2022-08-01T19:33:35Z] i only need to set 3 variables, so i guess i can have a pre-install file in the package directory to set that variable? [2022-08-01T19:34:08Z] or is that just executed and not sourced too? [2022-08-01T19:34:56Z] the hooks in the package directory that are executed are post-install and pre-remove [2022-08-01T19:35:41Z] do the variables have anything to do with the build? [2022-08-01T19:35:56Z] they set the compiler [2022-08-01T19:37:19Z] as far as I know, you can either run CC=... kiss ... or insert CC=... in the build file. [2022-08-01T19:37:52Z] thing is, its for many packages, so im simply trying to save like 10 kilobytes lol. [2022-08-01T19:39:28Z] as per the hook I sent, you can add each package in a case statement [2022-08-01T19:40:54Z] does your hook directly modify the build file and save the old to a temporary file, and once the build is complete it brings the old build file back? [2022-08-01T19:41:00Z] yes [2022-08-01T19:41:19Z] oh wow your hook displays the time [2022-08-01T19:41:27Z] i didnt know hooks could be that useful [2022-08-01T19:42:30Z] i will try to do something similar, thanks!! [2022-08-01T19:45:09Z] ~~also by similar i meant shamelessly copying~~ [2022-08-01T19:57:32Z] as did I, from dylan. reminds me to add a license [2022-08-01T20:01:31Z] is it still a good idea to instead add the variables directly to the build files or to do what the hook does [2022-08-01T20:03:01Z] that's up to you. it's just my personal preference that environmental variables be modified via a hook, since they only need to be prepended to the build file, while all other changes warrant a fork of the package [2022-08-01T20:06:27Z] you know what? i guess it wouldnt hurt to add a few variables to each build file [2022-08-01T20:07:01Z] unless...? [2022-08-01T20:07:14Z] does sed support inplace ? [2022-08-01T20:08:36Z] busybox sed does, yes. as does ed, which I use. the backup is only for "safety" [2022-08-01T20:09:04Z] hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm [2022-08-01T20:09:32Z] okay fuck it [2022-08-01T20:44:27Z] is there a way to prevent kiss from cleaning? i want to make simple post-compilation changes to the build file, and i have to constantly recompile for whatever change i did. [2022-08-01T20:57:03Z] You want to keep the temporary build dir? I think setting KISS_DEBUG=1 does that. [2022-08-01T21:01:17Z] not exactly, i want to make use of the existing build dir for tiny changes. however the build directories are by processor, i think a better solution is to use ccache to speed it up some more for recompilation. [2022-08-01T21:01:50Z] how can ccache be used with KISS otherwise? [2022-08-01T21:02:11Z] nvm found the wiki page for it. [2022-08-01T21:51:17Z] wael[m]: i like to put a `sh >/dev/tty` somewhere into the build script [2022-08-01T21:52:19Z] i also tweaked kiss so that you can run `kiss continue` from within /tmp/$$/pkg/pkg/ to finish the build after installing