馃懡 bavarianbarbarian

question: if you had a child, how would you name he/her? as a true bavarian barbarian, i'd give'em the name of my ancestors.

2 weeks ago


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9 Replies

馃懡 bavarianbarbarian

my favorites are the names of elders... in my case michael robert adalbert arminius corneliuson 路 1 week ago

馃懡 n2qfd

I think it predates that lot @bavarianbarbarian unfortunatily we've not been alowed to have nice things for about 2000 years now. I always thought it was something we picked up from the goths or the slavs because I don't think the Sephardim down around the Mediteranian do this but maybe? 路 2 weeks ago

馃懡 bavarianbarbarian

@n2qfd not sure, that sounds in my ears a bit like 'ask the nazi" xD 路 2 weeks ago

馃懡 n2qfd

We have a rule that they can't be named for someone still living. Ashkenazi custome so that should death come for the older one it won't take the child by accident. 路 2 weeks ago

馃懡 lykso

Had a kid. Wife and I picked a well-established name we both found aesthetically pleasing. We just kind of tossed names back and forth off and on for a few days until we found something we both liked. We figured just about anything would be fine, as long as it wasn't something that marked him out for ridicule. Whatever meaning it takes on will be more dependent on the life he leads than on whatever baby books say the name means. 路 2 weeks ago

馃懡 danrl

@devyl mostly out of tradition i鈥檇 say. i鈥檓 old school. 路 2 weeks ago

馃懡 devyl

@danrl i never understood why someone is naming his son "... jr". why the same name as the fathers?! 路 2 weeks ago

馃懡 danrl

boy: dan jr.

girl: lea, mia or ana

3 letter names rule. 路 2 weeks ago

馃懡 devyl

my daughter has a variant of an ancestors name. my wife and i long searched through lists of names for her and also looked into our family tree. now her name as the "bright/beautiful" really nails it... x) 路 2 weeks ago