[2024-06-11T00:24:32Z] kisslinux.org is still infected with js tracking too. [2024-06-11T01:24:09Z] yeah theres that ad for like [2024-06-11T01:24:13Z] karaoke software or something [2024-06-11T01:24:14Z] lmao [2024-06-11T01:30:42Z] i have to wonder why they went after kisslinux.org specifically [2024-06-11T01:41:41Z] speaking of ads, man, protonmail has gone down the shitter over the past year or so really fast [2024-06-11T01:41:59Z] every time i log in i get hit with 3-4 "upgrade now" ads [2024-06-11T04:12:02Z] alright there got my fork ported [2024-06-11T04:12:10Z] binutils is still being finnicky but everything else is solid [2024-06-11T06:45:03Z] sewm: I actually did that using the kernel command line in the linux kernel along with efibootmgr copying vmlinuz to /boot/efi/bootx64.efi [2024-06-11T06:45:56Z] but i'm going to try out sad_plan way with adding the boot entry via uefi menu [2024-06-11T06:46:40Z] technically i could cp bzImage as well to bootx64.efi as both are the same thing but just different name [2024-06-11T07:16:04Z] Doomking: efibootmgr doesn't copy anything for you [2024-06-11T07:16:15Z] it simply creates an EFI entry [2024-06-11T07:16:53Z] if your kernel is already at a bootloaders location ($esp/efi/bootx64.efi) no entry is needed and the bios will boot it automatically [2024-06-11T07:18:56Z] midfavila: I say this because I care about you. [2024-06-11T07:19:00Z] leave proton asap. [2024-06-11T07:19:52Z] unless you wanna deal with years of your personal emails being locked up behind protonmail bridge when you start using an epic email client. [2024-06-11T07:21:09Z] angle: what's wrong with proton? [2024-06-11T07:21:27Z] I want a company handling my emails for years to come, and a company I know can't go down [2024-06-11T07:22:11Z] self-hosting or vps was cool but uptime + I'm not living in my house forever + maintenance [2024-06-11T07:22:24Z] even google or yahoo is more open than proton is with accessing your emails from something other than webmail or a trash android client. [2024-06-11T07:22:47Z] you can pick a nice, stable provider that gives you privacy. [2024-06-11T07:22:47Z] so I should go back to google?! [2024-06-11T07:23:01Z] no, I just mean proton is uniquely evil. [2024-06-11T07:23:44Z] I have all my old gmail emails from when I was a kid easily accessible through my email client and my own filesystem. [2024-06-11T07:23:53Z] proton and tutanova lock you out. [2024-06-11T07:24:19Z] use fastmail or migadu or purelymail or whoever else if you wanna support the little guy that doesn't spy on you. [2024-06-11T07:24:56Z] I dont feel like paying a lot of money per month just to have emails [2024-06-11T07:24:59Z] but proton is a massive company that spies on you too but also buts up a really weird technical wall between you and your data. [2024-06-11T07:26:14Z] sewn: then don't pay and use disroot like you already do. use fastmail's free plan or purelymail's $10/year plan. [2024-06-11T07:26:35Z] I can't really trust disroot with my government and banking can i [2024-06-11T07:27:21Z] no, but you can't even with proton either. [2024-06-11T07:27:26Z] any company can go under. [2024-06-11T07:27:39Z] so use your own domain if you really wanna keep things safe. [2024-06-11T07:30:02Z] aaaggghhhh [2024-06-11T07:31:46Z] angle: proton is funded by a corporation while disroot is funded by the community [2024-06-11T07:33:35Z] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39322173 [2024-06-11T07:34:20Z] another privacy focused email company that got bought out and is sunsetting its email services. [2024-06-11T07:34:45Z] the only guaranteed safe option is to use your own domain for your email. [2024-06-11T07:35:00Z] so you can switch providers without losing the email you have. [2024-06-11T07:35:59Z] someone from my local pc store emailed me recently, so I ran `dig MX ` on them. [2024-06-11T07:36:51Z] and their server wasn't gmail or outlook or something evil! it was their own server they were running! I got so excited and was thinking they were running opensmtpd or something. [2024-06-11T07:37:13Z] ...till I checked their site and saw they were runnig this: [2024-06-11T07:37:15Z] https://www.mailsite.com/ [2024-06-11T07:38:03Z] a godless, proprietary email server program run by a blackberry subsidiary. [2024-06-11T07:38:36Z] but it was still cool to see a pre-gmail relic of proprietary windows email programs out in the wild. [2024-06-11T07:38:46Z] kinda unrelated, but it's cool to share. [2024-06-11T07:39:29Z] anyways, aerc email program was the thing that pilled me against proton, so check that out if you wanna see how cool email can really be. [2024-06-11T07:43:40Z] angle: I dont really need SMTP for proton tnh [2024-06-11T07:44:15Z] its only because I dont use proton for many things, only personal accoumts [2024-06-11T08:02:45Z] angle midfavila phoebos ok, I belive you, but then do i still get pointed to dylans site? faulty dns records? [2024-06-11T08:03:07Z] s/then/then why/ [2024-06-11T08:20:03Z] do you mean why does the content look the same? or are you redirected to kisslinux.github.io? [2024-06-11T08:20:59Z] there's no CNAME record [2024-06-11T08:42:36Z] sewn: so i just need to copy bzImage over to $esp/efi/bootx64.efi and it should automatically boot? i guess i never tried that, i ran the efibootmgr command and assumed that was what allowed me to boot in [2024-06-11T08:42:52Z] Doomking: make sure you have the integrated cmdline [2024-06-11T08:43:29Z] are you referring to the kernel cmdline right? [2024-06-11T08:43:31Z] he [2024-06-11T08:43:33Z] yea [2024-06-11T08:43:47Z] oh okay, i was worry it was something else then i wouldn't know [2024-06-11T08:44:02Z] sounds good [2024-06-11T11:09:22Z] phoebos: i end up at dylans site, not the ad site. theres no redirection that I can see [2024-06-11T11:37:35Z] but what do you mean by dylan's site? [2024-06-11T11:37:53Z] dylan's site is kisslinux.github.io [2024-06-11T12:18:46Z] i get kisslinux.org, but the content is dylans [2024-06-11T12:24:01Z] yes, it looks similar, but notice there is javascript and a section advertising a "vocal remover" tool lol [2024-06-11T12:26:00Z] i noticed the js and cloudflare. didnt see the ad in a hurry. but ok, so things are still the same. [2024-06-11T13:51:22Z] sad_plan: can you really trust it if it has an ad in it? [2024-06-11T14:03:16Z] i didnt say that. use the official instead. more trustworthy. also no JS is best JS [2024-06-11T19:28:14Z] angle: im just going to migrate my personal stuff to SDF [2024-06-11T19:28:51Z] the cornerstore under my apartment has a crypto-ATM so im just gonna send some cash to membership and get ARPA status and then switch everything over