[2024-06-14T11:39:16Z] fair enough fultilt [2024-06-14T11:40:08Z] that "rebuild all the packages" step should be removed from the documentation [2024-06-14T11:40:51Z] in other news, posix 2024 has been published [2024-06-14T13:16:04Z] did they add rust to posix yet? [2024-06-14T13:25:37Z] yuck [2024-06-14T13:25:40Z] phoebos: link? [2024-06-14T13:25:47Z] are there any new changes? [2024-06-14T15:11:48Z] sewn: the simplest way rn is to build sfeed [2024-06-14T15:11:58Z] (sorry for the delay) [2024-06-14T15:13:49Z] regarding POSIX, looks like rn only the PDF is available and, IIRC, PDFs are only available to paying members [2024-06-14T15:13:55Z] we gotta wait for the html [2024-06-14T15:27:17Z] gotta pay for POSIX patreon to get the full scoop. [2024-06-14T15:28:19Z] https://arewesimpleyet.org/ [2024-06-14T15:29:08Z] there's this site by some suckless adjacent type that talks about how we eventually need to move past POSIX. [2024-06-14T15:29:41Z] what does that mean? a new standard with more stuff added on for Unix oses to target? [2024-06-14T15:35:42Z] this is dumb [2024-06-14T15:35:48Z] angle: this is outdated [2024-06-14T15:36:02Z] the git part is top notch: "perl" fair, "spaghetti" ???, "needs to be rewritten" what [2024-06-14T15:36:16Z] (btw, perl is optional) [2024-06-14T15:52:39Z] they are prob openbsd people that are pro got. [2024-06-14T15:53:23Z] got? [2024-06-14T15:53:31Z] but is there an opinion among suckless ppl that we eventually need to replace POSIX? [2024-06-14T15:53:36Z] game of trees. [2024-06-14T15:54:06Z] minimal api compatible version of git by openbsd people. [2024-06-14T15:54:21Z] with a lamer license too, but we already had this discussion. [2024-06-14T15:54:30Z] this sounds pretty... pointless, but if that makes them happy [2024-06-14T15:54:56Z] https://gameoftrees.org/ [2024-06-14T15:55:15Z] POSIX is already quite lean. At most, some "legacy" utilities or conventions could be dropped, but they are here to guarantee script compatibility and whatnot [2024-06-14T15:55:27Z] also, not many distros are really posix compliant ootb [2024-06-14T15:55:32Z] is there anything people wanna add? [2024-06-14T15:55:50Z] I mean, it's supposed to be a "base" [2024-06-14T15:56:02Z] a new awk or something that is on basically every system? [2024-06-14T15:56:19Z] the closest thing to a new awk I know is jq [2024-06-14T15:56:45Z] but even then I would not advocate for its inclusion [2024-06-14T15:57:17Z] it's fine as-is, I think. At most, I'd expect work on _increasing_ portability [2024-06-14T15:58:54Z] If it ain't broke, don't fix it [2024-06-14T15:59:30Z] (also because, btw, it's not like new stuff will necessarily get added by distros, think about tsort or pax) [2024-06-14T16:03:49Z] ive decided to surrender and use a (semi) modern toolkit [2024-06-14T16:04:26Z] friendship with xaw ended, gnustep best friend (for now) [2024-06-14T16:04:43Z] need to read backlogs this looks neat [2024-06-14T16:05:40Z] new poosix spec?!?!?! :OOOOOOOOOOO [2024-06-14T16:05:52Z] babe wake up its time to rewrite all your shell scripts quoting rules just got changed [2024-06-14T16:06:11Z] Today is a crazy day [2024-06-14T16:06:41Z] it's too much for me to handle, midfavilla changing toolkit AND a new POSIX spec being released? [2024-06-14T16:07:02Z] its only temporarily [2024-06-14T16:07:21Z] altho it looks like poopian builds their stuff using the cairo backend instead of xlib so its slow as shit on xfbdev [2024-06-14T16:07:25Z] deeply unfortunate [2024-06-14T16:07:54Z] oh god and it doesnt redraw windows until youve stopped dragging objects [2024-06-14T16:23:16Z] okay yeah we're going back to xaw applications now [2024-06-14T16:34:12Z] oh jesus christ [2024-06-14T16:34:23Z] according to the register systemd is expanding yet again [2024-06-14T16:35:14Z] subsuming sudo [2024-06-14T16:35:24Z] https://www.theregister.com/2024/06/13/version_256_systemd/ [2024-06-14T16:41:53Z] https://whynothugo.nl/journal/2024/06/13/ssh-as-a-sudo-replacement/ [2024-06-14T16:42:23Z] this guy wrote a cool article I can't understand about ssh as a sudo/doas replacement. [2024-06-14T22:51:29Z] https://codeberg.org/kiss-community/repo/releases/tag/24.06.14 [2024-06-14T22:51:43Z] ok, new tarball built [2024-06-14T22:52:30Z] I would appreciate anyone checking that it works for you! [2024-06-14T23:37:02Z] phoebos: The busybox in that tarball crashes for me with "illegal instruction". That's under qemu-system-x86_64.