first impression of Mac, was when I ordered a refurbished 2011 Macbook Air in 2014, which arrived in mint condition cosmetically, I turned in on, "Hello, Hola, Hallo, et al" and then it bricked. I replaced it for the same model in less than a week with the reseller, but it was a sign of things to come. Updating the OS meant an hour + of the screen flickering, keyboard backlight strobing, and I'm pretty sure a few sparks and some sort of girating. It was always a stressful event.
`sudo apt-get update/upgrade` on the Linux machine a few times a week is less eventful. Not complaining
Dang it, I posted my "Frasier" reply here as well... and couldn't delete it (the delete failed), so I guess I'll change the reply contents instead. :-)
Oh, yeah, my Macbook was a gloriously gleaming thing until it more resembled a doorstop than a computer.
Hats off to form over substance, Apple!