just wanted to let you know that i appreciate you all and the geminispace in general. a friendly, diverse yet accepting crowd with a tendency for peaceful coexistence. that isn’t a given in many places, and some big communities can only get there with a lot of policing. we can be very proud of what we built here! thank y’all for being excellent!
let this be a appreciation thread for that reason. post your own capsules, your favorite capsules, nice words about your fellow geminauts!
1 month ago · 👍 gritty, fripster, martin, chirale, n2qfd, softwarepagan
One feature of Geminispace is that it's hard to interact. Most gemlogs don't have comments functionality. This means that even if you're pissed off about something someone said, the person you're pissed off at might not see your reply, or they can pretend they didn't see it and not respond. And at any rate, nobody expects anybody to respond. Responding is hard, so why bother? Structural non-interactivity helps keep the peace.
And the people drawn to Gemini are conciously looking for something different. They've learned hard lessons. I haven't seen anyone consistently pushing a controversial line to the detriment of the space. · 1 month ago
As someone with a lot of heterodox opinions, geminispace is a breath of fresh air. It is actually *tolerant* in a way most of the web is not. · 1 month ago
Amen to this! 🙌 · 1 month ago