Nristen's (g)log
When I first saw "spellbinding" mentioned, I thought of some fantasy game and my reaction to the idea in my head was negative. I usually try to not react to something until I am certain that it is true which these days seems to be harder and harder to verify something.
Anyway finally after several weeks of seeing the name mentioned, during an idle moment, I went to the site:
I realized that I needed a cert and since I was trying out the lagrange browser on my phone, I decided this was a good chance to see how easy it was to use a cert on lagrange. It turns out that it was fairly easy to create and associate the cert with the site and withing 2 or 3 minutes, I was at the site and trying out Spellbinding.
I have to admit, it turned out to hold my attention more than any other location on Gemini yet. I wonder what that says about my attention? Anyway, I have enjoyed it alot.
Today, I decided to see if I could export the Lagrange cert for Spellbinding and apply it Amfora (still my favorite Gemini browser).
I found that exporting the cert from Lagrange was easy and all I had to do was split the single export file into the cert and key files and add them to my amfora config.
Anyway, Lagrange is very easy to setup and use certs for gemini sites that require them and Spellbinding is a fun challenge.