New title, new chapters, new hardware



Well first, happy birthday to me. 32 years on this rock and still going!

The story has been renamed to 'Journey into the Darkness' to reflect some recent changes that have occured. Most notable is the death of an 8" 1024x768 IPS monitor which I'd been using for the last two years exclusively, prompting the purchase of a slightly larger 12" model advertised as 800x600 resolution. While the orignal title was a reference to Void Linux, this too may change as I try to get a Raspberry Pi 4 to run FreeBSD and put a SSD in the Udoo Bolt v8 to run something that isn't Linux.

I'm also considering whether to post individual chapters as they get finished or just wait until they're all done and post the whole thing at once. Odds are it doesn't matter since I've no way to know if anyone is even reading this, let alone if anyone is following me... [looks around suspiciously].