Forgot to mention: I got my first non-anonymous donation to the FreeGuide project - Steve Fuller sent in a donation along with a request (but with no implication of linkage ;). Thanks Steve! It never ceases to amaze me how Americans will donate to projects like this. My feeling about British people (certainly myself) is that I would always think if I were going to donate to something I'd make it something "important" like Christian Aid, but actually I do think Free Software is important too (actually in order to achieve some of the same goals that Christian Aid have...). The idea of mixing philanthropy with self-interest, which seems to be natural to Americans, can feel a little dirty to us Europeans, but actually that is stupid.
Anyway, enough philosophy: Steve, your donation will be used to buy myself something nice (e.g. a GameCube game or some online poker money) and it has significantly encouraged me to get stuck back into FreeGuide development (see the previous post ... guilt is rising). You never know, it might even subconsciously encourage me to get to your specific feature request sooner ;).
(The feature request was allowing favourites to match on programme descriptions and other, more specialised fields. I am wondering about how to keep the UI simple for this, but it should be do-able given some time to implement it.)
Originally posted at 2006-03-08 16:37:45+00:00. Automatically generated from the original post : apologies for the errors introduced.