Pondering Pomegranates

The latest method is to peel the whole thing, on the assumption that the skin has seen too many miles and probably is best for the compost. This may let you see any under-the-skin bad spots to carve out and discard. Next some care is taken to nick and split the core open to get at the seeds. Some first whack at the fruit to loosen up the seeds, but that may crush them, and I did not like the results. The remaining rind and any non-peeled skin is frozen and saved for used in soups and stocks. It is a (mild?) bittering agent. Probably the rind should be dehydrated first to cut down on frost generation, but that would take additional time and energy.

A tea can be made from the rind. Chop it pretty fine and use maybe five grams per cup. Tastes a bit plant-y and weakly of pomegranate. The rind could also be used directly in a dish, in which case you'll also get some fiber. Maybe in a pomegranate stuffing? Mostly I just eat the seeds raw.