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👽 freezr

🗣 Followers 13 · Following 16 · Logs 67 · Docked 2 years ago


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👽 freezr

Hi guys, I'd like to let you know that Telescope 0.9.1 introduced the external editor support! This allows to comfortably write long message like this one! This message has been written with Micro through Telescope! ;)

💬 4 Replies · 3 Thumbs · 4 days ago

👽 freezr

I have just realized that a lot of people who partecipate on the gemini space don't necessarily have a capsule, or aren't implementers, and this is very cool indeed! 😊

💬 5 Replies · 5 Thumbs · 2 weeks ago

👽 freezr

Pouring boiling water on your left hand it is not funny...😖

💬 7 Replies · 1 Thumb · 2 weeks ago

👽 freezr

Copied from the SerenetyOS project: Network stack and applications with support for IPv4, TCP, UDP; DNS, HTTP, Gemini, IMAP, NTP 😁 https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity?tab=readme-ov-file

💬 2 Replies · 5 Thumbs · 3 weeks ago

👽 freezr

Another pebcak defeated 💪 For this one I was very close, if I mistakenly confused variables with attributes it would not even been a pebcak! 😏

💬 0 Replies · 0 Thumbs · 3 weeks ago

👽 freezr

Recently I rediscovered that playing a bit of videogames helps me to unload the stress accumulated during the day, especially at work. I don't need to play a lot, a short session of 15~30" is enough. I have plenty of retrostuff to play with although I don't like to let myself see playing videogames from my family thus I bought an Anbernic Retro Handheld RG35XXSP. https://anbernic.com/products/rg35xxsp It looks like a GBA SP and it pretty suitable to play 8/16Bit videogames. I hope I am not going to regret this purchase... 🙏

💬 4 Replies · 3 Thumbs · 3 weeks ago

👽 freezr

I've started writing again on my capsule... Unfortunately for me Gemini is something I do very "in action", and if I don't write usually I don't even read... When I don't write I am more on the Fediverse but I believe is becoming something that I don't like... Now I am tempted to go fully into Gemini using exclusively Station, Bubbles & Antenna... The good thing is that in Gemini everything is so integrated that I can do anything into Lagrange, whether on Desktop or mobile, seamlessly! 😉

💬 3 Replies · 1 Thumb · 3 weeks ago

👽 freezr

Hello folks good news!!! Telescope has just added support for certificates! And this is my first post with Telescope on Station!

💬 4 Replies · 5 Thumbs · 4 months ago

👽 freezr

@dimkr Your tootkit is just amazing. I have been hoping for a GeminiUI in my daydreams and now it is just a reality. It is just amazing! 🎉 But... Yes there is a but... 😔 The UI is confused for a powerless brain like mine, at a certain point I lost the "orientation" and I couldn't understand what I was reading, why I was reading that and where I did come from. I don't believe it is "your" fault, it is just Mastodon that is the worst UI ever. For me the best approach is the one made by Diaspora/Station where you read only the main thread and then all the children messages, and you just get notifications if a thread you replied got new messages.

💬 4 Replies · 1 Thumb · 6 months ago

👽 freezr

⚠️ What's happening on Antenna? Why is it filled by useless comments, published perhaps from a Mastodon instance? What is this domain? gemini://hd.206267.xyz/ And what does it mean: is an instance of tootik, a federated nanoblogging service. 🤨

💬 5 Replies · 1 Thumb · 6 months ago

👽 freezr

I was convinced my latest gemlog had would be a great success… but I got zero connection to my capsule since the day I published it… When you dig too much into the peback rabbit hole your personal itches are just yours… 🤔

💬 3 Replies · 0 Thumbs · 6 months ago

👽 freezr

Hello Friends! It has been while that I don't write here... Unfortunately when I write for Gemini,for some reason I don't read Gemini as well, and in last few months I found myself busy preparing my latest series… Today just out of curiosity I checked into Medusa and we aren't still there, I won't be ever listed in Medusa... T_T

💬 0 Replies · 1 Thumb · 6 months ago

👽 freezr

suggested by a friend but I haven't read this yet... https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2023/05/28/the-gemini-protocol-seen-by-this-http-client-person/

💬 3 Replies · 1 Thumb · 1 year ago

👽 freezr

Could not resist partecipating to @bacardi55 call…

💬 3 Replies · 0 Thumbs · 1 year ago

👽 freezr

For the first time I had to go on Gemini to find some information cause I couldn't find anything relevant on the WWW space... Specifically I was looking for info for Briar and Tox, and I got a nice overview on Briar! 👍👍👍

💬 6 Replies · 10 Thumbs · 1 year ago

👽 freezr

Brutal (web) Design... I was unaware about this new trend since Gemini made forget about the WWW... But actually there is a counter initiative to resinstate a WWW which tries to recover the original roots while using the modern and current features... https://brutalist-web.design The author stated seven guidelines to achieve a brutal website and I believe that Gemini checks them all plus adds a couple of more that HTML/HTTP doesn't have by design…

💬 2 Replies · 7 Thumbs · 1 year ago

👽 freezr

Bridging ActivityPub to Gemini... This is a kind of a broad call to the whole community, but I really like to see someone enganged in creating a bridge between, for instance, Mastodon and Gemini. Already exist a couple of TUI software (Toot and Tut) that allow to login to your Mastodon account and to browse your timelines through the terminal, my wish would be to subtitute the TUI interface with a GemUI one. I don't know how to do that because I don't have any coding expertise but I believe it is feasible and it would be much more flexible and better, especially if used with powerful clients like Lagrange. I'll probably make another call with a Gemlog, meanwhile… 🙏

💬 3 Replies · 3 Thumbs · 1 year ago

👽 freezr

I finally published my long awaited new gemlog... 👏👏👏 gemini://omg.pebcak.club/~freezr/gemlog/2023-01-23-your-next-gemini-project.gmi 🫣

💬 1 Reply · 1 Thumb · 1 year ago

👽 freezr

I fixed all the domains: gemini://warp.geminispace.club gemini://omg.pebcak.club Are fully working even though I removed all the links from the index page of GeminSpace.Club your subscription should work the same. GMID allowed me to assign the current tilde directories to GS.C therefore both the domains are kind of synchronized... Bye... 👋

💬 0 Replies · 2 Thumbs · 1 year ago

👽 freezr

Pebcak.club is (un)officially on-line... 🚀 GeminiSpace.club will be online till July 2025 though... 😅 gemini://omg.pebcak.club 👍

💬 0 Replies · 0 Thumbs · 1 year ago

👽 freezr

Buran: interesting Gemini Client for Android based on Ariane. This means clean and nice look and feel. I always liked Ariane, and this is slightly better; it is not feature reach as Lagrange but, for the few that consider Lagrange overwhelmening for a mobile experience and want a basic approach, is higly recommended. https://github.com/Corewala/Buran

💬 6 Replies · 2 Thumbs · 2 years ago

👽 freezr

PEBCAK alert... For the third time I am going to change the domain again... 😅 Soon Cage and myself will move from Geminispace.club to pebcak.club... 😁 Pebcak.zone maybe was cooler but also more expensive... But the old domain will be available till it lasts, as well as geminispace.net, but we are so deep into the pebcakness that was natural deciding to change domain on something more appropiate... 🤪

💬 2 Replies · 0 Thumbs · 2 years ago

👽 freezr

A new Gemlog has been issued! This has been prettu harsh: I have so few spare time available that I decided to publish as soon as possible and leave the fixing for another time... 😩 ~freezr/gemlog/2022-10-30-pico8-development-with-openbsd-and-rpi2.gmi

💬 2 Replies · 1 Thumb · 2 years ago

👽 freezr

I'd like to have an editor/organizer that speaks GemText, something that while you write in, it automatically creates the representation of the document on a side column; that highlights each special lines; that you can create internal links to jump between documents or notes; that supports splits and tabs; that you can easily find and replace text; change case, highlight typos; that has an emoji selector; that remember the change you made; that has autosave and autorecovery; that can represent the interconnections of a document (tree visualization); with a nice and intuitive TUI with mouse support while in X. 🎄

💬 5 Replies · 4 Thumbs · 2 years ago

👽 freezr

After some initial issues my new crapbook(CB )is doing surprisingly well, at least compared with the old one. The most important thing is I could do full disk encryption, this wasn't feasible with the old CB. As a matter of fact reading and writing is way faster, the old CB hung minutes to rsync a bunch of kilobites of the disk (kingstone ssd), the new one ends in few seconds. I used the old one a lot but modern hardware works just better...

💬 0 Replies · 0 Thumbs · 2 years ago

👽 freezr

I won an auction on EBay about a 11" laptop not Chromebook, but I am not very sure, I thought I had would lost it... 🤔

💬 0 Replies · 0 Thumbs · 2 years ago

👽 freezr

The newest, Smarter than Smart, TVs are becoming nastier... 👎 gemini://warp.geminispace.club/~freezr/gemlog/2022-09-22-il-solito-brutto-vizio.gmi

💬 4 Replies · 5 Thumbs · 2 years ago

👽 freezr

Today I got mad at a stupid PEBCAK, which honestly wasn't so trivial... What made me REALLY angry were the useless amount of fake as well useless solutions, tips and workarounds... Which really infest the Linux world! Eventually with @op we were able to troubleshoot the issue and find a real and working solution... however the hours lost on internet reading linux bullshit are hexausting, and I am really pissed off! gemini://warp.geminispace.club/~freezr/pebcak

💬 5 Replies · 0 Thumbs · 2 years ago

👽 freezr

Thanks to @ruario my pebcak journal is online, I need to fix something yet, but the recipe provided worked pretty well! Thanks again Ruario! gemini://warp.geminispace.club/pebcak.gmi

💬 3 Replies · 2 Thumbs · 2 years ago

👽 freezr

freezr Hi Geminauts, how can I pass a micro-log style to Antenna? I'd like to do something like him: gemini://ruario.flounder.online/journal.gmi But I will write about PEBCAK... 😅

💬 6 Replies · 2 Thumbs · 2 years ago

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