Getting Back into It

// March 11 2024, 2 min read, #game design #heartgirl #pico-8

I finally started working on Heartgirl (PICO-8) some more after running into so many roadblocks on Heartgirl (GB Studio). My first step had to be reducing the token count, since my game simply wasn't booting anymore.

Tokens are an arbitrary limit placed by Lexaloffle, developer of PICO-8, in order to make the experience feel a bit more retro. I think they're just simply annoying, but hey, I could always port my game to LOVE2D if it bothered me too much. Anyway, before I started I was at 8299 out of 8192. At my lowest I got to 7542, which afforded me plenty of room to start working on things again. Currently I'm at 7602. Once I refactor my collision detection code that number will drop by a ton. But I'm putting that off as much as possible.

Otherwise, let's see, what else did I get done?

Donkey Kong 94

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