Book recommendations
A list of various books I find interesting or useful.
- Bible - God (this book might change your life!)
- "A Confession" - Leo Tolstoy
- "How to win Friends and influence people" - Dale Carnegie
- "Everything I want to do is illegal - War stories from the local food front" - Joel Salatin
- "On The Wealth of Nations" - Adam Smith
Politics / Strategy
- "The Prince" - Niccolò Machiavelli
- "Deutschland schafft sich ab" - Thilo Sarrazin
- "The Art of War" - Sun Tzu
- "Vom Kriege" - Carl Von Clausewitz
- "War and Peace" - Leo Tolstoy
- "Crime and Punishment" - Fyodor Dostoevsky
- "Effective C - An introduction to professional C programming" - Robert C. Seacord
- "Head First C" - David Griffiths, Dawn Griffiths (funny style)
- "Head First Go" - Jay McGavren (funny style)
- The Rust book
- "Short Stories in Russian for Beginners" - Olly Richards, Alex Rawlings
- "Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata" - Hans H. Ørberg
- "Cambridge Latin Course"
- "Toki Pona in 76 lessons"
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