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Mostly boring personal stuff

About me / contact

The obligatory gemlog

(Perhaps) more interesting technical stuff

A little Risc-V powered cyberdeck

Raspberry Pi + Keyrah + Linux = Fun

Notes on PostmarketOS

I just started out with PostmarketOS on a scavenged Oneplus 6, in this notes i describe my setup and my experiences with this system.

About two months in use

PostmarketOS as semi daily driver

PostmarketOS on Oneplus 6, installation and setup

Notes on 9Front

I have outlined the basic setup of my 9Front system in my old capsule (link above), at the end of the old entries i had running a standalone terminal with email, a few custom scripts and so on, this part will cover more of the 'quality of life' things that i discovered after that. I will also try to build up a grid with home automation and some other nice things.

Video playback and YouTube on Plan9

Getting the Wifi to work on the Thinkpad R60

My first voyage into geminispace

My old Gemini capsule