[2024-05-06T06:47:03Z] ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€ [2024-05-06T06:47:34Z] *** zvava.org joined [2024-05-06T06:47:39Z] *** zvava.org disconnected [2024-05-06T11:58:40Z] Hello [2024-05-06T11:58:44Z] *** eriounious_new joined [2024-05-06T11:58:46Z] *** eriounious_new disconnected [2024-05-06T11:59:48Z] *** eriounious joined [2024-05-06T12:00:20Z] test [2024-05-06T12:32:51Z] *** eriounious disconnected [2024-05-06T12:32:52Z] *** eriounious joined [2024-05-06T12:33:00Z] *** eriounious disconnected [2024-05-06T12:33:05Z] *** eriounious joined [2024-05-06T12:34:03Z] *** eriounious disconnected [2024-05-06T12:34:04Z] *** eriounious joined [2024-05-06T12:34:15Z] *** eriounious disconnected [2024-05-06T15:09:34Z] *** test joined [2024-05-06T19:00:43Z] <> If you immediately know the candlelight is fire, the meal was cook a long time ago [2024-05-07T09:49:14Z] <> hi [2024-05-07T10:04:53Z] *** test disconnected [2024-05-08T20:21:55Z] <> hello [2024-05-08T20:23:11Z] zzz [2024-05-08T20:23:57Z] *** cthulhu joined [2024-05-08T20:24:09Z] qwe [2024-05-08T20:24:24Z] *** cthulhu disconnected [2024-05-09T05:30:13Z] <> hi, bob! [2024-05-14T12:48:05Z] <> TEst of the best chat !!!! [2024-05-17T16:23:52Z] *** tony joined [2024-05-17T16:24:23Z] *** tony disconnected [2024-05-17T16:24:34Z] *** tony joined [2024-05-17T16:25:27Z] testing testing 123 [2024-05-17T17:16:31Z] *** tony disconnected [2024-05-17T17:16:37Z] *** tony joined [2024-05-17T17:20:32Z] *** tony disconnected [2024-05-17T17:20:33Z] *** tony joined [2024-05-17T17:26:25Z] *** tony disconnected [2024-05-17T17:26:28Z] *** tony joined [2024-05-18T01:09:21Z] <> I figure this is a good place to scream into the void. Went to college to get my degree in CS so I could get a developer job. Had to take an admin job to take care of my family, and now stuck as a data engineer. [2024-05-18T01:11:00Z] <> It would be nice to even get an entry level dev job because data engineering is the most boring work I've ever done, including waiter and factory work. [2024-05-18T01:13:57Z] <> At 50 I doubt I'll ever get one, but at least I can bitch about it on Gemini with near zero chance it comes back to bite me. If anyone has a jr or mid level dev job ping back here. [2024-05-18T01:15:43Z] <> I'm pretty proficient in python, can handle C and C++ at better than a new grad, and can even make simple things run in erlang. [2024-05-18T01:17:14Z] <> I'm pretty proficient in python, can handle C and C++ at better than a new grad, and can even make simple things run in erlang. [2024-05-18T01:17:18Z] <> At 50 I doubt I'll ever get one, but at least I can bitch about it on Gemini with near zero chance it comes back to bite me. If anyone has a jr or mid level dev job ping back here. [2024-05-18T01:17:21Z] <> It would be nice to even get an entry level dev job because data engineering is the most boring work I've ever done, including waiter and factory work. [2024-05-18T01:17:23Z] <> I figure this is a good place to scream into the void. Went to college to get my degree in CS so I could get a developer job. Had to take an admin job to take care of my family, and now stuck as a data engineer. [2024-05-18T01:26:01Z] *** tony disconnected [2024-05-18T16:24:47Z] *** tony joined [2024-05-20T22:12:00Z] <> message from meshtastic connection [2024-05-20T22:12:52Z] <> message from meshtastic connection [2024-05-20T22:28:22Z] *** tony disconnected [2024-05-21T11:06:23Z] <> There's no future in the tech industry. You'd be better off going for a skilled trade that can't be outsourced. Tech jobs will be automated. They're planning on making millions of people unemployed. Stay away from computers and everything relating to them as best as you can because it's useless. It's all vapor. [2024-05-21T14:29:13Z] <> alice c'est un gros minou [2024-05-21T14:45:33Z] <> mon client a besoin d'une fontion submit [2024-05-25T03:15:42Z] <> quel client utilisez-vous ? [2024-05-26T08:18:21Z] <> Test message [2024-05-27T19:45:41Z] <> test [2024-05-27T19:49:04Z] <> mon ami existe dans le monde imaginaire du test [2024-05-28T21:39:39Z] <> testing from kobo [2024-05-29T15:28:26Z] Oะฝ wะพัˆ, ั‚his is sั†cะฝ a gะณะตะฐt chaั‚! [2024-05-29T19:10:50Z] <> hola mundo [2024-05-30T09:09:52Z] Hi [2024-05-30T09:10:01Z] *** bert joined [2024-05-30T09:10:06Z] *** bert disconnected [2024-05-30T21:10:59Z] <> Haiii :3 [2024-05-30T21:11:34Z] <> Heyoo Gooberssss [2024-05-31T01:04:45Z] <> hello [2024-05-31T01:04:53Z] <> hello [2024-05-31T03:22:05Z] <> this is a test post [2024-05-31T03:27:29Z] <>, I agree, but I'm an old man now (50) going back to heavy industrial work as a mill right (in a non industrial town now) is worse. [2024-05-31T03:27:57Z] <>, I agree, but I'm an old man now (50) going back to heavy industrial work as a mill right (in a non industrial town now) is worse. [2024-06-01T04:36:57Z] *** sir joined [2024-06-01T04:37:24Z] *** sir disconnected [2024-06-01T04:37:34Z] *** sir joined [2024-06-01T04:37:50Z] *** sir disconnected [2024-06-01T04:38:06Z] hello everyone [2024-06-01T04:38:44Z] *** sir joined [2024-06-01T04:38:57Z] *** sir disconnected [2024-06-01T15:48:50Z] <> premier test fonctionnelle de Meshgate [2024-06-01T15:49:54Z] <> test 2 whout whout [2024-06-01T15:51:21Z] <> c'est cool [2024-06-02T16:26:25Z] <> super malade trop hot systeme de chat qui fonctionne avec mon module meshtastic [2024-06-02T22:49:41Z] I've found a box of "Ohropax classic" but no excuse to try them. They seem to be pretty old, it says "Made in W-Germany" on the back of the box. On a side note: does the client certificate generated with amfora work or not? ...I feel DAU again [2024-06-02T22:52:07Z] works like a charm! This is much more exciting than I expected it to be! [2024-06-02T22:52:10Z] *** luce joined [2024-06-02T22:52:45Z] *** luce joined [2024-06-02T22:53:17Z] *** luce disconnected [2024-06-02T23:06:27Z] *** luce disconnected [2024-06-03T11:30:18Z] *** Caustic Ascarite joined [2024-06-03T11:30:43Z] *** Caustic Ascarite disconnected [2024-06-03T11:32:35Z] GREETINGS BROTHERS/SISTERS [2024-06-03T12:00:22Z] how's it going caustic ascarite? are you by any chance related to https://www.youtube.com/@CausticAscarite? [2024-06-04T19:49:02Z] <> probably gonna forget i even sent this but might as well, anyone who reads this, hope you're doin' well. finishing up on school is such a pain in the ass. [2024-06-05T03:16:19Z] you better relax bc it's just going to get bigger [2024-06-07T05:20:46Z] <> Thanks bro, hope you're doing well too! [2024-06-07T05:22:39Z] <> Good luck with the school stuff, finish strong, you've got this and it'll be over soon enough ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ [2024-06-12T04:02:34Z] poop [2024-06-12T04:02:39Z] *** mrpieceofwork joined [2024-06-12T04:02:58Z] *** mrpieceofwork disconnected [2024-06-12T23:01:35Z] <> bob [2024-06-15T16:47:09Z] <> Hello [2024-06-15T16:47:46Z] <> Uh oh