2020-02-21T00:01:40 #kisslinux E5ten: Just use GNU grep :^) 2020-02-21T00:02:27 #kisslinux Isn't it slower, though? 2020-02-21T00:02:36 #kisslinux yes 2020-02-21T00:03:10 #kisslinux I bet the difference in speed between rg and GNU grep is even bigger than the one between GNU grep and toybox grep 2020-02-21T00:04:06 #kisslinux dylanaraps: maybe you should review packages, at least the build script, right? 2020-02-21T00:04:26 #kisslinux just to ensure the build script doesn't contain "rm -rf / --no-preserve-root"? 2020-02-21T00:04:44 #kisslinux well if it did then there'd just be an error about an unknown flag :p 2020-02-21T00:05:03 #kisslinux (not that I disagree with the point) 2020-02-21T00:05:04 #kisslinux or downloads a rootkit or some spyware? :) 2020-02-21T00:05:24 #kisslinux wait, busybox doesn't support --no-preserve-root? 2020-02-21T00:05:30 #kisslinux kiedtl: By review I meant not having to leave comments. 2020-02-21T00:05:36 #kisslinux I think rm -rf / works on busybox 2020-02-21T00:05:42 #kisslinux Of course I check. 2020-02-21T00:06:02 #kisslinux I doubt busybox has --no-preserve-root 2020-02-21T00:06:15 #kisslinux now if you wanted a portable way to destroy everything you'd do rm -rf /* 2020-02-21T00:06:17 #kisslinux it does 2020-02-21T00:06:31 #kisslinux E5ten: man rm 2020-02-21T00:06:54 #kisslinux huh. it doesn't on my (non-KISS) system 2020-02-21T00:06:58 #kisslinux Usage: rm [-irf] FILE... 2020-02-21T00:07:00 #kisslinux b rm --no-preserve-root 2020-02-21T00:07:00 #kisslinux rm: unrecognized option '--no-preserve-root' 2020-02-21T00:07:19 #kisslinux weird 2020-02-21T00:07:30 #kisslinux See: https://git.busybox.net/busybox/tree/coreutils/rm.c 2020-02-21T00:07:40 #kisslinux oh whoops, looking at the wrong manpage :P 2020-02-21T00:07:51 #kisslinux lol 2020-02-21T00:07:53 #kisslinux No long opts for busybox rm 2020-02-21T00:07:57 #kisslinux but that's bad 2020-02-21T00:08:01 #kisslinux Meh 2020-02-21T00:08:18 #kisslinux what if someone accidentally ran rm -rf / instead of rm -rf ~/ 2020-02-21T00:08:32 #kisslinux That's their fault 2020-02-21T00:08:36 #kisslinux well then they probably shouldn't have? 2020-02-21T00:08:51 #kisslinux Why would you run rm -rf ~/ in the first place??? 2020-02-21T00:08:55 #kisslinux What if they run rm -rf /* instead of ~/? 2020-02-21T00:08:55 #kisslinux idk 2020-02-21T00:08:58 #kisslinux :P 2020-02-21T00:09:01 #kisslinux what if someone accidentally ran rm -rf /* instead of rm -rf ~/* 2020-02-21T00:09:01 #kisslinux No protection regardless 2020-02-21T00:09:08 #kisslinux oh you did the same thing lol 2020-02-21T00:09:10 #kisslinux or rm -rf / instead of rm -rf / 2020-02-21T00:09:12 #kisslinux didn't even notice 2020-02-21T00:09:24 #kisslinux *rm -rf ./ 2020-02-21T00:09:36 #kisslinux Exactly 2020-02-21T00:10:12 #kisslinux Can you even rm your current directory? 2020-02-21T00:10:21 #kisslinux Yeah 2020-02-21T00:10:24 #kisslinux Not . or .. 2020-02-21T00:10:30 #kisslinux But "$PWD", sure 2020-02-21T00:10:35 #kisslinux Why not? 2020-02-21T00:10:42 #kisslinux yeah I meant . 2020-02-21T00:10:46 #kisslinux You'd have to cd away before you can do anything 2020-02-21T00:11:40 #kisslinux oh 2020-02-21T00:12:11 #kisslinux busybox has code for this: bb_simple_error_msg("can't remove '.' or '..'"); 2020-02-21T00:12:17 #kisslinux > if (DOT_OR_DOTDOT(base)) { 2020-02-21T00:12:51 #kisslinux I wonder what would happen otherwise 2020-02-21T00:13:26 #kisslinux maybe it would just have a less helpful error 2020-02-21T00:14:14 #kisslinux This is a hard thing to search for 2020-02-21T00:15:28 #kisslinux "can't"? 2020-02-21T00:21:27 #kisslinux * E5ten sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/wDuFDQVPLWMfHqPebokCIcjG > 2020-02-21T00:21:46 #kisslinux and let's say I can safely assume that _var isn't taken or used 2020-02-21T00:23:32 #kisslinux dylanaraps, I've submitted a new package for hyperfine :) 2020-02-21T00:23:38 #kisslinux just one more on my list :) 2020-02-21T00:24:25 #kisslinux E5ten: What does 'env' display afterwards? 2020-02-21T00:25:34 #kisslinux not var 2020-02-21T00:26:34 #kisslinux You should be fine then. 2020-02-21T00:26:38 #kisslinux I'd use -v though. 2020-02-21T00:27:05 #kisslinux makes sense 2020-02-21T00:27:19 #kisslinux > If -v is specified, name refers to a variable name and the shell shall unset it and remove it from the environment. Read-only variables cannot be unset. 2020-02-21T00:27:19 #kisslinux brb 2020-02-21T00:27:32 #kisslinux > If neither -f nor -v is specified, name refers to a variable; if a variable by that name does not exist, it is unspecified whether a function by that name, if any, shall be unset. 2020-02-21T00:28:08 #kisslinux Fine either way from what I understand. 2020-02-21T00:28:25 #kisslinux Just a rare case where you could unset a func. 2020-02-21T00:28:39 #kisslinux yeah, no reason not to use -v and be safe 2020-02-21T00:44:51 #kisslinux https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1b/Linux_Distribution_Timeline.svg 2020-02-21T00:45:06 #kisslinux konimex: Is this you in the credits at the top? 2020-02-21T00:45:43 #kisslinux https://github.com/FabioLolix/LinuxTimeline/graphs/contributors 2020-02-21T00:45:44 #kisslinux It is 2020-02-21T00:45:46 #kisslinux Neat 2020-02-21T00:46:32 #kisslinux hah, I took maintenance myself since the original maintainer disappeared but since I was too busy after a while I decided to give it to someone else 2020-02-21T00:48:21 #kisslinux It seems dead now sadly 2020-02-21T01:48:37 #kisslinux dylanaraps: running sha1sum on the tar.xz.sha256 returns an error; 'no properly formatted SHA1 checksum lines found' 2020-02-21T01:51:43 #kisslinux because it's sha256? 2020-02-21T01:55:43 #kisslinux I mean, maybe 2020-02-21T01:55:50 #kisslinux :P 2020-02-21T01:58:23 #kisslinux (cough change sha1sum to sha256sum on the install page cough) 2020-02-21T01:59:57 #kisslinux I actually can't seem to access the website right now 2020-02-21T02:00:13 #kisslinux k1ss.org 2020-02-21T02:00:45 #kisslinux dilyn: Fixed 2020-02-21T02:01:26 #kisslinux Oh I didn't know the domain changed. At least it doesn't mean goat pee or whatever now 2020-02-21T02:01:33 #kisslinux Lol 2020-02-21T02:01:43 #kisslinux I'm just here to check typos 2020-02-21T02:02:39 #kisslinux Crestwave: Exactly 2020-02-21T09:05:13 #kisslinux shuhuu o/ 2020-02-21T10:42:01 #kisslinux sup fam 2020-02-21T11:01:46 #kisslinux Evening. 2020-02-21T11:18:41 #kisslinux ello 2020-02-21T11:20:16 #kisslinux brb 2020-02-21T11:23:15 #kisslinux Is using windows 10 really that much worse than a mainstream distro like Arch, ubuntu, or redhat the direction they are headed? 2020-02-21T11:24:43 #kisslinux Atleast you could get first class hardware support, graphics, all the proprietary software jobs will want you to use (photoshop, office, collaboration tools), and as a developer, you can have the WSL2 subsystem with linux, docker for windows or docker for linux both will work, AND if you want it, you can use visual studio 2020-02-21T11:25:42 #kisslinux I'm on kiss because I like the old paths and ways of doing things, but I wonder sometimes if using Windows 10 wouldn't make more sense for people who are getting by on Arch or similar. 2020-02-21T11:26:11 #kisslinux * adamantium makes popcorn 2020-02-21T11:30:56 #kisslinux Most people don't care about telemetry etc nowadays either. Same goes for software like Discord or Spotify. Linux is becoming less and less about Open Source / Free Software. The whole purpose of Flatpak/Snap/Appimages is to allow developers to ship portable _binaries_ to users directly. This will lead to a rise in proprietary software on Linux. 2020-02-21T11:32:22 #kisslinux Welcome to every "app" containing all of its own dependencies in differing, outdated versions. 2020-02-21T11:33:50 #kisslinux Install lazygit from Community. You'll see that on first open it asks if you want to enable telemetry. In the terminal! God. When did this become OK? 2020-02-21T11:34:09 #kisslinux * dylanaraps also makes popcorn 2020-02-21T11:35:54 #kisslinux you said "Flatpak/Snap/Appimages", and also in the past, have mentioned the underlying motives of systemd being similar as well 2020-02-21T11:36:06 #kisslinux Yes 2020-02-21T11:36:08 #kisslinux the unification necessary before the rise of proprietary linux 2020-02-21T11:36:48 #kisslinux The removal of mandatory terminal usage will come later 2020-02-21T11:37:40 #kisslinux dylanaraps: I think a lot of people aren't even aware of what telemetry is and its existence. 2020-02-21T11:38:00 #kisslinux That's a big part of the problem. 2020-02-21T11:38:39 #kisslinux So my point may be valid then 2020-02-21T11:38:50 #kisslinux Consumer PCs and laptops are slowly becoming a niche too.[ 2020-02-21T11:38:55 #kisslinux For a lot of modern devs, windows 10 makes a lot more sense than popular linux distros 2020-02-21T11:39:16 #kisslinux The whole "ignorance is bliss" attitude or probably a subconscious protection mechanism as there are just too many things nowadays to be aware of (and to be afraid of) 2020-02-21T11:39:30 #kisslinux I mean, why not just skip the dog and pony show, and go straight ahead to the "future" of linux (windows) 2020-02-21T11:39:32 #kisslinux adamantium: only thing microsoft has to do to 'win over' that crowd (arch++) is to remove the crap they plague normal users - they are putting serious coin into building a better terminal, that + a developer version without the bullshit and it's done 2020-02-21T11:40:28 #kisslinux Yup. Microsoft have committed fully to developers. 2020-02-21T11:41:05 #kisslinux FDO has been so busy copying the system design of windows/osx/android with all the problems that comes with it 2020-02-21T11:41:19 #kisslinux VS Code, WSL1/2, GitHub acquisition, Windows Terminal, Microsoft <3 Linux, etc etc 2020-02-21T11:41:23 #kisslinux i might just install win 10 on my extra HDD and troll arch users with it 2020-02-21T11:41:37 #kisslinux Hell, I bet they make more from Azure nowadays than Windows 2020-02-21T11:41:38 #kisslinux and I can troll windows users by still using Emacs 2020-02-21T11:41:39 #kisslinux lol 2020-02-21T11:43:34 #kisslinux There is also visual studio community edtion (free) and windows 10 isos (free) but watermarks your screen until you register 2020-02-21T11:43:35 #kisslinux if being given the choice of having systemd+dbus, systemserver+binder, mach+launchd, svchost+com well - 'do you want me to piss in your mouth or into your eyes'? 2020-02-21T11:43:45 #kisslinux In Sweden, most developers stick to Apple/macOS, or at least has done so this far. But there seems to be an increasing trend in moving to Linux, mostly due to all the lock-in and general bullshit Apple push down their consumers' throats. There's at least a tiny bit of comfort in that. 2020-02-21T11:45:22 #kisslinux apple has been ramping up their skills in discouraging developers for sure 2020-02-21T11:45:44 #kisslinux started migrating away from it around 10.6 when the signs started showing about where they were heading 2020-02-21T11:46:51 #kisslinux Here in India, Apple / Windows machines are the go-to for enterprise devs. 2020-02-21T11:47:09 #kisslinux People hardly use Linux, other than in hobbyist communities. 2020-02-21T11:48:06 #kisslinux Really? I thought a lot of Asian countries were heavy on Linux users. 2020-02-21T11:48:13 #kisslinux Guess I was mistaken 2020-02-21T11:48:31 #kisslinux usage* 2020-02-21T11:48:37 #kisslinux whatevs 2020-02-21T11:49:04 #kisslinux There are a lot, mind you. I'm talking purely about enterprise -- what the orgs provides their employees with. 2020-02-21T11:49:12 #kisslinux *provide 2020-02-21T11:49:33 #kisslinux Oh, right. Gotcha. Makes sense 2020-02-21T11:50:07 #kisslinux But yes, I'm seeing a ton of folks active in "free / open source" communities using Macs. 2020-02-21T11:50:14 #kisslinux When I went to university a few years ago, no one had ever used Linux (nor heard of it). This is Comp-Sci + Networking 2020-02-21T11:50:26 #kisslinux I don't understand their reasoning. I mean, you work in free software but you use... a Mac? 2020-02-21T11:50:53 #kisslinux You don't have to use a FOSS OS to release FOSS software. (Though it makes a lot of sense) 2020-02-21T11:51:01 #kisslinux dylanaraps: Man same. I'm in Uni right now (3rd year) and I guarantee you -- 90% don't know what Linux is. 2020-02-21T11:51:23 #kisslinux I mean, yeah but are you really supporting FOSS in that case? 2020-02-21T11:51:35 #kisslinux There's no such thing 2020-02-21T11:52:03 #kisslinux What do you mean? 2020-02-21T11:52:22 #kisslinux People talk about open source / free software like it's the gospel but I just doubt the whole thing anymore 2020-02-21T11:52:50 #kisslinux I think I'm a bit of a free software / digital privacy extremist. 2020-02-21T11:52:56 #kisslinux There's no singular FOSS to "support". If you release FOSS software... you release FOSS software regardless of the OS it is for. 2020-02-21T11:53:09 #kisslinux No I meant the ideology dylanaraps. 2020-02-21T11:53:15 #kisslinux Oh 2020-02-21T11:53:25 #kisslinux The philosophy of Free and Open Source. 2020-02-21T11:53:25 #kisslinux Eh 2020-02-21T11:53:45 #kisslinux It's a means for free labour nowadays 2020-02-21T11:54:01 #kisslinux ^^ 2020-02-21T11:54:02 #kisslinux ! 2020-02-21T11:54:05 #kisslinux Open source is. That's how orgs get shit done these days. 2020-02-21T11:54:33 #kisslinux I will proprietary my stuff without the slightest guilt 2020-02-21T11:54:41 #kisslinux Really? 2020-02-21T11:54:44 #kisslinux YUP 2020-02-21T11:54:45 #kisslinux I can never. 2020-02-21T11:54:46 #kisslinux It's mine 2020-02-21T11:54:56 #kisslinux No wait, you mean your code? 2020-02-21T11:54:57 #kisslinux I believe in personal property as a human right 2020-02-21T11:55:02 #kisslinux Ah that way. Sure absolutely. 2020-02-21T11:55:04 #kisslinux Company <3 Open Source (HAH) 2020-02-21T11:55:26 #kisslinux I don't use proprietary software. 2020-02-21T11:55:31 #kisslinux Or I try not to anyway. 2020-02-21T11:56:40 #kisslinux Elementary are working on embedding a payment system into Flatpaks. This is seen as a good thing apparently. 2020-02-21T11:57:03 #kisslinux Oh yeah, I saw that. 2020-02-21T11:57:07 #kisslinux Absurd. 2020-02-21T11:57:59 #kisslinux App stores are becoming more and more common on Linux too 2020-02-21T11:58:23 #kisslinux Because software installation wasn't a solved problem via repositories + package managers 2020-02-21T11:59:02 #kisslinux Wasn't this one of the good parts of Linux/BSD/etc that was touted to those using Windows/MacOS? 2020-02-21T11:59:41 #kisslinux Yeah this is all a part of making Linux "mainstream". 2020-02-21T11:59:52 #kisslinux We need apps in containers which ship with all of their dependencies/runtime in a sandbox where the app dictates it's security level 2020-02-21T12:00:03 #kisslinux Now we've solved the problem 2020-02-21T12:00:09 #kisslinux lol 2020-02-21T12:00:29 #kisslinux Stupidity at its highest order. 2020-02-21T12:00:50 #kisslinux There's a flatpak to modify sandbox permissions of other flatpaks. It works by giving itself access to the flatpak config dir in your $HOME. 2020-02-21T12:01:04 #kisslinux See anything wrong with this? 2020-02-21T12:01:07 #kisslinux ... 2020-02-21T12:01:33 #kisslinux * icyphox sighs 2020-02-21T12:04:48 #kisslinux This is fine too apparently: https://git.archlinux.org/svntogit/packages.git/tree/trunk/PKGBUILD?h=packages/firefox#n32 2020-02-21T12:05:25 #kisslinux > Google API keys > Mozilla API keys > Note: These are for Arch Linux use ONLY. 2020-02-21T12:06:09 #kisslinux Void does this too BTW 2020-02-21T12:06:12 #kisslinux Yup 2020-02-21T12:06:32 #kisslinux All distributions do. Gentoo does, Debian does (last I checked). 2020-02-21T12:06:54 #kisslinux I used to build my own copy of it, but it was too time consuming 2020-02-21T12:07:10 #kisslinux And now they even release more often... 2020-02-21T12:07:16 #kisslinux KISS' Firefox (and -bin) don't ship with API keys. 2020-02-21T12:07:16 #kisslinux Yup 2020-02-21T12:07:27 #kisslinux That's why I swapped us to the extended release. 2020-02-21T12:07:40 #kisslinux Less builds and less surprises. 2020-02-21T12:07:47 #kisslinux I know, it's cool. 2020-02-21T12:08:20 #kisslinux Our Firefox also _shouldn't_ phone home at all. This was far too difficult to do.. 2020-02-21T12:09:01 #kisslinux I looked at your config while I was working on bonsai. It was really pretty. 2020-02-21T12:10:43 #kisslinux It seems like alpine doesn't have API keys 2020-02-21T12:10:54 #kisslinux Yeah 2020-02-21T12:11:11 #kisslinux I'm surprised that Debian does 2020-02-21T12:11:21 #kisslinux They're usually strict about this sort of thing. 2020-02-21T12:12:07 #kisslinux OK, just checked traffic in our Firefox (with -privacy) and no phoning home on open at all. 2020-02-21T12:14:11 #kisslinux Related: https://lwn.net/Articles/570485/ 2020-02-21T12:15:48 #kisslinux Also: https://lists.debian.org/debian-legal/2013/10/msg00012.html 2020-02-21T12:21:39 #kisslinux > I don't understand their reasoning. I mean, you work in free software but you use... a Mac? 2020-02-21T12:22:00 #kisslinux most of free software development happened in the Unix(-like) world, and Mac is Unix 2020-02-21T12:41:55 #kisslinux https://k1ss.org/faq 2020-02-21T12:42:12 #kisslinux Working on a comprehensive FAQ for the website. Any suggestions? 2020-02-21T12:42:28 #kisslinux I'll be digging through the IRC logs, etc to see what often comes up. 2020-02-21T12:42:47 #kisslinux why can't the kernel boot perhaps 2020-02-21T12:43:19 #kisslinux That's a good one 2020-02-21T12:44:28 #kisslinux 'install' command also need to be in exceptions 2020-02-21T12:45:16 #kisslinux illiliti: Will do 2020-02-21T12:45:47 #kisslinux Common mistakes and pitfalls? Useful mainly for "newer" users rather than the experienced ones, but might be nice to have perhaps. 2020-02-21T12:45:56 #kisslinux Yup 2020-02-21T12:47:04 #kisslinux Needless to say perhaps, but mistakes/pitfalls should be matched with recommendations/best practices etc 2020-02-21T12:47:30 #kisslinux The do's and don't's so to speak 2020-02-21T12:47:52 #kisslinux don'ts' 2020-02-21T12:47:58 #kisslinux how do you spell that lol 2020-02-21T12:48:48 #kisslinux dont's 2020-02-21T12:48:50 #kisslinux do's and don'ts 2020-02-21T12:48:51 #kisslinux probably 2020-02-21T12:49:27 #kisslinux English sucks huh 2020-02-21T12:49:38 #kisslinux Next KISS tarball will be 100% Spanish 2020-02-21T12:49:56 #kisslinux .... :( 2020-02-21T12:50:14 #kisslinux spanish? not greek? or the language has to be ASCII-compliant? 2020-02-21T12:51:01 #kisslinux More a reference to the first testimonial 2020-02-21T12:51:02 #kisslinux ;) 2020-02-21T12:51:06 #kisslinux https://k1ss.org/testimonials 2020-02-21T12:51:11 #kisslinux ah 2020-02-21T12:54:24 #kisslinux that explains 2020-02-21T12:54:28 #kisslinux kissme.org is available 2020-02-21T12:54:34 #kisslinux that'd be kickass 2020-02-21T12:55:02 #kisslinux and that comment on goat pee is just weird, not sure what swedish person'd make that connection 2020-02-21T12:55:35 #kisslinux I received a lot of comments about it 2020-02-21T12:56:12 #kisslinux should've made the logo a goat pissing eh 2020-02-21T12:56:47 #kisslinux Is goatpiss.org available? 2020-02-21T12:57:18 #kisslinux goatpiss.org "This site can’t be reached" 2020-02-21T12:57:22 #kisslinux Let me check 2020-02-21T12:57:48 #kisslinux domain squatters are everywhere so if it is available i'd say grab it if you want 2020-02-21T12:58:15 #kisslinux goatpiss.org is avail 2020-02-21T12:58:31 #kisslinux as is .com 2020-02-21T12:58:47 #kisslinux though org is preferred I assume 2020-02-21T12:59:22 #kisslinux lol 2020-02-21T12:59:29 #kisslinux .io if you want that "start-up" feeling 2020-02-21T12:59:36 #kisslinux Sure 2020-02-21T12:59:45 #kisslinux And twenty times the cost lol 2020-02-21T13:00:59 #kisslinux well.. goatpiss.stream or goatpiss.theater would be bettier 2020-02-21T13:01:02 #kisslinux better* 2020-02-21T13:01:35 #kisslinux kiss.website is availabe 2020-02-21T13:01:49 #kisslinux didn't know .website existed 2020-02-21T13:02:23 #kisslinux goatpiss.best is also available 2020-02-21T13:02:29 #kisslinux goatpiss.life 2020-02-21T13:02:33 #kisslinux goatpiss.club 2020-02-21T13:02:38 #kisslinux goatpiss.art 2020-02-21T13:03:04 #kisslinux goatpiss.space is $1. Bargain 2020-02-21T13:04:05 #kisslinux kissgoats.life would be fun 2020-02-21T13:04:53 #kisslinux kissgoats.club would be a strange fraternity 2020-02-21T13:11:03 #kisslinux https://k1ss.org/faq 2020-02-21T13:11:14 #kisslinux Added a couple more 2020-02-21T13:12:48 #kisslinux writing an issue to yourself, that's a new one 2020-02-21T13:13:17 #kisslinux ?? 2020-02-21T13:13:53 #kisslinux see the new issue on github/community 2020-02-21T13:14:00 #kisslinux #444 2020-02-21T13:14:38 #kisslinux Not really, though it's new for us. 2020-02-21T13:14:51 #kisslinux I typically see people open a bug report and then later send a patch for it. 2020-02-21T13:15:01 #kisslinux As a means of documenting the bug's existence prior. 2020-02-21T13:15:18 #kisslinux https://github.com/kisslinux/community/issues/444 2020-02-21T13:15:22 #kisslinux Though this is funny 2020-02-21T13:15:33 #kisslinux > a-schaefers commented 2 minutes ago 2020-02-21T13:15:38 #kisslinux > @a-schaefers 2020-02-21T13:41:37 #kisslinux o/ 2020-02-21T13:48:13 #kisslinux hi 2020-02-21T13:48:41 #kisslinux o/ 2020-02-21T13:51:02 #kisslinux I'll push a change to become maintainer later today for Falkon and friends Dylan 2020-02-21T13:52:18 #kisslinux All good 2020-02-21T13:52:21 #kisslinux No real rus 2020-02-21T13:52:23 #kisslinux rush* 2020-02-21T14:06:43 #kisslinux dylanaraps: Is "git push --force" preferred to keep sowm PR's to a single commit? 2020-02-21T14:17:38 #kisslinux Hey dylanaraps there might actually be merit to using a mailing list linux kernel style, we could make the entry barrier even higher, thusly satisfying our elitist sentiments 2020-02-21T14:18:08 #kisslinux Case in point, check out the spacemacs project, https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs/issues look at those issues. There is even issues about how to clean up issues 2020-02-21T14:18:35 #kisslinux It seems the github issues model is just not scalable for a popular project, probably why the linux kernel doesn't use it 2020-02-21T14:18:40 #kisslinux mailing list to track issues? 2020-02-21T14:18:56 #kisslinux Mailing list for everything 2020-02-21T14:19:01 #kisslinux goodbye github 2020-02-21T14:19:03 #kisslinux is sr.ht an option? 2020-02-21T14:19:25 #kisslinux fehawen: Yup 2020-02-21T14:19:26 #kisslinux https://sourcehut.org/ 2020-02-21T14:19:48 #kisslinux No 2020-02-21T14:19:51 #kisslinux GitHub is fine 2020-02-21T14:20:05 #kisslinux Spacemacs just suck at managing their issue list 2020-02-21T14:20:16 #kisslinux ie, they need to learn to say "no". 2020-02-21T14:20:33 #kisslinux Lol 2020-02-21T14:20:43 #kisslinux ¯_(ツ)_/¯ 2020-02-21T14:21:14 #kisslinux I'm only half serious, we make good use of github, we have lives and are mostly millenials it seems, we don't know the struggle 2020-02-21T14:21:22 #kisslinux See: https://github.com/dylanaraps/neofetch/issues 2020-02-21T14:21:24 #kisslinux But Man those mailing lists <3 2020-02-21T14:21:29 #kisslinux 11 open, 618 closed 2020-02-21T14:22:59 #kisslinux Yeah other noteworthy github projects might be systemd and nixos 2020-02-21T14:23:18 #kisslinux Hmm I might have a point actually 2020-02-21T14:24:11 #kisslinux Since I've started KISS I've changed my issue process. I say no to features I won't ever add and I fix bugs the moment they come my way. 2020-02-21T14:24:29 #kisslinux It's far easier to deal with. 2020-02-21T14:24:35 #kisslinux fix the bug or remove the feature 2020-02-21T14:24:41 #kisslinux that's how 2020-02-21T14:25:13 #kisslinux Also, the issue tracker shouldn't be used as a support forum 2020-02-21T14:25:27 #kisslinux +1 for github. it more friendly than mailing lists 2020-02-21T14:26:15 #kisslinux doesn't satisfy the masochist 2020-02-21T14:26:27 #kisslinux Here's 234 issues which can be closed 2020-02-21T14:26:28 #kisslinux https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs/labels/Fixed%20in%20develop 2020-02-21T14:26:28 #kisslinux i'll open an issue about it 2020-02-21T14:26:30 #kisslinux lol 2020-02-21T14:26:39 #kisslinux "Fixed in develop" 2020-02-21T14:26:45 #kisslinux So... it's done then 2020-02-21T14:26:46 #kisslinux Close it 2020-02-21T14:27:27 #kisslinux https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs/issues/512 2020-02-21T14:27:29 #kisslinux Stuff like this 2020-02-21T14:27:31 #kisslinux Just close it 2020-02-21T14:27:36 #kisslinux It's been 5 years 2020-02-21T14:27:51 #kisslinux No one cares about it 2020-02-21T14:27:57 #kisslinux Otherwise it'd be done already 2020-02-21T14:31:43 #kisslinux right 2020-02-21T14:31:53 #kisslinux 80~ issues can't be reproduced and are 4+ years old. Close them. 2020-02-21T14:32:13 #kisslinux If you couldn't repoduce them the year they were opened, you never will. 2020-02-21T14:32:42 #kisslinux Besides, which so many change to the code over that time period... Good luck 2020-02-21T14:33:18 #kisslinux it's emacs so there's that 2020-02-21T14:33:46 #kisslinux ;) 2020-02-21T14:34:25 #kisslinux konimex: i'm trying to get you your mailing list here 2020-02-21T14:34:32 #kisslinux konimex: so just lay off my emacs okay 2020-02-21T14:34:50 #kisslinux ;-) 2020-02-21T14:34:59 #kisslinux it's not really urgent (i.e. must-have), would be nice but not urgent 2020-02-21T14:36:47 #kisslinux besides, if one's comfortable with the github workflow then so be it, no further questions asked 2020-02-21T14:38:30 #kisslinux im considering removing all web browsers sticking strictly to my cli tools and Emacs, still using Xorg with 'exec emacs' sans Exwm extensions, though, basically only for the better keyboard modifier support 2020-02-21T14:39:00 #kisslinux When I "need" a web browser, I could just use my phone, or windows 10 2020-02-21T14:39:49 #kisslinux I would still have emacs eww for text browsing plain html sites and documentation online, additionally mpv + youtube-dl works great for youtube in a pinch 2020-02-21T14:41:06 #kisslinux brb 2020-02-21T14:50:44 #kisslinux back 2020-02-21T15:00:04 #kisslinux https://github.com/dylanaraps/lapstop 2020-02-21T15:00:08 #kisslinux adamantium: It lives 2020-02-21T15:01:14 #kisslinux ((((((((name pending)))))))) 2020-02-21T15:01:14 #kisslinux awww 2020-02-21T15:01:42 #kisslinux (defun main () ) ;; shall we write this elisp 2020-02-21T15:01:54 #kisslinux no 2020-02-21T15:01:56 #kisslinux k 2020-02-21T15:02:00 #kisslinux It'll simply have two modes 2020-02-21T15:02:02 #kisslinux battery 2020-02-21T15:02:04 #kisslinux power 2020-02-21T15:02:18 #kisslinux Well 2020-02-21T15:02:21 #kisslinux and change settings accordingly 2020-02-21T15:02:31 #kisslinux That's the easy part 2020-02-21T15:02:34 #kisslinux Which is simple writes to /sys /proc /whatever 2020-02-21T15:03:04 #kisslinux The harder part will be handling disks, usb ports, and wifi 2020-02-21T15:03:34 #kisslinux This will be limited to laptops 2020-02-21T15:03:38 #kisslinux unless it's going to be just a simple, adjust your governor from performance toe powersave mode, in which running spm as root can already do it 2020-02-21T15:03:45 #kisslinux no no 2020-02-21T15:03:56 #kisslinux It'll do full tuning 2020-02-21T15:04:01 #kisslinux Whatever makes sense for a laptop 2020-02-21T15:04:36 #kisslinux one question is how will you detect the change from battery to plugged in 2020-02-21T15:04:43 #kisslinux That's up to you 2020-02-21T15:04:48 #kisslinux My script is a dumb one, it only polls every 10 seconds using sleep 2020-02-21T15:04:57 #kisslinux i dont know what is available to us without dbus 2020-02-21T15:05:14 #kisslinux presumeably sockets or should be a way to do this though 2020-02-21T15:05:15 #kisslinux There's probably a kernel interface you can simply plug into with a daemon 2020-02-21T15:06:10 #kisslinux Can simply do a check on terminal open 2020-02-21T15:06:14 #kisslinux That's how I'm gonna do it. 2020-02-21T15:06:55 #kisslinux > read -r status < "/sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/status" 2020-02-21T15:07:10 #kisslinux BAT* 2020-02-21T15:07:16 #kisslinux it's usually BAT0 2020-02-21T15:07:21 #kisslinux Mine is BAT1 2020-02-21T15:07:27 #kisslinux That's fine 2020-02-21T15:07:27 #kisslinux Again, this is left to the user 2020-02-21T15:07:30 #kisslinux so bonsai is officially dead :( 2020-02-21T15:07:39 #kisslinux Why? 2020-02-21T15:07:49 #kisslinux brb 2020-02-21T15:07:50 #kisslinux Dinner 2020-02-21T15:07:59 #kisslinux mitch lost interest in it and archived the repo 2020-02-21T15:08:33 #kisslinux Was it usable on hardware? 2020-02-21T15:08:40 #kisslinux ie as a daily driver 2020-02-21T15:08:47 #kisslinux yes, kind of 2020-02-21T15:08:56 #kisslinux we didn't have a proper web browser 2020-02-21T15:09:05 #kisslinux x11 was not done 2020-02-21T15:09:37 #kisslinux (fully) 2020-02-21T15:19:52 #kisslinux Right 2020-02-21T16:09:27 #kisslinux why are you using wget in the install page? 2020-02-21T16:09:32 #kisslinux isn't curl better? 2020-02-21T16:09:45 #kisslinux It doesn't really matter 2020-02-21T16:09:55 #kisslinux The user can use whatever they like 2020-02-21T16:10:00 #kisslinux It's an example more or less 2020-02-21T16:10:35 #kisslinux ok 2020-02-21T16:19:57 #kisslinux doesn't wget have some benefits over curl for downloads? 2020-02-21T16:22:20 #kisslinux Not really 2020-02-21T16:22:33 #kisslinux wget can do scraping, etc 2020-02-21T16:22:50 #kisslinux wget displays a warning when it fails 2020-02-21T16:22:50 #kisslinux For this use-case (and the package manager's) there's no real difference. 2020-02-21T16:22:56 #kisslinux So does cur 2020-02-21T16:22:58 #kisslinux curl* 2020-02-21T16:23:05 #kisslinux not always 2020-02-21T16:23:27 #kisslinux You just need the right flags. 2020-02-21T16:23:50 #kisslinux of course, but wget does it by default 2020-02-21T16:25:03 #kisslinux Yes 2020-02-21T16:25:29 #kisslinux wget's only job is to download files. 2020-02-21T16:26:02 #kisslinux curl is a client for various protocols. 2020-02-21T16:39:29 #kisslinux https://k1ss.org/news/20200114a.html's link to Team is broken 2020-02-21T16:39:36 #kisslinux Thanks 2020-02-21T16:39:45 #kisslinux and news use wrong theme I think 2020-02-21T16:40:27 #kisslinux Yeah 2020-02-21T16:40:44 #kisslinux All old posts use the old theme. It's intentional. 2020-02-21T16:41:00 #kisslinux The new website doesn't use markdown. 2020-02-21T16:41:10 #kisslinux ok, but then all the links on top are wrong 2020-02-21T16:41:17 #kisslinux they have a slash behind them 2020-02-21T16:41:35 #kisslinux Think of them as archived. I'll fix those links though. 2020-02-21T16:44:21 #kisslinux thanks 2020-02-21T16:48:06 #kisslinux Done 2020-02-21T16:48:14 #kisslinux I haven't touched body links though. 2020-02-21T17:27:03 #kisslinux This is coming along nicely. https://github.com/dylanaraps/pow/blob/master/pow 2020-02-21T17:27:57 #kisslinux neat 2020-02-21T17:47:22 #kisslinux Laters o/ 2020-02-21T17:51:37 #kisslinux ciao 2020-02-21T18:27:12 #kisslinux dylanaraps: the website links for this channel and repology need to be updated 2020-02-21T18:27:49 #kisslinux Will do 2020-02-21T18:28:08 #kisslinux Which page? 2020-02-21T18:32:47 #kisslinux sorry, not the website links for the page but the ones on the pages 2020-02-21T18:33:36 #kisslinux the URL for this channel points to getkiss.org 2020-02-21T18:34:07 #kisslinux and the repology pages for the KISS repositories also point to getkiss.org instead of k1ss.org 2020-02-21T18:34:08 #kisslinux https://repology.org/repository/kiss_community 2020-02-21T18:34:37 #kisslinux Ah 2020-02-21T18:34:38 #kisslinux Gotcha 2020-02-21T18:34:42 #kisslinux Thanks 2020-02-21T18:35:19 #kisslinux np 2020-02-21T18:45:37 #kisslinux https://github.com/dylanaraps/pow/blob/master/pow 2020-02-21T18:45:44 #kisslinux This is looking pretty good now 2020-02-21T18:46:59 #kisslinux This _should_ handle all of powertop's demands once I fix WiFi/wake on lan. 2020-02-21T18:51:24 #kisslinux brb 2020-02-21T18:54:14 #kisslinux back 2020-02-21T19:05:36 #kisslinux > -> doas powertop 2020-02-21T19:05:40 #kisslinux modprobe cpufreq_stats failedmodprobe msr failedFailed to mount debugfs! 2020-02-21T19:05:43 #kisslinux exiting... 2020-02-21T19:05:47 #kisslinux How horrible 2020-02-21T19:06:41 #kisslinux https://github.com/fenrus75/powertop/blob/c478da4a9e2fd682edb673236fcf4ee9170fc8d7/src/main.cpp#L364-L369 2020-02-21T19:06:46 #kisslinux It just tries modprobe 2020-02-21T19:07:02 #kisslinux Great 2020-02-21T19:08:27 #kisslinux Oh 2020-02-21T19:08:31 #kisslinux It's failing lower ;) 2020-02-21T19:09:37 #kisslinux > Several kernel options must be enabled in the kernel for PowerTOP to work properly. 2020-02-21T19:09:45 #kisslinux > These include: CONFIG_DEBUG_FS, CONFIG_TRACING, CONFIG_BLK_DEV_IO_TRACE, CONFIG_TIMER_STATS (was removed in kernel 4.11), CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_STAT, and CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_STAT_DETAILS (removed in 4.11, and rolled into CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_STAT). 2020-02-21T19:10:13 #kisslinux brb 2020-02-21T19:28:52 #kisslinux hey i was just wondering how hard would it be to setup kiss on luks? 2020-02-21T19:30:21 #kisslinux Hello. No idea personally as I don't encrypt my drives. There's a Wiki page about it though. https://github.com/kisslinux/wiki/wiki/Full-disk-encryption 2020-02-21T19:31:08 #kisslinux The first caveat is something which can be solved iirc. ioraff: 2020-02-21T19:32:12 #kisslinux brb 2020-02-21T19:35:20 #kisslinux woo hoo. pow covers 90%~ of all powertop tunables 2020-02-21T19:37:32 #kisslinux OK. Knocked it down to 3 remaining 2020-02-21T19:37:58 #kisslinux is there any reason for kiss to not support an initramfs? 2020-02-21T19:38:19 #kisslinux ^ FAQ 2020-02-21T19:38:43 #kisslinux paper_: I'm rewriting the FAQ. It's actually been gone for a while. 2020-02-21T19:39:00 #kisslinux really? cool 2020-02-21T19:39:11 #kisslinux this is one thing you should add 2020-02-21T19:39:13 #kisslinux https://k1ss.org/faq 2020-02-21T19:39:15 #kisslinux Yup 2020-02-21T19:39:53 #kisslinux asineth0: To sum it up right now. KISS supports an initramfs, it just doesn't provide one. 2020-02-21T19:40:19 #kisslinux I find the entire initramfs concept horrible. 2020-02-21T19:40:56 #kisslinux I noticed you use /boot/grub/grub.cfg in the install, but this file does not exist. Maybe you could mention that people can copy it from /etc/default/grub 2020-02-21T19:41:07 #kisslinux *install guide 2020-02-21T19:41:20 #kisslinux paper_ 'grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg' installs it. 2020-02-21T19:41:37 #kisslinux lol, don't mind me 2020-02-21T19:41:41 #kisslinux asineth0: illiliti is working on an initramfs tool for KISS. 2020-02-21T19:41:47 #kisslinux https://github.com/illiliti/initramfs 2020-02-21T19:41:57 #kisslinux Dracut might be dropping non-systemd support too. 2020-02-21T19:42:10 #kisslinux Other tools are distribution-specific. 2020-02-21T19:42:17 #kisslinux looks interesting 2020-02-21T19:43:22 #kisslinux Fedora are swapping to pre-generated initramfs archives too 2020-02-21T19:43:31 #kisslinux ie, you don't generate it locally on each kernel update 2020-02-21T19:47:42 #kisslinux OK. pow now passes powertop's tunables list. https://github.com/dylanaraps/pow/blob/master/pow 2020-02-21T19:47:47 #kisslinux :D 2020-02-21T19:51:45 #kisslinux Nice! 2020-02-21T19:52:04 #kisslinux It may differ on other machines fyi 2020-02-21T19:52:12 #kisslinux Will add more rules as they come in 2020-02-21T20:41:32 #kisslinux Hi guys,I’m currently building kiss but am stuck at “kiss b e2fsprogs” 2020-02-21T20:41:51 #kisslinux C compiler cannot create executables 2020-02-21T20:42:21 #kisslinux hmhb: 'echo "$CFLAGS : $CXXFLAGS : $MAKEFLAGS : $LDFLAGS"' 2020-02-21T20:42:28 #kisslinux Send me the output of that. 2020-02-21T20:42:39 #kisslinux Sec 2020-02-21T20:43:30 #kisslinux You can pipe it like this to upload it to termbin: echo "bla bla" | nc termbin.com:9999 2020-02-21T20:43:50 #kisslinux https://termbin.com/m9zj 2020-02-21T20:43:52 #kisslinux Example 2020-02-21T20:45:09 #kisslinux -o3 -pipe -march=native : -o3 -pipe -march=native : -j13 : LDFLAGS 2020-02-21T20:45:19 #kisslinux Must be: -O3 2020-02-21T20:45:23 #kisslinux Capital O 2020-02-21T20:45:44 #kisslinux God damn 2020-02-21T20:45:48 #kisslinux Brb 2020-02-21T20:45:56 #kisslinux I had a small o 2020-02-21T20:48:01 #kisslinux :P 2020-02-21T20:50:24 #kisslinux Yea now it’s building lolz the first time like 30sec 2020-02-21T20:50:32 #kisslinux Thanks 🙏 2020-02-21T20:51:01 #kisslinux No problem 2020-02-21T20:52:02 #kisslinux I've added this to the FAQ as well. https://k1ss.org/faq 2020-02-21T20:54:52 #kisslinux Makes sense it’s a easy thing to oversee 2020-02-21T20:55:04 #kisslinux Atleast for my first timebuilding 2020-02-21T20:55:21 #kisslinux Yup 2020-02-21T20:55:36 #kisslinux The FAQ is new and I'm adding questions as they come in 2020-02-21T20:55:50 #kisslinux This isn't really a question, but oh well. It's helpful. 2020-02-21T20:58:29 #kisslinux Ofc it’s helpful,if you wouldn’t have answered I’d have to quite. Can’t go any further if you dont fix it 2020-02-21T20:59:34 #kisslinux # NOTE: The 'O' in '-O3' is the letter O and NOT 0 (ZERO). 2020-02-21T20:59:52 #kisslinux add it maybe in there to 2020-02-21T21:00:49 #kisslinux I'll be adding a snippet to the top of the install guide which will say something like: "Refer to the FAQ if you haveany issues, else join the IRC and someone will assist you." 2020-02-21T21:01:05 #kisslinux https://github.com/kisslinux/kiss/releases/tag/1.7.0 2020-02-21T21:01:56 #kisslinux Do that,you know how people immediately panic and fuck up more 2020-02-21T21:03:14 #kisslinux Done 2020-02-21T21:03:20 #kisslinux Will be live in a minute or so. 2020-02-21T21:10:15 #kisslinux hey 2020-02-21T21:11:11 #kisslinux ello 2020-02-21T21:11:41 #kisslinux can you open gmail account on falkon? 2020-02-21T21:12:00 #kisslinux You can 2020-02-21T21:12:09 #kisslinux Just change your useragent to Firefox 2020-02-21T21:12:24 #kisslinux ah ok-is it im settings? 2020-02-21T21:12:25 #kisslinux Falkon has settings for this 2020-02-21T21:12:28 #kisslinux Yeah 2020-02-21T21:12:30 #kisslinux ok thnks 2020-02-21T21:12:34 #kisslinux np 2020-02-21T21:13:18 #kisslinux dylanaraps: Do I use a Mod[num]Mask for Ctrl in sowm? Alt is obviously Mod4Mask 2020-02-21T21:13:25 #kisslinux no 2020-02-21T21:13:33 #kisslinux Mod1Mask is Alt 2020-02-21T21:13:44 #kisslinux Mod4Mask is Super (or Windows key) 2020-02-21T21:13:49 #kisslinux Sorry, yes 2020-02-21T21:14:01 #kisslinux Typo, ish 2020-02-21T21:14:22 #kisslinux Are there Mod2-3? 2020-02-21T21:14:27 #kisslinux ControlMask 2020-02-21T21:14:32 #kisslinux Ah 2020-02-21T21:14:41 #kisslinux > https://www.x.org/releases/X11R7.7/doc/libX11/XKB/xkblib.html 2020-02-21T21:14:46 #kisslinux Under: Table 5.1. Real Modifier Masks 2020-02-21T21:22:26 #kisslinux Thank you 2020-02-21T21:28:43 #kisslinux No problem 2020-02-21T21:29:02 #kisslinux Here's a next "song of the day" btw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOh9lJugKyc 2020-02-21T21:29:23 #kisslinux It was huge in Sweden back in the day, not so sure about rest of Europe or world though lol 2020-02-21T21:30:31 #kisslinux I have no sound right now. My soundcard doesn't like powersave apparently. 2020-02-21T21:30:35 #kisslinux I'll reboot and listen 2020-02-21T21:30:38 #kisslinux brb 2020-02-21T21:33:50 #kisslinux nah, on second thought I think we better stick to Neil Diamond, Pink Floyd etc and stuff lol 2020-02-21T21:35:33 #kisslinux > nah, on second thought I think we better stick to Neil Diamond, Pink Floyd etc and stuff lol 2020-02-21T21:35:45 #kisslinux think you quite before I wrote that heh 2020-02-21T21:40:49 #kisslinux quit* 2020-02-21T21:41:10 #kisslinux God. My spelling's terrible. 2020-02-21T21:44:53 #kisslinux back 2020-02-21T21:45:04 #kisslinux Turns out a hard reboot is required to fix my sound card 2020-02-21T21:45:14 #kisslinux It decides to just not function 2020-02-21T21:46:33 #kisslinux It's Greek huh 2020-02-21T21:47:00 #kisslinux Swedish/Greek artist(s) 2020-02-21T21:47:05 #kisslinux Ah 2020-02-21T21:47:33 #kisslinux I think they were in Eurovision Song Contest one or two times 2020-02-21T21:48:44 #kisslinux It's better live https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Aj2ah4H5dU 2020-02-21T21:49:29 #kisslinux > Various versions of Dinata exist. The song or rather the music was first published in 1986 as an instrumental piece by Night Ark (see below), whence its "official" English title, i.e. Homecoming. 2020-02-21T21:49:31 #kisslinux Interesting 2020-02-21T21:50:27 #kisslinux > "Dinata Dinata" was covered by Greek-Swedish duo Antique. It was released in November 1999 as the second single from their debut album, Mera Me Ti Mera. It reached the top 10 in Romania, Italy and Sweden. 2020-02-21T21:50:34 #kisslinux > A Turkish version of the song was released by Sezen Aksu with the title Sarışınım on the 1988 album Sezen Aksu'88. 2020-02-21T21:50:44 #kisslinux Cool history 2020-02-21T21:52:00 #kisslinux Did not know any of that 2020-02-21T21:52:33 #kisslinux Although I recall there being some mentions of it being a cover when Antique released their version 2020-02-21T21:55:09 #kisslinux Here's a more realistic song of the day candidate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGyOaCXr8Lw 2020-02-21T21:55:34 #kisslinux Or suitable, perhaps 2020-02-21T21:55:52 #kisslinux Heh 2020-02-21T21:56:11 #kisslinux This is good too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ef9QnZVpVd8 2020-02-21T21:56:46 #kisslinux Yep 2020-02-21T21:56:55 #kisslinux Gimme Shelter as well 2020-02-21T21:57:02 #kisslinux Yeah 2020-02-21T21:57:13 #kisslinux Sympathy for the Devil 2020-02-21T21:57:18 #kisslinux Oh yeah 2020-02-21T21:57:23 #kisslinux Paint it black 2020-02-21T21:57:26 #kisslinux She's a rainbow 2020-02-21T21:57:50 #kisslinux Hi all. If you want to stick to something Greek, may I suggest Aphrodite's Child? The band with Vangelis and Demis Roussos... 666 is a hell of a record, pun intended. :) 2020-02-21T21:57:53 #kisslinux https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bj8lRssjN48 2020-02-21T21:58:31 #kisslinux Irene Papas sang a piece in that record... Or something. ;) 2020-02-21T21:58:44 #kisslinux altius: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KCbqhJt16k 2020-02-21T21:59:41 #kisslinux altius: Είσαι Έλληνας? 2020-02-21T22:00:23 #kisslinux Yep, that's one of the jewels. Vangelis did great after that, Demis, well... Demis was a successful act for a while. XD 2020-02-21T22:02:40 #kisslinux dylanaraps Am I Greek, you mean? No, I studied classical Greek at high school and a little after that, but didn't learn that much. XD 2020-02-21T22:02:55 #kisslinux Ah 2020-02-21T22:04:00 #kisslinux I'm Mediterranean anyway, remember me? We talked some days before. ;) 2020-02-21T22:04:02 #kisslinux dylanaraps: You speak Greek I take it? 2020-02-21T22:04:05 #kisslinux I do 2020-02-21T22:04:21 #kisslinux altius: I forgot entirely. lol 2020-02-21T22:04:54 #kisslinux fehawen: I grew up with my Grandparents in the same house and they didn't speak English. 2020-02-21T22:05:06 #kisslinux Nice 2020-02-21T22:05:06 #kisslinux Oh, no. I studied the grammar and so on, but don't have that much vocabulary as to keep a conversation. 2020-02-21T22:05:14 #kisslinux Wish I knew/remebered more Greek 2020-02-21T22:05:22 #kisslinux Mom's fluent though, pretty cool 2020-02-21T22:05:28 #kisslinux Neat 2020-02-21T22:05:40 #kisslinux I'm not 100% yet 2020-02-21T22:05:58 #kisslinux It's hard as everyone speaks English and most things are written in English 2020-02-21T22:06:20 #kisslinux When you can rely on your first language it's harder ;) 2020-02-21T22:06:27 #kisslinux Indeed 2020-02-21T22:06:34 #kisslinux Things were better before the Euro 2020-02-21T22:06:37 #kisslinux I talk Spanish, Catalan and a little Italian and French. English, I try to do my best, sorry! XD 2020-02-21T22:06:40 #kisslinux And cheaper :P 2020-02-21T22:07:08 #kisslinux altius: Your English is fine 2020-02-21T22:07:16 #kisslinux fehawen: That's what everyone keeps telling me 2020-02-21T22:07:34 #kisslinux Yep 2020-02-21T22:07:58 #kisslinux They blame Germany perhaps a bit too much for the financial situation 2020-02-21T22:08:06 #kisslinux The Greeks don't like banks and keep all of their money at home 2020-02-21T22:08:16 #kisslinux The swap to Euro forced them to declare everything 2020-02-21T22:08:26 #kisslinux Before the Euro, receipts were never to be seen 2020-02-21T22:08:31 #kisslinux They still aren't 2020-02-21T22:08:40 #kisslinux nowhere* 2020-02-21T22:08:41 #kisslinux I wish it was better. I have mostly learnt this watching movies and reading comic books. Not the best of schools, I think. XD 2020-02-21T22:09:00 #kisslinux When someone does the rounds checking stores, the first store calls someone to warn them and it gets around. 2020-02-21T22:09:11 #kisslinux But when they introduced the Euro, all restuarants, shops etc would literally push the receipt in your hand 2020-02-21T22:09:15 #kisslinux You'll get a fake receipt on your table if this happens 2020-02-21T22:09:18 #kisslinux Probably different now again though 2020-02-21T22:09:24 #kisslinux Oh, ok 2020-02-21T22:09:37 #kisslinux Haven't been back since 2014 I think 2020-02-21T22:09:39 #kisslinux Everyone still hides all of their money 2020-02-21T22:09:53 #kisslinux Now the kiss b grub failed somewhere after 4min 2020-02-21T22:09:55 #kisslinux My parents go every year though still, we have friends living there still. 2020-02-21T22:10:16 #kisslinux hmhb: Send me the log. nc termbin.com:9999 < /path/to/log 2020-02-21T22:10:27 #kisslinux fehawen: Nice. Where abouts? 2020-02-21T22:10:37 #kisslinux dylanaraps: Πάτμος 2020-02-21T22:10:59 #kisslinux I haven't been 2020-02-21T22:11:45 #kisslinux Only place I've been, except for Athens, Samos or Kos when waiting for the ferry 2020-02-21T22:12:11 #kisslinux Or dolphin boats, but not sure they still have them 2020-02-21T22:13:01 #kisslinux I live in Λευκάδα though my Mum is from Χαλκίδα and my Dad from Ρόδος 2020-02-21T22:13:14 #kisslinux I haven't been to Rhodes yet 2020-02-21T22:13:22 #kisslinux Makefile 41603/41617/26403/11304/3343 2020-02-21T22:13:31 #kisslinux It’s a bigger list 2020-02-21T22:13:34 #kisslinux Only went to Chalkida for a day as well 2020-02-21T22:13:55 #kisslinux hmhb: I need the log file. When it failed it should have said "Build failed. Saved log to ....." 2020-02-21T22:17:05 #kisslinux What do i type in the terminal to send you the log? 2020-02-21T22:17:47 #kisslinux hmhb: Send me the log. nc termbin.com:9999 < /path/to/log 2020-02-21T22:17:51 #kisslinux I sent that message before 2020-02-21T22:19:29 #kisslinux I typed - nc termbin.com:9999 /root/.cache/kiss/logs/grub/2020-02-22:00-793276 2020-02-21T22:19:36 #kisslinux nothing happens 2020-02-21T22:19:49 #kisslinux It's '< /path/to/file' 2020-02-21T22:20:40 #kisslinux i think now its sent 2020-02-21T22:21:22 #kisslinux https://termbin.com/d0ia 2020-02-21T22:22:14 #kisslinux My bad! There’s the log 2020-02-21T22:22:17 #kisslinux Ah, it's cut off. Run 'tail -1000 /path/to/file | nc termbin.com:9999' 2020-02-21T22:22:19 #kisslinux All good 2020-02-21T22:23:45 #kisslinux https://termbin.com/gf43f 2020-02-21T22:24:11 #kisslinux the shit you can do i never knew of is mindblowing 😂 2020-02-21T22:24:21 #kisslinux > error: SSE register return with SSE disabled 2020-02-21T22:24:23 #kisslinux There it is 2020-02-21T22:25:19 #kisslinux Have you run 'kiss update' by any chance? 2020-02-21T22:25:26 #kisslinux Yes 2020-02-21T22:25:35 #kisslinux Alright. 2020-02-21T22:25:39 #kisslinux I'll push a fix in a second. 2020-02-21T22:25:41 #kisslinux going step by step 2020-02-21T22:25:47 #kisslinux all good till now 2020-02-21T22:25:47 #kisslinux dylanaraps: what daemon or demon could possibly be creating those goddamned `Documents` and `Downloads` directories in ~ on each reboot? 2020-02-21T22:25:49 #kisslinux Do you have a Ryzen CPU? 2020-02-21T22:25:58 #kisslinux yes 2020-02-21T22:26:07 #kisslinux I know exactly what the issue is then 2020-02-21T22:26:25 #kisslinux kiedtl: KISS has no daemons on boot other than the ones you enable. 2020-02-21T22:26:31 #kisslinux Could be eudev if anything. 2020-02-21T22:26:56 #kisslinux is it a hard fix dylan? 2020-02-21T22:27:15 #kisslinux weird 2020-02-21T22:27:25 #kisslinux hmhb: No no 2020-02-21T22:27:32 #kisslinux Send me the output of: printf %s "$CFLAGS" | sed 's/-march=w* //g' 2020-02-21T22:27:48 #kisslinux There's already a fix in place for this issue. It just doesn't seem to be working for you. 2020-02-21T22:29:11 #kisslinux Wouldn’t surprise me if my system is fucked up.. like always some random bs with it... 2020-02-21T22:29:14 #kisslinux output is 2020-02-21T22:29:57 #kisslinux hmhb: I pushed a potential fix. Run 'kiss update'. Once it's done run 'kiss build grub' again. 2020-02-21T22:29:58 #kisslinux -O3 -pipe -march=native/var/db/kiss/repo/linux-5.5.5 #kisslinux 2020-02-21T22:30:11 #kisslinux hmhb: Thanks 2020-02-21T22:30:24 #kisslinux # not #kisslinux 2020-02-21T22:30:59 #kisslinux building grub again 2020-02-21T22:31:02 #kisslinux hmhb: OK. 2020-02-21T22:31:06 #kisslinux fingers crossed 2020-02-21T22:31:07 #kisslinux Run 'kiss update' one more time. 2020-02-21T22:31:12 #kisslinux I figured it out 2020-02-21T22:31:16 #kisslinux I pushed a second fix. 2020-02-21T22:31:39 #kisslinux shit its already building grub,if it fails ill repeat kiss update 2020-02-21T22:31:46 #kisslinux hmhb: It will fail. 2020-02-21T22:31:47 #kisslinux you where slow hahaha 2020-02-21T22:31:50 #kisslinux Ctrl+C 2020-02-21T22:32:21 #kisslinux third time building grub 2020-02-21T22:32:27 #kisslinux Basically. Grub doesn't like '-march=native' and Ryzen CPUs so I strip '-march=' from the CFLAGS before building. 2020-02-21T22:32:46 #kisslinux Grubs a racist ehhhhhh 2020-02-21T22:32:46 #kisslinux The strip wasn't working with your CFLAGS as I was checking for '-march=word ' 2020-02-21T22:33:00 #kisslinux and your CFLAGS had '-march=word' at the end (no space!) 2020-02-21T22:33:12 #kisslinux You ran 'kiss update' again right? 2020-02-21T22:33:17 #kisslinux yup 2020-02-21T22:33:21 #kisslinux Nice 2020-02-21T22:33:53 #kisslinux seems as grub build is working much faster now,too! 2020-02-21T22:34:01 #kisslinux finished and all good 2020-02-21T22:34:16 #kisslinux That was fast compared to last time 2020-02-21T22:34:33 #kisslinux Awesome 2020-02-21T22:35:42 #kisslinux Yea much better yesterday both grub and efibootmgr failed now they finished in 5sec 2020-02-21T22:37:34 #kisslinux Where to install grub /sdX 2020-02-21T22:37:43 #kisslinux that X what is it for? 2020-02-21T22:38:04 #kisslinux The drive letter 2020-02-21T22:38:31 #kisslinux Basically, replace X with the destination drive's letter. 2020-02-21T22:38:35 #kisslinux It's a placeholder. 2020-02-21T22:39:05 #kisslinux Note: That's for a BIOS install of Grub. 2020-02-21T22:39:17 #kisslinux You mentioned efibootmgr so I assume you're using UEFI? 2020-02-21T22:39:33 #kisslinux You don't run them both. You run one of the two. 2020-02-21T22:40:10 #kisslinux I ran both 2020-02-21T22:40:14 #kisslinux grub and efi 2020-02-21T22:40:19 #kisslinux both worked 2020-02-21T22:40:25 #kisslinux am i fucked now 2020-02-21T22:41:01 #kisslinux Well 2020-02-21T22:41:29 #kisslinux What are the exact commands you used? 2020-02-21T22:42:00 #kisslinux 1st kiss b grub then kiss i grub 2020-02-21T22:42:07 #kisslinux 2nd kiss b efibootmgr 2020-02-21T22:42:14 #kisslinux kiss i efibootmgr 2020-02-21T22:42:17 #kisslinux No no, I mean the 'grub-install' commands. 2020-02-21T22:43:47 #kisslinux grub-install /dev/sdX says cannot find EFI directory 2020-02-21T22:44:02 #kisslinux grub-install —target 2020-02-21T22:44:06 #kisslinux gives me 2020-02-21T22:44:08 #kisslinux < 2020-02-21T22:44:14 #kisslinux > 2020-02-21T22:44:20 #kisslinux what now? 2020-02-21T22:45:09 #kisslinux The first grub-install command failed? 2020-02-21T22:45:13 #kisslinux That's good if so 2020-02-21T22:45:20 #kisslinux Yes 2020-02-21T22:45:26 #kisslinux And the second one worked? 2020-02-21T22:45:43 #kisslinux Gives me “>” 2020-02-21T22:45:50 #kisslinux just stands there 2020-02-21T22:46:21 #kisslinux That's a quoting issue I think. Ctrl+D will fix it. 2020-02-21T22:48:05 #kisslinux grub-install —target=x86_64-efi 2020-02-21T22:48:09 #kisslinux gives me 2020-02-21T22:48:15 #kisslinux ’> 2020-02-21T22:48:20 #kisslinux nothing more 2020-02-21T22:48:26 #kisslinux Ctrl+D ? 2020-02-21T22:48:32 #kisslinux did that 2020-02-21T22:48:39 #kisslinux Ctrl+d ? 2020-02-21T22:48:56 #kisslinux unmounting /dev, /proc and /sys 2020-02-21T22:49:03 #kisslinux from chroot 2020-02-21T22:49:06 #kisslinux Ah 2020-02-21T22:49:21 #kisslinux You'll have to './kiss-chroot /mnt' to get back in. 2020-02-21T22:51:07 #kisslinux did that and again the grub-install —target=x86_64-efi 2020-02-21T22:51:14 #kisslinux Ah 2020-02-21T22:51:14 #kisslinux shows this only 2020-02-21T22:51:16 #kisslinux > 2020-02-21T22:51:17 #kisslinux Type it on one line 2020-02-21T22:51:28 #kisslinux Hit Ctrl+d to get the prompt back 2020-02-21T22:51:35 #kisslinux Ignoring the 2020-02-21T22:52:08 #kisslinux So: grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=esp --bootloader-id=kiss 2020-02-21T22:52:24 #kisslinux Also, replace 'esp' with the path to your EFI mount point. 2020-02-21T22:54:53 #kisslinux where can i find the efi mount point again? 2020-02-21T22:55:04 #kisslinux It depends on how you have set up your disks 2020-02-21T22:55:10 #kisslinux I can't answer this one 2020-02-21T22:57:53 #kisslinux nvme0n1 465G disk —- nvme0n1p1 = 600M /boot —- nvme0n1p2 = 8G /swap —— nvme0n1p3 = 457G / 2020-02-21T23:00:01 #kisslinux All 3 nvme0n1 say “failed to get canonical path of ‘nvme0n1etc...’ 2020-02-21T23:00:02 #kisslinux Looks like esp should be /boot 2020-02-21T23:01:03 #kisslinux Though the EFI partition is sometimes mounted to /boot/EFI 2020-02-21T23:01:13 #kisslinux I don't know how your disks are setup 2020-02-21T23:02:00 #kisslinux I really need to go to sleep. It's very late here. I'll be able to help in the morning (6 hours roughly) 2020-02-21T23:02:17 #kisslinux I’ll try to figure it out 2020-02-21T23:02:34 #kisslinux dont worry ill do a clean start maybe 2020-02-21T23:03:52 #kisslinux Alrighty 2020-02-21T23:03:53 #kisslinux Caio 2020-02-21T23:03:55 #kisslinux Ciao* 2020-02-21T23:05:30 #kisslinux grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot --bootloader-id=kiss 2020-02-21T23:05:35 #kisslinux Should do it? 2020-02-21T23:16:42 #kisslinux yo dylanaraps - just wanted to shout you out for building a *chef hand* distro - kiss is literally the distro i've been looking for for years. 2020-02-21T23:17:49 #kisslinux Also, I'm interested in how you feel about matrix vs. IRC, or whether you have any opinions on the subject. 2020-02-21T23:23:55 #kisslinux dylanaraps: Can I use "-x" to pass a command to run on start in birch? 2020-02-21T23:29:59 #kisslinux fehawen2, dylan went to bed 2020-02-21T23:30:13 #kisslinux I had a look at the code, -x does that, yes 2020-02-21T23:30:30 #kisslinux aarng: Thanks 2020-02-21T23:31:17 #kisslinux I set my irc nick to protected or something, and nickserv identify timed out on me and I couldn't connect at all lol, so thought I'd pass it on startup 2020-02-21T23:31:54 #kisslinux Do I pass "/msg nickserv identify password" as -x arg, or what? 2020-02-21T23:32:20 #kisslinux yes 2020-02-21T23:32:23 #kisslinux but /m instead of /msg 2020-02-21T23:32:53 #kisslinux Ah yes, it only matches word letter right? 2020-02-21T23:32:59 #kisslinux first letter* 2020-02-21T23:33:03 #kisslinux not word lol 2020-02-21T23:33:15 #kisslinux https://github.com/dylanaraps/birch/blob/master/birch#L176 2020-02-21T23:33:19 #kisslinux here are all commands 2020-02-21T23:33:58 #kisslinux Got it, cheers 2020-02-21T23:36:06 #kisslinux actually, how this is programmed, even /msgffs! should work 2020-02-21T23:36:29 #kisslinux That's what I meant 2020-02-21T23:36:43 #kisslinux matching first letter 2020-02-21T23:36:52 #kisslinux with some exceptions 2020-02-21T23:37:32 #kisslinux me* to be specific 2020-02-21T23:37:39 #kisslinux yeah, I wasn't sure how the entire string is split up 2020-02-21T23:38:21 #kisslinux I added this in my PR: 2020-02-21T23:38:30 #kisslinux :*) ;; # Prevent accidental ":" prefixing of e.g. commands 2020-02-21T23:38:56 #kisslinux As a result of my ":/msg nickserv..." lol 2020-02-21T23:39:13 #kisslinux Colon damaged from vim usage heh 2020-02-21T23:39:36 #kisslinux aah, coming from a habit 2020-02-21T23:39:46 #kisslinux was wondering why colon specifically 2020-02-21T23:39:51 #kisslinux Surprised dylan kept it though, I was meant to remove it but forgor 2020-02-21T23:39:59 #kisslinux I've tried to :q Firefox a few times 2020-02-21T23:40:23 #kisslinux :P 2020-02-21T23:40:44 #kisslinux install surfing keys, then you can actually quit firefox like that 2020-02-21T23:40:48 #kisslinux But now I have to type [space] : to start a line with ":" lol 2020-02-21T23:40:59 #kisslinux Sounds neat 2020-02-21T23:41:13 #kisslinux brb 2020-02-21T23:41:20 #kisslinux wanna test "-x" heh 2020-02-21T23:42:12 #kisslinux Nice, works 2020-02-21T23:42:25 #kisslinux Why do I get ":Nick/channel is temporarily unavailable" ? 2020-02-21T23:42:44 #kisslinux Get it every time now since my identify timeout 2020-02-21T23:43:34 #kisslinux I'm kinda new to freenode, so no idea 2020-02-21T23:44:21 #kisslinux just protection because of too many failed auth attempts? 2020-02-21T23:45:02 #kisslinux But I didn't fail, just didn't identify within 30 secs 2020-02-21T23:46:01 #kisslinux Happened the other day though and the unavailability cleared after a while, so should be ok 2020-02-21T23:49:08 #kisslinux How's birch? 2020-02-21T23:49:23 #kisslinux seems to be protection for netsplits, fehawen2 2020-02-21T23:49:43 #kisslinux seems to be OK... 2020-02-21T23:50:04 #kisslinux rudimentary :p 2020-02-21T23:50:12 #kisslinux netsplits? 2020-02-21T23:50:16 #kisslinux rudimentary is an understatement :) 2020-02-21T23:50:19 #kisslinux but it works nicely 2020-02-21T23:50:24 #kisslinux and connects much faster 2020-02-21T23:51:25 #kisslinux google "irc netsplit" or something, fehawen2 2020-02-21T23:52:00 #kisslinux God, I'm so lazy 2020-02-21T23:52:06 #kisslinux Yes of course, sorry :P 2020-02-21T23:52:20 #kisslinux ;) 2020-02-21T23:52:32 #kisslinux Ok, now I know what netsplits are lol 2020-02-21T23:55:40 #kisslinux connects faster than what, other_kiedtl? 2020-02-21T23:55:58 #kisslinux weechat 2020-02-21T23:56:15 #kisslinux ah 2020-02-21T23:56:26 #kisslinux been a while since I used weechat 2020-02-21T23:56:26 #kisslinux at least in my experience 2020-02-21T23:56:34 #kisslinux and you can call me kiedtl ;) 2020-02-21T23:57:12 #kisslinux aye, was just highlighting your client 2020-02-21T23:58:09 #kisslinux but prolly no point because dylan hasn't implemented highlight on nick mentions, lol 2020-02-21T23:59:04 #kisslinux I'm using weechat right now