馃懡 maxheadroom

Is there a Substack equivalent in gemspace?

3 months ago


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8 Replies

馃懡 lykso

Yeah, we're unlikely to come to agreement here. IMO, discussions can be had in private with people who actually have relationships with those people. Generally speaking, these folks did not reason themselves into these positions and will not be reasoned out. Certainly not on a public stage where they're trying to build a persona and an audience. Giving them a soapbox just makes it easier for them to find each other, band together, and create the sort of image of community that tends to draw people in. And nobody is under any obligation to provide them with such a soapbox, nor is anyone under any obligation to tolerate those who do.

@maxheadroom 路 3 months ago

馃懡 maxheadroom

I just don't like how some gemspaces have takedown policies that step on basic human rights. not going to name and shame them. I just hope to put this on the radar for those who may not have considered certain negative side effects of these policies.

And I think it is best to raise this issue in the early days. In the hope that we can find alternative solutions that are more constructive then one hell of a stick behind the door. 路 3 months ago

馃懡 maxheadroom

Because 'white supremacists' know that people have weak arguments they manage to bully them around. And this is getting worse when they silence their hate. As the ones who should speak up no longer have the mental capacity to formulate their opposite ideas in a way that is strong enough to handle the bullies...

@lykso @eph

By having the discussion there is an option to solve it, and that option is not there when you silence the fuckers.

Substack is a writers platform where anyone can write aricles. I'm not on substack as i'm looking for other, preferably distributed, options 路 3 months ago

馃懡 lykso

@eph I don't imagine they are! Most of the brouhaha I've heard regarding that platform, though, came from them deciding that they needed to supply a platform to such folks in service of "free speech." @maxheadroom mentioned having problems with the moderation policies of hosts already established in gemspace and specifically mentioned wanting a host that was like Substack in their approach. I couldn't help but wonder. In hindsight, I should've just asked what they specifically didn't like regarding the policies of existing gemhosts and left my private suspicions private. It was tactless of me. 路 3 months ago

馃懡 eph

@maxheadroom, ahh, yeah I'm not sure (that is, I don't know off the top of my head.)

@lykso, not every substack writer is a white supremacist 路 3 months ago

馃懡 lykso

Are you asking if there is a space that's okay with hosting white supremacist content? It's starting to sound a bit to me like that might be what you're talking around here. What content in particular are you looking to create that you feel might violate the content policies of currently existing Gemini hosts...? 路 3 months ago

馃懡 maxheadroom

@eph thats also a way to look at it.

i will try to re formulate that question as i'm not aiming at the scale of substack. But the functionality and policy wise.. As i noticed that the way gem space policies are formulated are sometimes a bit narrow minded and limit the freedom of the publisher on that space. Understandable to some extend, but for those who want to write about more serious stuff risk to get silenced. I think gemspaces could make a big difference with policies that are not based on FUD but on inspiring deeper levels of communication instead. 路 3 months ago

馃懡 eph

Perhaps smol.pub, but I haven鈥檛 been thinking of it as a Substacklike tbqh. 路 3 months ago