2020-12-02T00:00:33 #kisslinux just make sure you document the required steps xD 2020-12-02T00:12:53 #kisslinux Of course. I've made a GitHub issue on tinyramfs because I'm struggling to get my head around it, so hopefully that helps! 2020-12-02T00:13:17 #kisslinux Anyway, it is past midnight for me now, so I'm going to head out. Thank you for your help again! 2020-12-02T00:14:28 #kisslinux just noticed that /etc/mime.types is huge, does it make sense to reduce the list that ships with the baselayout package? 2020-12-02T00:14:34 #kisslinux https://github.com/kisslinux/repo/blob/master/core/baselayout/files/mime.types 2020-12-02T00:15:45 #kisslinux almost 2000 lines, most of them are pretty rarely used 2020-12-02T00:16:41 #kisslinux if dylan were properly motivated he might find time to trim it 2020-12-02T00:16:54 #kisslinux afaik it's auto-generated 2020-12-02T00:55:27 #kisslinux hey dilyn, I know I'm new here, but... what would proper motivation look like to you ? 2020-12-02T01:00:56 #kisslinux hello all, my name is Robinson Dorion. I've just heard about Kiss Linux yesterday when it was [http://fixpoint.welshcomputing.com/2020/jwrd-logs-for-Nov-2020/#925][mentioned in #jwrd] by someone who maintains some packages. since then, I've read a good chuck of https://k1ss.org/ and liked a lot of what I see. 2020-12-02T01:02:17 #kisslinux afaik, Kiss is the only linux distro apart from [http://fixpoint.welshcomputing.com/2019/gales-linux-initial-release/][Gales Linux] that leverages the combination of busybox + musl + shell based package manager. 2020-12-02T01:02:42 #kisslinux With that being said, something I've not been able to wrap my head around is, how does one reach the decision that while [https://archive.is/Y4l7R#selection-89.2841-89.2964][unicode], [https://archive.is/Y4l7R#selection-89.5405-89.5533][systemd, dbus and the rest of the rathead spittoon] are clearly poisonous... 2020-12-02T01:03:05 #kisslinux ...[https://github.com/kisslinux/repo/blob/master/core/gcc/version][gcc 10] and [https://github.com/kisslinux/repo/blob/master/core/linux-headers/version][linux 5.X] are accepted as the defaults ? 2020-12-02T01:04:37 #kisslinux Here's some relevant background reading I've done: [http://trilema.com/2020/forum-logs-for-02-jun-2017/#2290371][> gcc4.X thread] , linux threads [http://trinque.org/2019/12/28/a-republican-os-part-1/#comment-136][here] and [http://trilema.com/2020/forum-logs-for-12-jan-2020/#2574877][here] and [http://trilema.com/2016/unicode-is-fucking-stupid-the-definitive-article/][the definitive unicode 2020-12-02T01:04:37 #kisslinux article]. 2020-12-02T01:05:01 #kisslinux Sorry is advance for linking the archive.is javascript select, it doesn't seem that k1ss.org has [http://trilema.com/2019/proper-html-linking-the-crisis-the-solution-the-resolution-conclusion/][server side selecting]. I tried : https://k1ss.org/guidestones/?b=Only%20target%20English&e=#select and https://k1ss.org/guidestones/?b=dbus,%20systemd&e=#select, but they both 404'd. 2020-12-02T01:09:28 #kisslinux there is no linux kernel default with KISS 2020-12-02T01:09:34 #kisslinux you have to choose one and build it yourself 2020-12-02T01:14:45 #kisslinux ominous_anonymou, thanks. I know I can always build a kernel from upstream or the various ones I have lying around for various boxes in use. but, what does that version number in the repo mean ? 2020-12-02T01:15:02 #kisslinux https://freenode.logbot.info/kisslinux/20201201#c6025150 -- currency is the most sellable/marketable good, it's like... the one thing that won't get ab 2020-12-02T01:15:06 #kisslinux olished if there are to be humans walking earth. At minimum, it's telling you... information. Why'd you wanna censor that ? 2020-12-02T01:16:01 #kisslinux hmm, does this chan have a bot to quote links from the www logger ? 2020-12-02T01:16:20 #kisslinux https://k1ss.org/faq#7.5 2020-12-02T01:17:19 #kisslinux not that i know of, but linking like you did is fine 2020-12-02T01:17:47 #kisslinux why ty, ominous_anonymou. 2020-12-02T01:33:42 #kisslinux dorion: i'm not sure if you're initial question was meant for me or dylanaraps: the mind KISS 2020-12-02T01:34:17 #kisslinux as far as header versions go, there's technically no blocker to pegging yourself to at least whatever earliest version musl supports afaik 2020-12-02T01:35:12 #kisslinux as for opposition to gcc, one could probably always get away with earlier versions - I don't think there's a strong technical reason one couldn't use earlier versions of gcc (without some work) - nobody's tried with ICC, but wyvertux exists as an alternative rootfs and system 2020-12-02T02:03:29 #kisslinux also there is tcc or w/e that suckless c compiler is; don't think anybody's tried that one? 2020-12-02T02:05:17 #kisslinux re: tcc i want to say someone used it, there's mention here: https://k1ss.org/blog/20200309a 2020-12-02T02:06:31 #kisslinux yeah I vaguely remember that mention, but I don't think anyone ever announced anything beyond that instance 2020-12-02T02:09:54 #kisslinux looks like that was the last update in community too: https://github.com/kisslinux/community/tree/master/community/tcc 2020-12-02T02:14:19 #kisslinux I tried TCC actually 2020-12-02T02:14:33 #kisslinux it doesn't work for an overwhelming majority of programs, even most terminal-based stuff 2020-12-02T02:14:55 #kisslinux as cool as it is it's not practical, and it's also not an optimizing compiler either, fwiw 2020-12-02T02:17:29 #kisslinux yeah afaik it's very... basic 2020-12-02T02:20:19 #kisslinux Mmh. 2020-12-02T02:20:27 #kisslinux Now, mind you, it's ridiculously fast 2020-12-02T02:21:00 #kisslinux but the whole "not working" thing is... 2020-12-02T02:21:04 #kisslinux well, kind of a deal breaker 2020-12-02T02:25:59 #kisslinux kind of defeats the purpose huh 2020-12-02T02:27:19 #kisslinux yeah 2020-12-02T02:27:31 #kisslinux the whole "being functional" thing is kind of a killer feature 2020-12-02T02:41:35 #kisslinux https://freenode.logbot.info/kisslinux/20201202#c6029018 -- I asked you about proper motivation because you said it a couple lines prior. 2020-12-02T02:41:49 #kisslinux dilyn, thanks for the answers about kernel and compiler. 2020-12-02T02:42:01 #kisslinux https://freenode.logbot.info/kisslinux/20201202#c6029317 -- cool, thanks for the link. 2020-12-02T02:42:59 #kisslinux https://freenode.logbot.info/kisslinux/20201202#c6029423 -- nice. did you ever try building anything in the gcc-4.X line with tcc ? 2020-12-02T02:46:54 #kisslinux i've was able to build gcc 4.7 with cproc (with a few patches): https://man.sr.ht/~mcf/cproc/doc/software.md#gcc-47 2020-12-02T02:47:50 #kisslinux https://freenode.logbot.info/kisslinux/20201202#c6029579 -- depends on the requirements of the specific system in question though. e.g. a bitcoin node has different functional requirements than a desktop. In the former case, limiting complexity to the essential and thus increasing the security is its own feature, wouldn't you say ? 2020-12-02T02:49:20 #kisslinux ah; proper motivation in that instance would be that shaving kilobytes off of a file is worth parsing the whole file for worthwhile mimetypes to keep. I'm unconvinced that mimetypes are wholly necessary, so I wouldn't really bother either way 2020-12-02T02:49:34 #kisslinux proper motivation more broadly is... I think difficult to capture 2020-12-02T02:50:58 #kisslinux i think their statement on "being functional" was directed more to a general "desktop" system as opposed to some specialized case 2020-12-02T02:51:36 #kisslinux mcf, interesting. I'd not heard of cproc. 2020-12-02T02:53:24 #kisslinux dilyn, aha. 2020-12-02T03:01:30 #kisslinux ominous_anonymou, I don't doubt you're more familiar with their meaning. while key management is specialized, it's still key to anyone set on taking ownership of their digital identity and money. 2020-12-02T03:02:33 #kisslinux which from my perch are of the highest leverage tools that exist. 2020-12-02T03:04:03 #kisslinux while i don't disagree, i'm not really sure what that has to do with "tcc fails at being functional for me because it is not able to compile the applications i want/need to use" 2020-12-02T03:05:22 #kisslinux oh, are we still talking about tcc? 2020-12-02T03:05:41 #kisslinux at the end of the day it can't even compile something like htop or sbase 2020-12-02T03:05:43 #kisslinux so like 2020-12-02T03:05:47 #kisslinux eh... 2020-12-02T03:08:27 #kisslinux ominous_anonymou, sure, apologies if I was unclear, that's why [https://freenode.logbot.info/kisslinux/20201202#c6029631][I asked] specifically about using tcc to compile anything in the gcc-4.X line. 2020-12-02T03:09:45 #kisslinux oh ok, sorry, i missed that statement 2020-12-02T03:10:41 #kisslinux so "is tcc functional" from your perspective would be its compatibility with that gcc version line 2020-12-02T03:13:10 #kisslinux that's one metric, anti-thompsonistic bootstrapping is valueable. 2020-12-02T03:14:35 #kisslinux what do you mean by "anti-Thompsonistic"? 2020-12-02T03:16:24 #kisslinux ominous_anonymou: https://wiki.c2.com/?TheKenThompsonHack 2020-12-02T03:17:00 #kisslinux https://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/thompson/trust.html 2020-12-02T03:18:11 #kisslinux dorion: have you seen bootstrappable.org? i think they use tcc in their gcc bootstrap process 2020-12-02T03:18:44 #kisslinux mcf, I had not, thanks for the link. 2020-12-02T03:19:23 #kisslinux "In the current bootstrap in GuixSD TinyCC builds GCC 2.95.0, which then builds GCC 4.7.4." 2020-12-02T03:19:30 #kisslinux so i guess it's a two step thing 2020-12-02T03:21:58 #kisslinux mcf, have you tried it ? 2020-12-02T03:22:26 #kisslinux thanks for the links, quite a read 2020-12-02T03:24:20 #kisslinux i have not 2020-12-02T03:25:47 #kisslinux i'm a bit biased towards cproc though, since it's my own project. i'm trying to build all oasis packages with it: https://github.com/oasislinux/oasis/issues/13 2020-12-02T03:28:16 #kisslinux mcf, the bias makes sense, only so many hours in the day. 2020-12-02T03:30:18 #kisslinux mcf, looks like you've built quite a bit with it already, congrats. 2020-12-02T03:30:47 #kisslinux how long have you been actively working on cproc, mcf? 2020-12-02T03:31:00 #kisslinux because oasis is something like six years old now isn't it? 2020-12-02T03:31:36 #kisslinux mcf, [https://github.com/oasislinux/oasis/issues/13#issuecomment-637067272]["However, if you are asking why I'd want to be able to build the oasis userspace with a compiler written in 7000 lines of C as opposed to one written in 5 million lines of C++, then I don't really know how to answer."] -- lolz! 2020-12-02T03:33:41 #kisslinux mcf: Oasis is your project? 2020-12-02T03:34:19 #kisslinux dilyn: oasis is ~4 years old, and cproc is a bit under 2 years old 2020-12-02T03:34:32 #kisslinux nerditup: yep 2020-12-02T03:36:01 #kisslinux Cool, it was linked on lobste.rs today and read through your README. Great stuff, I liked the concept of no package manager or using something like nix 2020-12-02T03:37:53 #kisslinux thanks 2020-12-02T03:39:42 #kisslinux Hopefully you didn't get too annoyed with the comments on HN :) 2020-12-02T03:42:54 #kisslinux s/hacker news/heckler noose/ 2020-12-02T03:43:54 #kisslinux I have a hard time explaining to some of my more technical friends why I choose to roll a distro like KISS, or why I would enjoy using Oasis. 2020-12-02T03:44:38 #kisslinux The comments on HN reminded me of that experience 2020-12-02T03:44:57 #kisslinux nerditup, did you write about it ? or how did you try to explain ? 2020-12-02T03:51:28 #kisslinux what's on hacker newa 2020-12-02T03:51:34 #kisslinux news 2020-12-02T03:56:09 #kisslinux https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25265761 2020-12-02T03:56:55 #kisslinux https://lobste.rs/s/n6ehna/oasis_small_statically_linked_linux 2020-12-02T04:42:50 #kisslinux new firefox version seems to have higher cpu usage than before 2020-12-02T04:46:14 #kisslinux why is it using 100% cpu :( Do I blame ff or do I blame the website 2020-12-02T04:48:32 #kisslinux "blocked by env: Acceleration blocked by platform" maybe that's why 2020-12-02T04:49:06 #kisslinux Try turning on webrender in about:config 2020-12-02T04:50:00 #kisslinux `gfx.webrender.all` = True 2020-12-02T04:54:32 #kisslinux still uses 100%. But looks like it's only one some websites 2020-12-02T04:54:47 #kisslinux I'm blaming the websites for now 2020-12-02T04:59:19 #kisslinux Can you give an example of a site that gives you 100% usage? 2020-12-02T05:00:53 #kisslinux Long shot but maybe try a new firefox profile aswell and `layers.acceleration.force-enabled` in about:config 2020-12-02T05:03:05 #kisslinux rn get.tech is giving me high cpu 2020-12-02T09:57:50 #kisslinux I dont use irc, can i get discord link 2020-12-02T09:59:20 #kisslinux I think the discord server was abandoned 2020-12-02T09:59:30 #kisslinux Nice 2020-12-02T12:11:26 #kisslinux hello 2020-12-02T12:11:36 #kisslinux i am trying kisslinux in chroot 2020-12-02T12:11:44 #kisslinux i am very much impressed by it 2020-12-02T12:12:08 #kisslinux thanks to everyone contributing to this project 2020-12-02T12:13:00 #kisslinux one question though. how much time does it take to build gcc,llvm,mesa 2020-12-02T12:13:11 #kisslinux i have to build these packages. 2020-12-02T12:20:49 #kisslinux GCC and LLVM can take quite some time depending on your setup 2020-12-02T12:21:00 #kisslinux Why do you want to rebuild gcc though? 2020-12-02T12:24:12 #kisslinux not now but maybe in future when gcc gets updated 2020-12-02T12:24:27 #kisslinux what to do then? don't i need to rebuild gcc too? 2020-12-02T12:25:04 #kisslinux Yeah you'll need to rebuild gcc for an update 2020-12-02T12:25:11 #kisslinux I thought you wanted to rebuilt it right now 2020-12-02T12:26:51 #kisslinux how long it can take though? 2020-12-02T12:31:35 #kisslinux also,why mpv is depending on llvm ? 2020-12-02T12:39:14 #kisslinux dorion: this has been in person, you're right though -- I should write about it 2020-12-02T12:41:50 #kisslinux nerditup, do you keep a blog / 2020-12-02T12:42:58 #kisslinux Not at the moment, been thinking about starting one recently. This could be a good first topic: why I care about X 2020-12-02T12:46:19 #kisslinux varbhat It depends on your setup, i think GCC takes like 15-20min on my ryzen 5 3600 and llvm a bit longer 2020-12-02T13:28:04 #kisslinux nerditup, I [http://dorion-mode.com][use] and recommend Mircea Popescu's WordPress (MP-WP) (http://trilema.com). It was [http://thewhet.net/2018/06/mp-wp-genesis-regrind/][v-genesis'd by hanbot]. Her article has several pingbacks to set up reports and [http://billymg.com/category/mp-wp/][billymg has made several useful vpatches]. 2020-12-02T13:29:17 #kisslinux for those who don't know what V is, here's the best entry point: http://ossasepia.com/2019/12/13/a-walk-among-the-trees-of-v/ 2020-12-02T18:10:38 #kisslinux hello 2020-12-02T18:10:46 #kisslinux i am getting error on kernel build 2020-12-02T18:11:04 #kisslinux i think make of kernel expects gnu coreutils 2020-12-02T18:11:14 #kisslinux varbhat do you have perl installed? 2020-12-02T18:11:19 #kisslinux yes 2020-12-02T18:11:23 #kisslinux hmm 2020-12-02T18:11:30 #kisslinux i do have perl installed 2020-12-02T18:11:39 #kisslinux how are you building the kernel? have you looked at anyone elses build scripts for their kernel? 2020-12-02T18:12:00 #kisslinux find: unrecognised -printf 2020-12-02T18:12:04 #kisslinux what to do? 2020-12-02T18:14:26 #kisslinux i think i had enabled "enable kernel headers through /sys/*' 2020-12-02T18:14:33 #kisslinux that might be reason 2020-12-02T18:19:03 #kisslinux Hey, heirloom-base used to be in community, right? 2020-12-02T18:19:05 #kisslinux or am I crazy? 2020-12-02T18:36:13 #kisslinux Dylan , why did you ditch https://k1ss.org/blog/20191117a version of the site ? 2020-12-02T18:36:30 #kisslinux it was responsive even on mobile. was well designed 2020-12-02T18:39:06 #kisslinux ok,guys, have built the kernel. let's see how it goes 2020-12-02T18:47:08 #kisslinux https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Software_minimalism 2020-12-02T18:47:08 #kisslinux we've made it, fellas. we're listed on the /g/ wiki 2020-12-02T18:49:28 #kisslinux oh no :( 2020-12-02T18:50:01 #kisslinux there's no escaping from their autism now 2020-12-02T18:50:10 #kisslinux they could be any one of us 2020-12-02T18:53:59 #kisslinux as an aside, is there a way to change the location of KISS' cache? 2020-12-02T18:56:08 #kisslinux midfavila XDG_CACHE_HOME I think 2020-12-02T18:56:22 #kisslinux will give it a shot 2020-12-02T18:56:45 #kisslinux I just 'grep '.cache' `which kiss`' and looked at the results 2020-12-02T18:57:27 #kisslinux Fair. I should have thought of that myself 2020-12-02T18:57:45 #kisslinux okay, yeah, you're right 2020-12-02T18:57:45 #kisslinux based 2020-12-02T18:57:50 #kisslinux thanks a ton 2020-12-02T18:58:17 #kisslinux Also 'rg -i cache /usr/share/doc/kiss' 2020-12-02T18:58:27 #kisslinux "rg"? 2020-12-02T18:58:28 #kisslinux yeah, its one of the reasons im not really excited for `k` 2020-12-02T18:58:44 #kisslinux will be harder to understand how the package manager works 2020-12-02T18:58:54 #kisslinux midfavila rg=>ripgrep, just another kinda grep 2020-12-02T18:58:54 #kisslinux True, but it's supposed to be backwards-compatible, right? 2020-12-02T18:58:57 #kisslinux Aaah 2020-12-02T18:59:02 #kisslinux Normally I use gnugrep 2020-12-02T18:59:22 #kisslinux midfavila oh it will work fine, but it will be harder for me to find answers to questions 2020-12-02T18:59:32 #kisslinux on how it works 2020-12-02T18:59:35 #kisslinux * midfavila nods 2020-12-02T19:00:07 #kisslinux Time to take the Ubuntu approach and start layering frontends on top of it 2020-12-02T19:00:10 #kisslinux :p 2020-12-02T19:01:17 #kisslinux I expect `k` to be faster, more portable, and eventually (though not initially) more correct than `kiss`. I also expect it to be much harder to understand and hack on. 2020-12-02T19:01:41 #kisslinux that said, I *might* see if porting to zig or zz would be a nice middle ground 2020-12-02T19:02:17 #kisslinux Well, yeah. C is a lot denser than shellcode... but I think it'll be interesting either way. At the very least it'll give me a reason to stare at C more often 2020-12-02T19:03:17 #kisslinux Zig, huh... never heard of it before, but it looks interesting 2020-12-02T19:04:35 #kisslinux do you use wpa_supplicant or eiwd ? 2020-12-02T19:04:36 #kisslinux midfavila not sure about more dense. shell was made for string processing, and there is so much pomp and circumstance in C to do string processing. 2020-12-02T19:04:43 #kisslinux varbhat eiwd 2020-12-02T19:05:14 #kisslinux I don't use either at the moment, mostly because my home network is all wired... should probably look into eiwd for when my new laptop arrives 2020-12-02T19:05:18 #kisslinux and I suppose you're right, micr0 2020-12-02T19:05:32 #kisslinux I'm probably just not used to parsing C since I don't read it very much 2020-12-02T19:07:03 #kisslinux Do you think zig cc could replace gcc on a regular system, micr0? 2020-12-02T19:07:31 #kisslinux but mainstream ibus supports ugly dbus 2020-12-02T19:07:36 #kisslinux *iwd 2020-12-02T19:08:10 #kisslinux actually,there must be some non-dbus client to communicate with iwd 2020-12-02T19:08:19 #kisslinux midfavila totally uneducated guess would be: zig cc has a better chance than tcc, but not by much 2020-12-02T19:10:01 #kisslinux I am also unsure if zig's string handling is any easier to understand, as it is explicit in manual allocations 2020-12-02T19:12:12 #kisslinux building zig from source requires llvm to be built with all architectures enabled, interesting 2020-12-02T19:12:33 #kisslinux isn't zig cc just clang under the hood? 2020-12-02T19:12:46 #kisslinux how do i set dvorak keylayout in kiss ? 2020-12-02T19:12:59 #kisslinux loadkmap requires layout file 2020-12-02T19:13:02 #kisslinux where it is? 2020-12-02T19:14:06 #kisslinux not sure, check the wiki though maybe 2020-12-02T19:21:21 #kisslinux testing a default build of llvm instead of our very limited targets 2020-12-02T19:27:20 #kisslinux does loadkeys exist? 2020-12-02T19:35:09 #kisslinux varbhat https://k1ss.org/wiki/xorg/keyboard-layout is there anything under /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/ ? 2020-12-02T19:41:23 #kisslinux not a huge fan of github, but the cli is really nice for not needing to go to the website to submit prs 2020-12-02T19:41:39 #kisslinux it even pulls in the relevant template file and opens your editor with it 2020-12-02T19:53:54 #kisslinux * dorion recognizes [http://ossasepia.com/2019/12/13/a-walk-among-the-trees-of-v/][V] as the correct source distribution and control tool. 2020-12-02T19:57:52 #kisslinux ominous_anonymou : i did it before. it was my fault for not seeing wiki. thank you though 2020-12-02T19:58:10 #kisslinux i installed mesa and with that came libllvm.so 2020-12-02T19:58:32 #kisslinux so, my /usr/lib is 1.1 GB lol 2020-12-02T19:58:41 #kisslinux how can i reduce it? any suggestions? 2020-12-02T20:14:18 #kisslinux dorion yeah i read that last night. still doesn't get me any closer to understanding. even the link that supposedly is the canonical introduction to v 404s 2020-12-02T20:15:13 #kisslinux though the full url of that 404'ing link is enough to turn me off from the entire project, best of luck to those who found it do something they want/need 2020-12-02T20:15:42 #kisslinux also dorion your linking style confuses logbot :( 2020-12-02T20:16:25 #kisslinux example https://freenode.logbot.info/kisslinux/20201202#c6037785 2020-12-02T20:17:57 #kisslinux micr0, I'm used to loggers that do recognize it, sorry. also used to logbots that quote the lines from their logs that are being linked in chan. 2020-12-02T20:18:53 #kisslinux micr0, the canonical article mentioned is available here: https://archive.is/loqGu 2020-12-02T20:19:43 #kisslinux essentially, V allows the operators to install signed patches from his WoT only. 2020-12-02T20:20:05 #kisslinux yeah not admonishing, just letting you know your reach might not be as far as you'd like for those who mostly read the logs 2020-12-02T20:20:19 #kisslinux and i wouldnt be surprised if they accepted a PR to fix it xD 2020-12-02T20:20:20 #kisslinux it was first developed for the Bitcoin client. 2020-12-02T20:20:30 #kisslinux oh man you would hate git-ssb xD 2020-12-02T20:20:40 #kisslinux literally permissionless git repos on scuttlebutt 2020-12-02T20:22:52 #kisslinux ahh cool, so the high level concept is nice. though is the WoT depth configurable? 2020-12-02T20:23:09 #kisslinux or do the tools help hold your hand for it 2020-12-02T20:23:42 #kisslinux honestly in my experience the tooling has to know how to traverse dependencies in a sane way otherwise you just get people saying 'yes' to everything or needing to clone like 20 repos just to build something 2020-12-02T20:24:21 #kisslinux ( see https://github.com/jedahan/kiss-repo-repos as my half-ass attempt to make it slightly easier to keep our packages distributed but accessible ) 2020-12-02T20:24:55 #kisslinux also really anything that touches the *coin/*thereum sphere i am extra cautious about 2020-12-02T20:25:46 #kisslinux I think the toposort snippets in the archive link touch on the dependency traversal a little? at least, patch ordering wise 2020-12-02T20:25:57 #kisslinux after having built some ethereum tooling and clients, participated in trustless environments/living situations both moderated by said networks 2020-12-02T20:26:25 #kisslinux yeah i will admit i skimmed and am turned off by it a bit 2020-12-02T20:26:27 #kisslinux it was not clear to me after reading how any kind of external linking should be handled (or if it even needed to be) 2020-12-02T20:26:39 #kisslinux i wonder how much overlap V vs pijul's model is 2020-12-02T20:27:04 #kisslinux ominous_anonymou my impression was you filter based on WoT the patchsets you subscribe to 2020-12-02T20:27:30 #kisslinux if those patchsets depend on sub-patchsets from people you have not yet trusted, there needs to be some traversal? 2020-12-02T20:27:53 #kisslinux or every patchset contains the entirity of dependencies signed off by that person? kinda like how golang works? 2020-12-02T20:29:19 #kisslinux https://pijul.org/model/ this does sound similar 2020-12-02T20:29:24 #kisslinux "In Pijul, the state of a repository is exactly the (non-ordered) set of patches that were applied to it since its creation. Therefore, from a conceptual point of view, branching just means creating new patches."