1. re: Dr Who. Heard it was crap. Much better than expected for a /silly children's/ show. Good special effects. Didn't mind the Dr. Detest the rage-bait reporting surrounding it.
2. re: Rings of Power teaser trailer. Could be worse, but there's no way to save it after S01, which was like S08 of Game of Thrones, an almost complete disaster. The actor playing Sauron is too rugged to play Anatuur, the most beautiful elf ever. Looks like like an SNL parody. [Rant deleted]
I'm dreading the questionable Tolkein content coming out. I'm especially disappointed in Andy Serkis for signing on to do a practically non-existent Gollum story.
Shouldn't care. Barely do. Thanks "creatives".
1 week ago ยท ๐ half_elf_monk
@morgan @n2qfd They're referring to the newest reboot of Doctor Who, which just started. ยท 1 week ago
Same question, which Doctor Who? :)
Some of the reboot was great, but some was definitely ... not. Which goes for the original, too, I guess :)
The first season of the reboot is a great place to start. ยท 1 week ago
@breakfast_champion where'd you start with Dr. Who? The old B&W or contemporary? They say you never forget your 1st Dr. and mine was Tom Baker. So many gravelpits... Still pretty formative as a kid. ยท 1 week ago